From Each Other's Eyes | Teen Ink

From Each Other's Eyes

March 28, 2014
By TaylorHarig BRONZE, Plano, Texas
TaylorHarig BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

October 20, 2013
So there’s this guy. I know it sounds cheesy and cliché, but it’s true and I’m way too into him. Everything about him is perfect, or so it seems. The problem is that he doesn’t know I exist unless he wants homework answers. It kills me inside because I’ll see his name on the screen of my phone and my heart will skip a beat until I open it to see, “Did we have any chemistry homework?” The sickening part is that I reply and help him in the longest slowest way possible just to get a chance to talk to him. Can’t he catch on?
Read 5:19PM

Well his name is…

Read 5:21PM


October 20, 2013

So there’s this girl. She’s beautiful and smart and honest and I can’t stand not seeing her. The problem is she doesn’t know I exist except when I ask her for help with my homework. I try to act dumb and ask questions so she stays longer, but I don’t think she cares. I think I bother her. How does she not know she’s driving me crazy?

Hey man sounds like you’ve been whipped
Nah I just really like her


October 22, 2013
Today we did a lab in chemistry and he moved to my group instead, but I think it was just because Caleb was in it, too. I get so shy and I feel like everything I say is stupid or wrong so I keep my head down and only speak when I have to. He’s so smart I don’t get why he asks me for help.
Read 4:37PM
Did you ever think maybe he likes you, too?
No there’s no way. He’s all popular and cool you know? He hangs out in that group with Alan.
Read 5:02PM

You really think he could ever be interested in me?
Read 5:05PM
Of course I do.


October 22, 2013
Hey I switched to her group today, but she hardly noticed. She didn’t even talk or look at me. What am I doing wrong?! I think I’m gonna text her tonight but not about the homework. I hope she doesn’t shoot me down or think I’m weird.

Well that sucks. You sure she even likes you?

Ok ok jeez


October 22, 2013
He texted me and said hey. I’m worried that he’s trying to tell me to back off, but how would he know? I don’t think I should reply. That way he won’t have to say it. I’ll just stay back and admire from a distance. That can’t bother him right? I don’t think I could handle him telling me to go away. After all the bad relationships and embarrassments I’ve suffered, I would probably break down.
Read 7:54PM
Aw honey I’m sorry. It’ll be ok I promise. He was probably a jerk anyway.


October 23, 2013
She read my text, but didn’t reply. I must really annoy her. I’m at the point where I think I should give up. I don’t want to though. She’s everything I could ask for and more. I don’t deserve her after the way I act. The people I hang out with… She must think I’m like the rest just waiting to find a way to hurt her. She’s been through so much already; I bet that my obsession with her is bothering her more.
Woah you really like her don’t you?
Ya.. I do.


October 30, 2013
He won’t look at me. Gosh I wish I knew what was going on inside his head! Sometimes I kick myself for not talking to him first, but if he’s annoyed by me, then that’ll be like asking him to call me out in front of everyone. He’s in that popular group, too. I don’t want to be publicly rejected. Again. The last time I gave in to trying to like someone from that clique, he used me and made fun of me for actually believing he would like me. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Read 6:04PM

You can’t think that way. Did you ever think maybe just maybe he’s just as worried and confused as you are about all of this?
Why would he be nervous? He’s Mr. Popular and I’m just me.


October 30, 2013
She looked at me. I think she thinks I’m mad at her. Her eyes were just like… I don’t know like they were filled with pain. I haven’t done anything to make her dislike me, yet she seems to want to keep a distance. Have I been in the wrong on this? What am I thinking? She probably wasn’t even looking at me.
Dude I’m honestly tired of hearing about this just tell her what you feel and move on.


