Beyond the Horizon | Teen Ink

Beyond the Horizon

December 20, 2012
By Joelle Wilson BRONZE, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Joelle Wilson BRONZE, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's the feeling where sparks fly across my chest and the wind becomes stronger in my nose, raging in and out. My heart beat flying so fast and my hand gripped like crazy glue because nervousness has just shocked through my veins. It's about to happen. The wind was getting heavier though the atomoshpere was lighter up top. Heart pumping out as much blood as possible in the amount of minutes before we would be facing life and death. I looked over at Alan. His silvery green eyes are filled with fear; yet excitement was plain in his stance then suddenly he looked over at me and took notice of my expression.

"Casey we don't have to do this if you don't want to, you look seriously scared right now," He said.

I shallowed hard then a sudden peace filled through. Flashback came. Alan and I were standing under the pale moon on our first date, when he said this to me, "Love doesn't end here, it keeps going on forever; it's like the sky, it expands beyond what the eyes can see."

He was still looking at me, waiting for response to what he said before.

I took a deep breath and said, "No God is with us and besides 'Love doesn't end here, it keeps going on forever; it's like the sky, it expands beyond what the eyes can see.'

Alan just looked at me completely expressionless at first and then his face turned in an expression of awe.

"Casey..." was all he could say at that moment.

It was this moment that everything clicked. Those words actually sunk in. We were testing out love; we were going to fall into the expanse of the sunny blue skies off the east cost of California. Fall in a horizon that continues on forever and ever beyond what eyes could see.

"Ready?" I asked Alan.

"Always." He responded.

We jumped out and into the horizon we soared.

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