Forgot to Laugh | Teen Ink

Forgot to Laugh

December 4, 2013
By kailaally BRONZE, Riverview, Florida
kailaally BRONZE, Riverview, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“hey michael what are we doing tonight?” said Lilly hoping that Michael hadn’t forgotten about their one year anniversary.

“ Oh I don’t know yet.” Michael said lying through his teeth. He had a lot of thing planned for his date with Lily and he knew it.

“Michael are you serious?” Lilly said trying to control her anger.

“ No I’m joking, I promise, but I’m not going to tell you what we are doing tonight . All I’m going to tell you is don’t dress up.” Lilly said okay and unlocked the door to her house.

“Do you want to come in?” asked Lily standing in her doorway.

“ No I probably shouldn’t I have to get home to do some homework anyway.”

“ Are you sure it wouldn’t be a problem.” Michael nodded “ Okay then. Well I’ll see you tonight.” they said their goodbyes and Michael walked back to his car and drove away. Lilly closed the door behind her and went off to do her homework before she got ready for her date.

Later that night there was a knock on Lilly’s front door.

“ Dad can you get the door please, its probably Micael?” Lily yelled down the stairs as she was putting the finishing touches on her outfit.Her dad went to open the door.

“Ah hi Michael come in Lilly should be down in a few minutes.”

“ Okay thank you.” Michael gazed in the direction of the stairs and sees Lily walking down the stairs. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you, but I’m only in jeans an a T- shirt.” said Lilly

“I know but you still look really good.” Michael reached out his hand “Shall we go” Lily put her hand in his and they walked out of the door.

Lilly soon found herself in a park parking lot. Her and Michael both got out of the car. michael motioned Lilly towards a walking path through the woods. They walked and talked about almost everything. They eventually came up to a blanket with a small dinner laid out for them Michael thought to himself.

“Maybe I should tell her now. She needs to know.” His thoughts were interrupted when Lilly decided that she needed to tell Michael something that was very important to her.

“ Hey Mike, you know, I’ve been writing in my book a lot lately.” Michael smiled and nodded. “Well I think its a good time to show you what I’ve been writing.”

“ Oh you don't have to do that you know?”

“ I want--” she was interrupted by the sudden burst of cold water coming from the sprinklers. Lily helped Michael gather all the picnic stuff and ran to the car. Once they got to the car they both sighed.

“ so since our night was so rudely interrupted what do you want to do?”said Michael.

“ It’s getting late I should probably get home.” Michael nodded and started the car.

“Oh wasn’t there something that you wanted to show me?”

“ Yeah but I’ll show you when we get back to my house.”

As they were pulling into Lily’s frontyard Lily pulled her notebook from her bag.

“Here.” Lily handed Michael her notebook. He skimmed through it until he came to a page that read: Baby I got love for thee so deep inside of me I don't know where to start. I love you more than anything but the words cant even touch what's in my heart. There were so many different lyrics to so many different songs most of them Lily had written herself.

“Lilly I need to tell you something really important.” Michael handed Lily her book back. “ It’s really hard for me to say this but--”

“Are you breaking up with me!?” Lily looked into his eyes. “You are aren’t you?”

“Lily I’m sorry.”

“Sorry!? I just showed you the most personal thing in the world to me and all that you have to say is sorry?”


“Save it” Lily stormed out of the car and towards her house. Lily slowly turned back and said “If you drive away I hope you get a flat tire and get stranded!” Michael had really no choice but to drive away he couldn’t stay and be with someone he frankly didn’t want to be with. Lily walked into her house then upstairs to her room. She sat down at her desk and wrote the last word that she had said to Michael. “If you drive away hope you get a flat tire and get stranded.” It was her favorite line from her favorite song and it exactly said what she felt.

The next day at school Lily's best friend Bridget walked up to her at lunch.

“Hey Lil I heard about your break up with Michael last night. If you want to talk you can come over tonight and we can talk about it you can stay the whole weekend if you want.”

“ It’ not like I have anything better to do. Wait how did you hear about us breaking up I didnt tell anyone.”

“Well apparently Michael did. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok but I need to go talk to Michael like now” Lily started to walk off but Bridgit grabbed her before she did.

“You should know that I saw Michael with Britney.” Lily looked puzzled “You know the captain of the cheer squad, all over practically every guy in the school.”

“Brigit I know who Britney is. Oh and by the way you're really not helping” Lily said angrily.

“I know sorry.”

Lily turned around and marched off in search for Michael. Lily had calmed down before she found Michael. She walked right up to Michael and his group of friends. She went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and looked at Lily.

