Legend of the Shadow | Teen Ink

Legend of the Shadow

April 25, 2014
By SnowLeapord BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
SnowLeapord BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Oh please I couldn't possibly choose just one.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful peasant girl who lived in a small kingdom. Not too far away there lived a handsome prince destined to become the king over this kingdom by the summers end. They had know each other for as long as the peasant girl could remember. She had always noticed him. One day fate was kind to the peasant girl and as the prince walked through this small kingdom he stumbled across the peasant girl, drawing below a tree. He was curious about this girl who had taken to sketching under a tree so he asked her,
"Lady, what drawest thou?" The peasant girl was surprised to hear a voice. For she had thought that she was alone. Looking up she was shocked even further to see that it was the crown prince asking her what she was doing.

"I am just sketching whatever comes to mind." She answered softly before looking back down at her book.

"And may I inquire as to what comes to your pretty little mind at the moment." The prince asked with a smile. The peasant girl couldn't help but smile at this.

"You may," she answered. "You can look if it pleases you." She added after a moment of thought. The prince gladly sat beside her and began looking through her sketches. Every day after that one the prince went to the tree to find the peasant girl. They spent days talking and laughing there, away from the world that said they could never belong together. They fell in love. One day, the prince didn't come, the peasant girl waited hours for him. Before finally giving up and walking home. The prince was being crowned king the next day and she knew that after that they could no longer be together. So she went back to the tree and tacked on a drawing of the two of them sitting together with a small note that read, 'I will miss you everyday that we are apart, but I know you are going to make a great king. When you have a moment, remember me. I'll always remember you for every moment. All my love forever.'

The prince returned to the tree the next day early in the morning before he was to be crowned king. In hopes of meeting the peasant girl he had come to love there. But all he found was her note and drawing. Since he did not know where she lived, this was all he had of her. He kept it forever and read and reread the note trying to imagine where she was and if they were to meet again what would happen. Unbeknownst to him, the peasant girl came to watch him get crowned and saw him matched to his queen. But she always loved him, and hoped this queen would make him happy. Every day that followed the girl watched the king as he seemed to fall in love with the queen. Every night she cried herself to sleep under the tree where they first met and dreamed of him. The queen was an evil and exiled goddess, she knew that the peasant girl loved the king and that the king loved her. For she had seen the drawing of them beneath the tree. Enraged with jealousy that the king could ever love a peasant girl, she turned the peasant girl into the a shadow on the ground that was forced to follow him. So she could watch and suffer in silence as the king loved another. The king though could not forget the girl who had stolen his heart under a tree, so he searched far and wide for her but he could not find her. After searching for ages, he assumed with a heavy heart that she was either dead or had moved on, so he married the queen. Never knowing that the one he loved was right there on the ground beside him, the whole time just out of reach. Watching as the one she loved slowly forget her.

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