The Day | Teen Ink

The Day

November 15, 2013
By danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Here my soul speak: The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service”(The Tempest, 3.1.60-3). In October 2012, my life changed for the better, I met the most amazing person I have ever known. At only 15, he has taught me more about life than I knew at 17. That day, I met my best friend and now boyfriend.
My life has been difficult but I'm sure everyone can say that. Before that day, everyone I knew, including me, had daddy issues, trust issues, and was beginning to give up on life and love. Then it happened, he walked into the nurse’s office and shared a bed with me. After that my life has never been the same.
Since then, one of the many things he has taught me is no matter what someone will always be looking out for me and there to be my rock when I need them. “To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage” (Lao Tzu). He has become my strength; the reason why I want to go to college now is because he made me believe that I can do anything no matter how absurd the idea is. I would never be the person I am today if he didn't walk into the nurse’s office that day.
In my life, I want to accomplish great things. I want to go to third world countries and help them learn math, build schools and houses, help with their health problems, give them shots and teach them all I know. I never thought that was possible until he told me to go for it. All of my courage, strength and passion come from him.

You are truly a lucky person when, that one person walks into your life and changes it forever like Eric did for me. You get a best friend, a rock, strength, courage, belief, passion and all the things you need from another person. My life changed over a year ago for the better, when did yours?

The author's comments:
"this is about my boyfriend"

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