February 7, 2013
By Rachelrow BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Rachelrow BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last Day of Junior Year: May 23, 2013

Today was finally the last day of physics class and the last time I was forced to step foot into Mr. Adam's classroom. I was so done with school and officially finished with junior year. I was ready to be a senior and ready to spend the summer with my family at our beach house off the coast of Santa Cruz.

I love being at the beach where the wind blows through my hair and the smell of salt consumes me as the water splashes along the sandy shores. I like to collect the seashells that wash up onto the beach, build sand castles with Hannah and tan of course. More importantly, I love to be where I can surf...leisurely which is obvious when I'm on the water because I fall quite often and can't do any tricks. I am definitely nowhere close to being in a competition, it's just a hobby that never gets old to me. The beach is pretty much my safe haven, a place where I can be myself. Somewhere I can be in the direct sunlight all day and watch it glisten on the blue water.

We leave home in ten days and will be gone for the entire summer. I still have to pack clothes for like a year it feels like. I plan to hang out with my friends and tell them goodbye before I leave. I hope this summer I am able to keep in touch with my friends because I am going to miss them so much. I am excited to see my friend Claire though who lives in one one the houses on the beach where ours is. We are always together on the beach and at the boardwalk. We have a lot of fun together. Her brother Max likes to hang out with Hannah and since we have siblings the same age we tend to do a lot of things together with them.

I should probably go to the book store and get my summer reading books before they are all gone. Just kidding, they won't be out of stock because they are those Barnes & Noble Classics that nobody even reads besides the kids who go to school and are forced to read and over analyze for some kind of project. Also I think I am going to run to Victoria's Secret and Bora Bora to see if I can find some cute bathing suits to bring with me.

I'll write more later...

XOXO, Sarah

First Day at the Beach: June 3, 2013

Yesterday we arrived at the beach after a long day of traveling. Today is the first day we get to enjoy the beach! This morning I woke up bright and early so that I would get a prime spot on the beach with no umbrellas blocking the view of the beautiful blue water dancing in the sun. Today the seagulls were out and the air was extra fresh. The day was beautiful along with a boy that I spotted surfing. I wanted to grab my board off the porch and join him, but I wasn't as good as Chelsea. I used to be the best surfer on the water when I was younger, but because I am not at the beach as much as Chelsea, she became extremely good and a lot more advanced than I am. I was nervous he would have thought I was ugly, weird or not a good surfer so I just watched him from my beach towel in the sand. Hopefully one day I will gain enough courage to talk to him, but for now I will just lay basking in the sun and wait to make my first move.

XOXO, Sarah

Haven't Written in Forever: June 19, 2013

I have been at the beach for a while now. The weather has been absolutely beautiful, but the water is ice cold so I always have to wear my wet suit when I go surfing. I haven't been riding the waves as much as I did last summer. I think it is partially because of the fact that I am not good anymore and I don't like how Chelsea constantly brags about how she is better than me now. I still see that guy out on the water and he still looks gorgeous. I haven't made my move yet, but hopefully soon I will talk to him.

That's all for now,

XOXO, Sarah

Today is My Birthday!: June 28, 2013

I am turning 17 today! One more year until freedom! I am spending time today at the beach with my family. It feels wonderful laying on the beach today and feeling my skin start to get hot. This way I know that the sun is giving me the perfect tan.
~ ~ ~

I decided to take a walk on the beach and collect sea shells and be alone for a little while. While I was walking, the boy that I have been watching from afar for almost a month came up to me and introduced himself. He asked me what my name is, where I am from and if he could join me on my walk along the beach. His name was Tucker and he had the most beautiful hazel eyes and dirty blond hair. The first thing I noticed after that was his surf board. I asked him if he liked to surf and he told me that he's seen me watching him. How embarrassing. We got on the topic of surfing and I almost bragged about how I was this amazing surfer, but I decided to tell him the truth about how I didn't like to surf anymore because I didn't think I was any good. He said that he has also seen me surf and that he thought I was awesome.

We continued walking and spotted a silver hand mirror buried in the sand. I picked it up, wiped the sand off the glass and looked into the mirror saying, "Eww, I look horrible." Tucker told me to look into the mirror again and when I did he said, "You look beautiful and are an amazing surfer."
~ ~ ~

My birthday didn't end like that, but I did spend more time with Tucker after that. He took me to the boardwalk and it felt so special being there with someone who thought I was pretty and a good surfer and actually good enough. He bought me ice cream and we played games and rode the roller coasters, everything that people do in those cheesy romantic comedies.

I could honestly say this was the best birthday I've had so far. I got to spend it with my family and with someone who accepted me for who I was. Now it is time for some much needed rest for a day of surfing tomorrow with Tucker.

Until next time...

XOXO, Sarah

Fourth of July: July 4, 2013

Tonight was AHMAZING! I was with my family and Tucker, there were fireworks on the beach and there was a kiss!!! In the middle of the firework show Tucker kissed me. I thought my mom was going to be mad, but she was happy that I found someone that made me feel so happy. It was a long day so I am going to get some beauty rest.

XOXO, Sarah

Lovin' the Beach: July 20, 2013

I have been surfing so much more now compared to the beginning of the summer. I have improved believe it or not thanks to Tucker's help and pointers. He even taught me a new trick the other day, but I haven't mastered it yet...still practicing. It is really hard. Going back to school is quickly approaching and I am trying to make the best of the time I have still have left at the beach.

XOXO, Sarah

Leaving the Beach: August 1, 2013

Today was one of the hardest days of my life...saying goodbye to Tucker. I am so grateful for him. He made me feel like I was a good enough surfer and like I was a good enough girl to be liked by someone like him. He he helped me gain my self confidence back and I will be forever thankful for that. I am never letting anyone bring be down again and make me think that I can't do something.

I will never forget this summer. I never thought I would learn so much about myself, but I am so glad I did. Now when I go back to school, I can make the best of my SENIOR YEAR! I am so excited! Hopefully Tucker and I will stay in touch and remain friends even as the new school year begins.

? out summer 2013,

XOXO, Sarah

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