November 2, 2013

I think I’m gonna text him, but I’m not sure how he’ll respond or if he will at all. I’ve never felt so insecure in my life than now when I’m contemplating typing 3 letters. But it’s so hard! He has these eyes that I just lose myself in when he talks to me, and he’s so sweet… Those guys he hangs out with are the same ones that ridiculed me though. I can’t help but worry he’ll do the same thing.
Read 8:47PM
Just listen to your heart.
My heart is the last thing I should listen to right now, it’s too overwhelmed by emotion. I have to use my head. I’ll just say hey. That way if he doesn’t reply I can say it was about the homework, too. And if he does reply then hopefully I’ll have the courage to actually strike up a conversation.


November 3, 2013

We ended up talking all night long, and I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy! But I still worry. He told me I should be more confident in myself and I can see why, but he doesn’t know what it’s like to be on the other side. The side where I’m getting teased and bullied for thinking someone wanted me. He’s sweet though. Tomorrow is the day that I will talk to him in person. I decided it.


November 3, 2013
She’s even better than I thought she would be honestly. She has the cutest laugh and I can hear in her voice she genuinely wanted to talk to me and hear what I had to say. I told her to be confident in herself because I can hear in her words that she doesn’t believe in herself, but I do. If this keeps going I can’t imagine how much I’ll make her love herself. She doesn’t know that I see her as the most beautiful girl and I would do anything to make her know it in her heart, too.
You sound like a chick


November 6, 2013
She absolutely hates me now. I cannot believe you would tell everyone she was in love with me just like Alan did with him before. People were teasing her and she thinks it’s all my fault. She thinks I was the one that showed everyone and broke her heart again. I called her name and tried to talk to her, but she walked away. I even got sent to ISS because I hit you. You made me lose her. That perfect girl… I swear one day you’re gonna find a girl and I’ll tell her what you did. You were my friend man what the heck happened to you?!


November 12, 2013
Cara? I need some help big time. I know ya’ll are best friends and I can’t lose her. I screwed up so bad by letting him see my phone. I don’t know what to do. She sits on the other side of the room and acts like I don’t exist. I can see tears in her eyes sometimes and I can only imagine what all she’s going through. I’ve tried to talk to her, only she turns away and pretends she can’t hear. She won’t even help me with homework. What. Do. I. Do.
Read 3:24PM
So you swear you didn’t tell everyone?
NO! I would never do that. The only thing I’ve been trying to do this whole time is win her over. I never meant to hurt her. Caleb was the one who freaking told everybody. I really care about her and I think she’s one of the most special girls I’ve ever met.
Read 3:30PM
Alright. Here’s what you need to do…

November 13, 2013
I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t want his excuses. Every time I leave class he calls my name and chases after me, but I don’t think I could handle talking to him. I get a frog in my throat just thinking of him. Everyone makes fun of me for being so dumb to think he of all people could like me, and I knew it would happen. I heard he hit Caleb but that could’ve been for making him look bad, too. I don’t know. I don’t know when I’ll have the nerve to see what he wants, but it’ll have to be after I harden my heart.
Read 10:25AM
Honey he didn’t tell everyone and he’s not trying to hurt you! He hit Caleb because he told everyone and made fun of you because he though Alex was being a wimp and a nerd for being so into you. I promise.


November 15, 2013
She can’t do this to me forever, can she?

November 20, 2013
It’s been weeks since we talked, but I refused to give up. Today, as you walked away, I followed you. I called your name and once we were in front of everyone, you stopped. I was so shocked to have you finally acknowledge me that I just stood there. You said what with no tone but sadness in your small voice. At that moment I saw in your eyes the pain you felt, and something came over me. I grabbed you and kissed you. I held you to me and hugged you. I told you I was sorry for everything. For allowing someone to hurt you again and myself being the cause. I thought you were crying, so I asked what was wrong. But when you looked up at me you were laughing and you told me you’d been waiting about 7 months for me to do that. I finally saw happiness in your face. I finally have the girl of my dreams, and I’ll never let you go.
Read 6:07PM
You finally have me, and I’m not going anywhere.

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