“Hey can we talk for a second?”

“Yeah sure.” Michael looked at his friends then walked over with lily to a more quiet place. “What’s up?”

“Well what’s up is that the entire student body knows about a breakup that happened less than fifteen hours ago.”

“ I want to know the same thing.”

“Well it wasn't because of me. I didn't tell anyone, not even Brigit so I’m not exactly sure how anyone could know about it already considering you're not the gossipy type.”

“ The only person I told was Steve but that because hes my bestfriend. Besides why would he tell anyone?”

“You’d be suprised.” Lily’s voice was cold. she looked Quickly through her backpack then pulled out two piece of paper “I’m having my first big performance in a few weeks. I have to sing some of the songs that I wrote about you, us, our relationship, and I think you should come. I’m opening for Courtney Carthright so you should enjoy the rest of the show. Heres two tickets bring who you want.” Bridgit yelled for Lily to come over before Michael could say anything. Lily walked away and in the direction of Bridgit. All throughout lunch she was wondering who Michael might bring.

A few weeks had gone by and Lily was getting ready for her show. She had spent endless time thinking about Michael and had recently convinced herself that she was over him, his dreamy pale green eyes and perfect flopped blonde hair. She walked downstairs and saw her parents sitting on the couch.

“ Well don't you look fancy?” aid Lily’s dad as she walked down the stairs.

“ You look beautiful honey, where did you say that you were going again?” said her mother.

“I’m going out with Michael tonight. I should be home around midnight.” They smiled then walked her to the door. She couldn’t tell her parents that Michael had dumped her and besides she wasn't completely lying, she was going to see Michael, she hoped. She also couldn’t to be performing up tell them that she was going to open for Courtney Carthright because she knew that they wouldn't support her. After they would tell her how much they disapproved of what she was doing they probably wouldn't even let her go, it was just better this way. Lily got in her car and drove to the stadium where she would be performing. When she got there she was meet by a young man that was supposed to show her where to go and everything. they walked into the stadium so he could show Lily the stage before she performed.

“Wow! I’m going to be performing up here?”

“Yup. Alright I’ll show you your dressing room and incase you forgot you go on at 7:30.” They walked into a spacious room with lots of lights and mirrors.. Lily managed to get out an “uh-huh” as she stared in awe , She couldn't believe that she was going to perform on the same stage as her idol.

“Okay then, I’ll leave you to whatever it is you do and dont forget 7:30. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Lily felt like time wouldnt go by fast enough. It was only 6:30 and she was extremely bored.A few minutes later there was a knock at her door.

“Come in.” She said wondering who it could be. The door creeped open and in came Courtney Carthright. Lily was so excited to see her and she couldn't believe her eyes. Courtney and Lily sat and talked for about a half an hour and in a half an hour she would be performing for a huge live audience and she couldn't wait.

Before she knew it it was 7:20, only twenty minutes had gone by and ten more minutes for her to go out and sing her heart out. She wandered around backstage for a good five minute and then waited right next to her entrance for the next five.She was ready.

She had thought when she was picking her songs that she could sing her favorite song first. She started and the crowd was singing with her especially the chorus.

“If you drive away, hope you get a flat tire and get stranded. If it’s goodbye today know you’re leaving here empty handed ‘cause I got my own life and you’re just the punch line. If you go you’re a joke and I forgot to laugh.” After she sang the chorus the first few times she looked around for Michael and he was sitting she saw his face and didn’t know if she would be able to finish the song, but she pushed through it. She sang a few more songs some she wrote, some she didn’t. When she was done there was an intermission and Lily went back to her dressing room. She heard a knock on the door and told the knocker to come in. he wasn't at all surprised to see Michael standing in the doorway but as he opened the door wider he was amazed to see his parents standing there with him.

“What are you guys doing here?” said Lily scared of what might happen because she lied.

“Well I’ here to apologize.” Michael walked closer to Lily “I don't know what I was thinking that night and I miss you.”

“ I missed you to but I just convinced myself that I don't like you anymore, so I don't like you.”


“No, I’m kidding I was falling apart without you. Promise me something.” Michael nodded and Lily finished. “This will never happen again.”

“I promise.” Lily hugged him and looked back at her parents.

“We are here because Michael told us that you were performing and that we had to come. We are so sorry for not being so supportive of what you do and what you love and we are so sorry.” Lily’s mom said while fighting tears.

“It’s okay mom as long as you promise to support me in all I do from now on.”

“Absolutely. By the way you did amazing and we are very proud of you.” They went to go enjoy the rest of the show Lily and Michael were hand in hand the whole time.

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