The Kiss That Has Awoke The Spell | Teen Ink

The Kiss That Has Awoke The Spell

October 18, 2013
By Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Let The Fear of Striking Keep You From Playing the Game"

Once Upon A Time…. There lived a young, beautiful girl who had big dreams for herself. Her father always had said “Follow your dreams, you can do anything my little princess!” One day he married this terrible women. He never knew how she would treat his little princess Tatiana. His new wife was a mean and terrible women she always made Tatiana work like a slave. She was only 8 years old at the time. Then, years passed as the family grew older and when Tatiana was 14, her father passed of poison found in his drink. Who would do this? Everyone wondered and then Tatiana finally speaks up and tells everyone that her stepmother had killed him. Her stepmother was appalled at Tatiana. But, Tatiana was right she had evidence and everything. She put her stepmother away for life, she had the death penalty!
It was years passed when Tatiana finally turned 18, she fell in love with a fellow prince his name was Prince Matthew a very nice, and kindhearted gentleman. He saw Tatiana and mistaken her for a princess when really she was a peasant. He thought she was the most beautiful lady in the kingdom. Matthew thought of speaking to Tatiana and he did. She was stunned that a man actually talked to her. Matthew complimented her in various ways. Her favorite was when he said to her “The most prettiest sunset does not compare to your beauty!” They rode off into the sunset and had an afternoon picnic to watch the sunset on the horizon on the outskirts of the kingdom. He returned her home safely and said unto her “ I will be back tomorrow my most beautiful lady!” She smirked with blush in her cheeks.

That night someone had sneaked into her house and put her to sleep and she was unconscious. The next morning Prince matthew arrived that morning at the crack of dawn and arrived and stood at her doorway and said “Are you awake my lady?” He had no response he stormed in and seen her passed out on the floor! His first thought was to awake her with a kiss. He did. She had awoken and his eyes watered with excitement! She and him rode out into the sunset and lived happily ever after!

The author's comments:
This is based off of two fairytale stories: Cinderella and Snow White these were my favorite stories. But they are not the same my story has some additional feelings and phrases.

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