Greggs Story | Teen Ink

Greggs Story

May 23, 2013
By Aaron Alexander BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Aaron Alexander BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His name is Gregg Tenpenny. All his life young Gregg has always played by the rules. He has never ever done anything wrong and is the type of guy that would stay up all night worrying about young starving children in Africa. He always tipped when he ate at restaurants even when he ate at Mcdonalds. Gregg is right now a recent college graduate of Delaware State. In college young Gregg studied Advertising and business management and is very eager to start a career. However he has one secret that is haunting him every day.

Young Gregg is carrying the burden of the fact that he did not do as well as he really wanted to do while in college. Gregg takes pride in the fact that he has always followed the rules and did the best that he could his whole life. However when he got to college he slacked off and developed a bit of an addiction to shopping and playing video games all night long so his grades suffered for it.He has a ton of regret and doesn't know how to deal with all of his personal shame. Sure he graduated and got his degree, but without any academic honors he feels incomplete every single day of his life.

After college was pver with Gregg started working part-time at a local grocery store. While working at the grocery Gregg searches for his dream job which would be in advertising. So far Gregg has no luck but he has a lot of hope and ambition, though so he is sure everything is gonna work out. One night while hanging out alone at a late night dance club alone (because Gregg doesn't have any real friends yet) Gregg notices a pretty young girl that he would like to date and follow the rules with. So young Gregg then goes and introduces himself and the two hit it off and begin dating.

After two years of being in a relationship. Young Gregg and young Linda decide that they are deep deep in love and decide to get married. The love that the two of them have is something that Young Gregg has neveer ever felt before. Gregg was always the the of dude who loved and respected everybody he came across. This was his both his best and worse quality, as one could maybe imagine. Yes Gregg always followed the rules but he always looked at life in a different way than most people. He always thought outside of the box so he would easily get judged and ridiculed by those who thought inside of them. THis made Gregg shy as an adult, however when he was with Linda he would forget all about how he was teased and he felt great. Being in love made Gregg feel like he had superpowers. LInda was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. She understood Gregg, and thought the way that he thought outside the box and also was a really good person was a rare quality and Gregg was a gem in the human race of today. She loved him and he loved her very very much. Together they were unstoppable .

With his newfound romance Gregg is now completly ready to move on and up in life and leave the guilt he felt because of his poor academic past behind. Linda made Gregg want to live. She was the physical manefestation of Greggs personal motivation to become everything that he could be. It worked for him. Linda already has her dream career as a real estate agent. The way she was living out heer dreams was incredible to young Gregg. She pushes him to chase his dreams and become an advertising executive. Six months into their marriage and the birth of their first child Phillip Greggs job at the advertising agency really takes off and Gregg recieves a promotion. Now everyday instead of waking up and feeling upset about his past, Gregg now wakes up and kisses his beautiful wife goodmorning, fix his son breakfast and go out and live his dream. Love has truly changed his life for the better.

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