Bringing Home Marie | Teen Ink

Bringing Home Marie

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

A small town in New Mexico lived the Ortiz family. The men in the Ortiz family were known for their impeccable taste in Latino women. All the men had gorgeous wives with dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, a body full of curves, and were great cooks. Pedro Ortiz was next in line to find him a beautiful Latino woman like all the other men in his family.

Rosie answers the phone,” Bueno this is Rosie Ortiz”.

“Ama es Pedro”, he responded.

With excitement in her voice she screams,”Pedro mi boy, como eastas mijo? When am I going to meet the wonderful chica you’ve been telling about? Her names Marie, right?”

“I’m good mama, you’ll meet her soon. Yes, her name is Marie and she is excited to meet the family”, explained Pedro.

“Well I can’t wait to meet her, but I have to go now. I have food on the stove, Adios”. Rosie hangs the phone up as she continues to cook.
It was getting close to Christmas and Pedro was preparing to return home from college for his break. He had been telling his family about a girl he has met named Marie. Since the family was so eager to meet her, he decides it would be a good idea to bring her home with him for Christmas.
The phone rings, George picks up the phone and says” Hola this George Ortiz”.
“Apa, it’s Pedro. It’s almost time for my break so I will be home soon, and I am bringing Marie with me.” Pedro replies.
“Mi hijo, that is great, your mother tells your brother and I you say she is nina bonita.”George chuckles.
“Yes, Papa, she is very beautiful. In fact, she is with me now. Would you like to speak to her?” Pedro asked.
“Oh, sure”. George responded.
The two are sitting next each other; Pedro passes the phone to Marie. “Hola soy Marie. Es un placer para finalmente hablar con usted!” Marie.
“Hola, I know who you are. Pedro has told our family all about you. I can’t wait to finally see you in person Pedro says you are a nina bonita. He talks about you all the time. You know he has never had a girlfriend?” Says George.

As Pedro’s face begins to redden from embarrassment, he grabs the phone from Marie and says, “Adios apa, we have to go now.” Pedro hangs up.
A few weeks later, Pedro and Marie where on a plane headed to New Mexico. Pedro could tell that Marie was nervous. She had a billion questions running through her head. Pedro tried to calm her down but it was no use. She just wanted be liked by his family.
“Pedro, what if they don’t like me?” Marie asked, “what if I’m not what they expect?”
“Don’t worry about anything, you’ll be fine.” He promised as he kissed her on the forehead.
Pedro and Marie had arrived to the airport. When the couple got off the plane, Marie had to go to the bathroom. While Marie was in the bathroom, Pedro had seen his family. He ran up to his mother and father and gave them a hug. He jokingly punched his little brother in the arm.
“Well where is she!” George asked with a confused look on his face.
Rosie, as she pointed to a random women in the airport, says “Oh, George she’s right there can’t you see her. She’s the one with the dark brown hair and the curvaceous…”
“No mom that’s not her, this is Marie.” Pedro explains as Marie walks up to greet the Ortiz family. “This is the nina bonita I’ve been telling you all about.” Pedro looks at Marie and gives her a kiss on the lips.
In front of the Ortiz family stood a tall, scrawny girl with shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She was a white girl and the family just stood there in shock. She was nothing they had expected. In fact she wasn’t even close.
After ten minutes of the five of them just standing there in silence, Pedro insisted “Apa, say something.”
Still in shock, George says “Wow, I didn’t imagine you’d look like… like … like that!”
Rosie nudges George in the arm and orders him to help put the couple’s bags in the car. With the reaction Marie had gotten from the family, she could tell she was a disappointment. When the family had arrived to the house, Pedro and Marie had gone up stairs to wash up and get settled in. While alone in the room, the two began to talk about what happened at the airport.
“I told you they wouldn’t like me!” cries Marie as she sits on the edge of the bed with her face lying in her hands. Pedro sits next to her and rubs her back.
“I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t think they’d act like that. And to be honest, I don’t care if they don’t like you, because I love you.” Pedro pulls Marie’s face from her hands and plants a gentle kiss on her lips.
Meanwhile downstairs, Rosie is angry with George for what was said at the airport. She felt he should apologize to Pedro. So Rosie calls Marie downstairs to help her prepare dinner while the men talk.
“Marie, come in the kitchen and help me prepare dinner” Rosie insisted.
“Okay!” Marie yells downstairs as she wipes her face and rushes down into the kitchen.
While the women were in the kitchen, George went upstairs and sat in the room with Pedro. George could tell his son was mad from what happened earlier at the airport.
George began to apologize “Hijo, I’m sorry for the way I acted, we just expected her to be different…”
“What did you expect her to be? Huh? Did you expect her to be Latino?” Pedro asked in anger.
“Hijo, yes, I did. But she spoke Spanish on the phone, so I just assumed she was.
And I was wrong to think that.” George explained.
“I understand, Dad. I just want you guys to make her feel comfortable while we are in town,” Pedro mumbles, “oh I also have an announcement to make after dinner.”
“Well, I sure can’t wait to hear it,” George said.
“Dinner is ready!” Rosie screamed.
At the dinner table Marie and the family were enjoying themselves. They were getting to know Marie and starting to warm up to her. Pedro was so happy to see his girlfriend and his family finally getting along. This is how he imagined the trip and it was going so well that he thought it was a good timed to make the announcement.
Pedro picks up his spoon and taps his glass to get everyone’s attention. “I have an announcement to make.” Pedro grabs Marie’s hands and looks into her eyes and says, “I am in love with you. I was so excited to show you off to my family so they can finally meet the girl that has been making their son happy. And no matter how my family feels about you just know that I am proud to call you my girlfriend but I’d like to ask you if you would be my wife.”
Marie begins to cry and she hugs Pedro and gives him a big kiss on his cheek and answers “Yes! I would love to.”

The author's comments:
This is a story based on my friend and her husband.They inspired me to write this piece.

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