To all the Ex's | Teen Ink

To all the Ex's

May 20, 2013
By annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To all the Ex's

To the party Paul’s, sleazy Sam’s, non-committed Nate’s, cheap Charlie’s and any other ex-boyfriends; here’s a shout out from me to you.

Party Paul- your typical frat guy, always looking to score, a drink in his hand at all times.

Partying is only one aspect of life, and not a very big one at all. To have this stupid high-school game consume your life is such a waste. Maybe taking one second to put your drink down, hold your girlfriends hand, look her in the eyes and whisper, “you look really pretty tonight”, would save you from the cold slap in the face from being single.

Sleazy Sam/non-committed Nate’s- Plans are only to be made within a 24-hour period, friends are at the top of the priority list, and texting is too much of a pain.

Why have a girlfriend if you can’t even commit?

Guys will never realize that one phone call, voicemail, or text can make or break a day. Being in a relationship holds a lot of responsibility. Responsibility that they choose to take on. Girls love having plans 5 nights before they happen, surprise flowers on a rainy Tuesday morning, or even random texts reminding us how much you love us. If you guys don’t want to be with the one who loves you most, why suffer with them at all?

Cheap Charlie- leaves in the middle of the movie to fill the large bottomless bag of popcorn, keeps a pen handy to dived the check at the end of the night, and even points out you ate most of the calamari.

Through most girls minds it’s never about the money. I speak on my own behalf its not about what you give, it’s about how you make us girls feel. Where not asking for expensive meals every weekend and diamonds on the run, but an anniversary dinner every month and a $2.99 Valentines Day card wouldn’t be to bad. Spending money on the ones you love is better then letting it sit there rotting in some bank vault.

The final tips- don’t be “that” guy.

Everyone is allowed a bad day here and there, sometimes us girls just need some space. Stop thinking where always with other guys when where not with you, we have are own lives too. Stop complaining about you job, just take action. Get to the gym if you hate your body and want that 6-pack. Even more over, stop complaining on how you think my friends hate you; just make an effort on winning them over.

I’m not saying all ex-boyfriends are bad because ex-girlfriends have their share of problems too.
All I'm saying is ex-boyfriends are really annoying.

Much love,
Just another girlfriend.

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