The Kiss | Teen Ink

The Kiss

November 7, 2013
By Gabriela Uribe BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Gabriela Uribe BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Kiss

There they were at the party that everyone got invited to. They never left each other the cutest couple there. The couple that everyone was jealous at. They never seemed mad at each other. At the party everyone saw them drink and drink and also have a great time.
“Baby I love you.” He said happily
“I love you too. Now lets go have some fun. I’m in a great mood.”
“I agree with you.”

So they left each other to go have some fun with their friends. Penelope with her girls and Leonel with his boys. They all danced and had a great time, they also kept drinking. Clock hit 2:30 am Penelope had to be home before 3:00 am.

“Leonel where are you! Leonel!” she screamed as one of her friends said he saw him outside with another friend. She walked out and told Leonel
“Babe it’s time to go.” He responded, “Alright let me say bye and we’ll leave.”
“Okay I’ll do the same.”

They both said bye to their friends once they left they were walking very sloppy almost tripping themselves. They laughed at each other because they almost fell down together. For a moment they didn’t remember where they parked the car.
“Penelope where did we park I really don’t remember.” Leonel said laughing
“How can’t you remember? I always pay attention, oh my god!”
“Alright if you paid attention then where is the car?”

Laughing and with a smirk on her face Penelope answered “To be honest I really don’t remember either!”
“I knew it!”

For a couple minutes they went around looking for the car. Eventually they found it and got in, he started the engine.
"Babe are you okay to drive?" she asked worried.
"Yes I’m fine I can see good."
"Positive?" she asked
"Yes I know what I’m doing!"

They took off and started to head home.
"Did you have fun tonight? She asked
"I actually did. Some days I don't then there's days like these that I do have fun," he told her as he continued to talk about the party. "They played good music this time. The drinks and snacks were amazing. Did you try them?"
" I didn't try the snacks just the drinks, what kind did they have?"
"Oh some great mini sandwiches and chips with salsa." she looked at him and smiled
"Thank you for brining me with you baby I had lots of fun." she told him as they both leaned in for a kiss. After that kiss they kissed again.
"Oh my god I love this song!" she yelled as she turned up the volume Penelope starts to dance in the car to the song. Leonel just stared at her. He really realized how happy he is with her. As she kept dancing in the car. Once the song was about to finish they looked at each other and kissed one last time. When they kissed both took eyes off the road and when they did, BAM! They crashed into a truck. None of them heard the truck honking its horn because the music was too loud.
"Hello.. Hello.. Are you guys alright?" the truck driver asked
"NO! Call 911 please I can't feel my legs and my girlfriend isn't responding!" yelled Leonel
"What! Okay hold on mi. calling. Keep talking to her! Call her name."
"Penelope, answer me baby! Penelope!" he yelled as the ambulance took to get there

Once the paramedics got there they asked all sorts of questions to Leonel.
"How did it happen? Did you not see the truck? What were you thinking?
"I DONT KNOW it all happened so fast!" Leonel shouted in anger

When they got to the hospital. They took Leonel down on a wheelchair and right behind him Penelope in a bed. They had to be taken to the ER. Leonel was fine and his legs were back to normal. He could walk and everything. Penelope that was a different story she was extremely hurt. She had hits on her head, legs and on her back. They fixed everything so she was okay. Once she was in her room Leonel went in to see her.

" I love you so much babe" he expressed himself when she opened her eyes to see him she fainted because of that injury in her head. The doctors only stitched up the cut but didn’t know that she was hurt in the inside. She fainted and didn't wake up. The doctors took Leonel out of her room. Leonel was waiting in the room where time goes by so slow and you only receive bad news. Once the doctors came out they told him that his girlfriend had hit coma.
"What! Coma?" he cried
"Yes we are sorry to inform you."
"How could this be? She was perfectly fine I don’t understand. All this is my fault." he continued to talk to himself. Complaining about how he shouldn't have drank. That he loved her so much that nothing will ever get in between them.

A year passed by Penelope was still in coma. One night that Lionel’s reading a note he once wrote to her she woke up. Searching for air as if she was being drowned then let out for air
"Who are you?" she yelled
"I’m your boyfriend don’t you remember me?" he asked sadly
"No leave please! Leave me alone!" she started to yell louder as doctors came in.
"Sir leave us alone for a moment.” they told him. The doctors explained to her what happened through out the time she was out. She still was scared but wanted to talk to Leonel
"Hey you called me?" he questioned her
" Yes if you say I’m your girlfriend then tell me how we met?" she asked
"Alright I can do that."

Leonel started to explain how they met. From the very first day to their six months to their year and to their year and a half of them being together. Once he got to their year and a half she cut in the story he was telling her.

"In that date you took me to the beach for a dinner on a boat?" she asked after long hours of telling the story he was surprised she remembered

"You remeber! You remember! I can't believe it! Yes we went on a boat and had dinner we also stopped and swam with dolphins that day!"

"Oh me. Yes I remember. Leonel the love of my life! I love you!" she said happily. He got up from the chair he was in and ran up to her bed. They waited until she was all better so they could leave the hospital. They were together for one more year and then he proposed to her in a way a girl could ever dream of getting proposed too. She said, " Yes I want to marry you love"

The day of the wedding came and you heard her say " I do" then he said, "I do."

They are now married and are extremely happy and have forgotten about that horrible accident they both had years ago.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this story was because one day i was talking to my boyfriend and i asked "Would you stay with me if i went into coma one day? he responded "Yes i would until you woke up."

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