Unscripted Love | Teen Ink

Unscripted Love

March 21, 2013
By Iris schaitkin BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Iris schaitkin BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"and then she looked deep into his big blue eyes and kissed him, and they lived happily ever after". THE END

"HUMPH" she exclaimed. "Another story, another happy ending" she thought to herself. She shuffled through the pages one more time to stare longingly at the detailed pictures. "What a nice story" she mumbled. It was a typical princess story though, but the best kind. The kind where everything works out, where problems don't seem so big and the bad guy always loses. Eve wasn't a princess, but she knew how her fairytale would go. She wanted the whole picture. Boy meets girl, boy slays dragon, boy and girl ride off into sunset. It didn't seem that complicated to her. She didn't want anything fancy, just a boy and her cat Weazle, and of course her best friend Lidia. Lidia was everything she had ever wanted to be. She did well in school, she was pretty and people liked her. They had been best friends since preschool when Eve threw a block at her head and and they started laughing. Lidia had to get stitches, but from that moment, they were inseparable. Lidia had long brown hair and freckles ( that only Eve knew about because Lidia covered them up because she was embarrassed). Eve sat dreaming of the day when her prince would come and take her away from here. And this is where our story begins.

Once upon a time it was summertime in Chicago, and Eve was pouting on her bed. Her eyes were fixed on the daisy wallpaper that she loved to hate, her arms crossed as she chewed on her lip. She had been grounded for so long now. Its rather unimportant to mention what she did, since she was grounded so often she hardly knew. She felt like a princess in a tower. But she had a little window that she liked to stare out from time to time. Sometimes Lidia would stand at the bottom and shout cuss words up at Eve until she laughed or until someone yelled at Lidia to shuttup. Sometimes Eric, the boy who was going to be her prince charming would walk by. She'd wave enthusiastically and he'd smile that smile that made her heart melt. She was sure he felt the same way, he always made her cd's and walked her to Biology room 110 back when school was in session. She had liked that class, only because he used to walk her to it, and because it was the only class she had with Lidia. She got up from her tiny bed restlessly and went to the window. It was three o'clock, Eric walked by at the same time every day. Today he winked. She felt her heart sigh, then remembered that winking only meant that you closed one eye and left the other open, a stupid feat to fuss over.
Enough was enough, this latest book had made her more impatient than ever for her fairytale to start. Maybe today was the day Eric was going to rescue her from her tower and they were going to live happily ever after. She called Lidia "Lidia, today, I am going to tell Eric...ya know. Get up and put your nice converse on, not the ones with holes in the toes. Grab a jacket, but not the one that's all prissy, yes the gray one. DONT spend twenty minutes fixing your hair. Go find Eric and tell him you have surprise for him. Bring him to my apartment and leave him there. I'll take care of the rest" and she hung up. Eve had butterflies. They flew up and down her stomach like they were running away from each other. Her long messy hair looked like a pile of scrambled eggs. She tied it up with a bow in the back, just like Lidia always did so elegantly. "I look like you Weazle, a prissy furry cat." she huffed at the cat on top of the dressor. "Adios Weazle, I'm off to permanently embarrass myself".
Time rapidly sped up, racing into something she wasn't ready for. Before she could remember what was happening the door bell rang. She went to the door, of course Lidia was still standing there, clueless as usual. Nervous, she made them both come in. Lidia sat by herself on the couch, and Eve took Eric upstairs. Just then Eve's stepmom Karen got home. She was the dragon in this fairytale. Ever since Eve's mother had died a couple of years ago, her dad traveled a lot. He was never home so he didn't really know how evil his new wife really was. She wasn't your typical evil stepmother. She was bitter and cruel, and even looked mean. She had dirty blonde hair and red nails that pointed and curled up as she talked When she got home she always made a big fuss, and when Eve heard her she knew she was in deep deep trouble. Grounded again, no phone, locked in this stupid tower forever. She sat on the edge of her bed and started to cry, silent tears. Before Eric could even rush to her side, Karen was in her room, screaming at Eve. "I have never met someone so disobedient in my entire life! Don't you have any sense of dignity? You vile, nasty slut! Grounded for two more weeks! Is that what you want? Your whole summer gone? I find you alone with a boy! Wait until your father hears! Disgrace!" Karen screamed.
"ENOUGH!" screamed Lidia. "I am tired of you bullying her. You dont even know her! You just yell and scream and what for!? Get out of this house! GET OUT!" and Lidia chased her all the way out of house yelling and screaming as she went.
"I am NEVER coming back! I am done with you! I hate you! I hate this house! AHHHHH!" Karen yelled all the way until she reached the streets.

Hm. Wait, Lidia had defeated the dragon, not Eric. This wasn't how the storybook said it should happen. Boy meets girl, boy beats dragon, boy and girl ride off into sunset. What was happening? There wasn't even a sunset outside! Eric then began to spout words, words of his "love". But they didnt mean anything to Eve. She sat there on her bed completely fixated on Lidia. Lidia had defeated the dragon. She ran over to Lidia and kissed her.
"Im so glad you did that" said Lidia. Eve didn't love Eric, she loved Lidia. She wasn't some stereotypical story that had a beginning and end, she was a story that was still writing itself. A book couldn't describe her feelings, or control her actions. She hugged Lidia with relief. It was a long hug that seemed to explain years of feelings. This was her happy ending, she was with the person she loved, the dragon was gone and she was happy. Society couldn't tell her how to be happy we as people have to figure that out on our own. She gazed at Lidia and smiled to herself, everything was right. And they lived happily ever after. THE END

The author's comments:
Love has no script.

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