Her<3 | Teen Ink


February 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Her eyes had the oldest soul, and her heart, made of gold, beat lie a clockwork system, fragile, and young, but at the same time as old at love itself. I loved the lively, and glistening look in her eyes as we lay there in the dead night, in the middle of the road. With the stars in her eyes, and a romantic giggle, she looked at me with the hope of a thousand children, and said

“what happens if a car comes..?”
As I fell more and more in love, and the hopeless romantic i am came bursting out, and all I said was

“We die... Together.”
I could see the hope in her eyes, and the loving breathe exploding out of her lungs into a cold smoke rising from her ruby red lips, just below her, almost as red, nose. It was almost as if it was the smoke from the fire in her heart. At that moment i grabbed her hand as we heard a car coming, I jumped up, lifting her up with me, laughing at how crazy we were, but it didn’t matter, because we were crazy together, and nothing else mattered. she was in my arms, and that made me the happiest girl on earth. For once in my life, I was really happy, and suicide wasn’t hanging over my head, it was finally under my feet. Also knowing the fact that her knowing how happy she made me, made her happier too, and making her happy was all I cared about.

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