Love never fails | Teen Ink

Love never fails

May 17, 2013
By imperfectlyperfectxoxo BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
imperfectlyperfectxoxo BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stomping of Dr. Steve’s tan leather shoes hit against the hospital floor as he was approaching Room 312 down the hall. As his hand reached out for the doorknob he heard the girl crying and made out the words “OH MY GOSH! BABE, YOU’RE ALIVE!” Dr. Steve opened the door and found that the once lifeless teenage boy was active. He was no longer stretched out on the slab of the hospital’s morgue. He was sitting straight up embracing the girl. You might wonder what happened. How did the teenage boy came back to life? How did he even die? Let’s start from the beginning. Sarah and Michael was a couple who had been dating for 2 years. The two were going home from the movies after watching The Vow together on the night of their anniversary. They both were spending the night away in Michael’s car together.
“Hey Michael…We’re going to be forever right?”
Michael replied with a kiss on her cheek, “Forever and always babe. Despite the walls you build up, I’m here. You will never be on your own.”
“I love you baby.”
“I’ll always love you more.” He then took her delicate face up in his hands. “I will never let you go.” He gently touched her cheek before he kissed her passionately on the lips.
However, Sara and Michael never noticed that their car was parked too close to the street than the sidewalk. That was the last kiss they would ever have together because, at that moment, the worst thing happened. A truck was hurtling toward them and collapsed into their car. The wreck ruined their lives dramatically. After the wreck, their car was damaged and impaired. The ambulance quickly approached the accident and carried Michael and Sarah to the hospital. After the wreck, it turned out that Sarah was okay-with a few bruises and broken ribs-but…….Michael wasn’t as lucky. Sarah’s blotchy purple discolorations covered her face and body from the accident. Later that night, Sarah waited for the doctor’s report on Michael. The doctors soon informed her that Michael was fine and that she could leave. She refused to leave without Michael. She asked the doctor if she could go inside and stay with Michael. The doctor agreed and directed her to his room. When she saw him, he didn’t look fine. He looked like he was going to die. Michael had a broken leg and ribs with scars all over his body. There was a deep, long scar that stretched from his neck to the end of his vertebrate. His breathing was shallow. Sarah looked at the monitor’s screen and saw that his heartbeat and pulse was slow. She sat down on the chair and stayed with him hoping he would recover from the pain. The next morning, Sarah woke up but Michael wasn’t in his bed. She panicked and ran out of the room.
She ran into the nurse and asked her “Do you know where my boyfriend Michael is by any chance?”
She answered “Just go to the waiting room and the doctor will be with you shortly.”
“Just go please Miss.”
So Sarah obeyed the nurse and sat in the waiting room. She waited for hours hoping the doctor would inform her about Michael soon. She kept touching the heart pendant that Michael had given her the first year they started dating.
“It’s such a consequence the exact same thing happened to us as it did to the couple in The Vow.” A tear slipped down her face. “I can’t lose you now Michael. My world is nothing without you. Please let him live God. Please.”
Finally, the doctor showed up. He informed Sarah that Michael wasn’t going to make it. Her eyes got watery. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. Tears slowly started dripping down her face. She carefully took her arm and wiped the tear away, but that only made it more disastrous, causing her to break down sobbing in the middle of the waiting room.
She asked the doctor, “C-Can I S-See my boyfriend one more time?”
He replied “Of course Sarah. It’s Room 312. Go straight. It’s the second door on the left. Take as much time as you need.”
“Thank you very much doctor.”
She paced down the hall, walking as quickly as she could. She finally got to Michael’s room. He laid flat on the slab in a hospital’s morgue. She viewed back on his screen. He had no pulse and his heartbeat was gone. He was truly dead. She cried out morosely. She wanted to die. She loved Michael with her life, but he had died from that stupid accident. She wished that accident never happened. She sobbed over Michael’s body.
“I-I thought you said you w-would be there for me f-forever. D-don’t leave me.”
After two straight hours of crying, she knew what she had to do. She had to let him go.
She softly whispered “Goodbye Michael. I love you”
And she kissed her boyfriend’s corpse before standing up. Sarah was about to turn the doorknob handle when, suddenly, Michael blue-green eyes flashed open. His heart started beating again. He had a pulse again. He was alive. Sarah sprinted over to Michael. She had tears of happiness splashing out of her eyes. Michael and Sarah embraced other warmly when Dr. Steve walked in the room. Sarah had brought Michael back to life with just a kiss of true love. The doctors still have no idea how it had happened, but a message was learned from this miracle. Love always wins in the end even with it looks impossible. Never give up on love, because it will always win the battle.

The author's comments:
I love romance stories so I guess I decided to write my own. It's not amazing, but this was only the beginning.

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