The Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

The Guardian Angel

September 3, 2010
By BaileyLovessYou BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
BaileyLovessYou BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available." ~Jim Beggs

“But, Gabrielle” Said Matthew

“No, Matthew. You know we cannot be together. I mustn’t, it’s forbidden.” Said Gabrielle.
They were surrounded by white, the light screaming through the glistening clouds. Gabrielle’s wings were sparkling in the sunlight, her long brunette hair shining by every strand. Her bright green eyes, deep as luscious emerald grass. Gabrielle’s beauty was immense; she made all the other angels envious.
Matthew, his blonde hair perfectly combed. His eyes as blue as glaciers in Antarctica; His wings, slowly tearing apart.

“He knows what is going on, that is why your wings are fading. You’ll be sent back down to Earth.” Said Gabrielle

“I do not care what he thinks anymore, I love you Gabrielle, and I cannot deny that anymore.” Replied Matthew.

“I cannot do this, I am sorry.” She finalized.
Suddenly, he started crying out in agony, as his wings were slowly crumbling. He clutched his chest, starting to fall through the clouds, back down to Earth.

His last words were, “I will love you always, Gabrielle.” Then Matthew was gone.
She fought back tears, her heart crying. She kept herself composed as he appeared out of nowhere.

“You have realized he sinned. I did what had to be done.”

“Yes. I understand.” Said Gabrielle, composing herself.

“Maybe one day you shall be with him, but we need you here.”
She found herself thinking for a minute. Was it worth it? Was she going to say what needed to be said? Was she going to deny her true feelings? Maybe there was somewhere out.

“I want to become a guardian angel.” Gabrielle said

“I see. But we need you in the council. It would be a downfall losing you.”

“I think that maybe my feelings were stronger than anticipated. Of course, I do not show them, but nor can I deny them. The only way is to become a guardian angel.” She said; Her mind set on what she wanted.

“But you do recall the what happens. You shall not remember what has happened here above.”

“Yes. But I am certain. If it is not he, I shall still have a purpose to stay. The person I am guarding. I have thought long and hard about this, and I am sure that I want to do this.” Gabrielle said to him.

“It shall be done then.”
He sent her down to Earth being the guardian angel of a down falling teenager named, ‘Maria Ahojski.’ She was going down a dark path, and Gabrielle was about to change that.
~Three Years Later~
Gabrielle and Maria were walking down to a local sidewalk café, laughing and joking, giggling and smiling. Just like they were best friends. Gabrielle abruptly stopped, her smile vanishing instantly as she store at her dear Matthew sitting alone sipping his coffee outside on the terrace.

“There he is.” Gabrielle said.
She had found her ‘one.’

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my amazing best friend Alissa. It's about angels being in love, and he giving up everything to confess his love. I hope you enjoy!

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