Fate is Cruel | Teen Ink

Fate is Cruel

April 25, 2014
By SnowLeapord BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
SnowLeapord BRONZE, Henefer, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Oh please I couldn't possibly choose just one.

I pushed my way through the throngs of people waiting in the lobby to go down and meet their fate.

"What are you doing here? You are not dead Miss get out I have enough people waiting that are dead." He said impatiently after glancing at me for only a moment.

"Chiron I don't have time for this let me down to see my uncle it's important." I hiss irritated. He looks up again and looks closer at my face.
"Ah Miss AquaMiri, I wondered when you would show up after I let a certain someone through the gates." He says looking particularly amused when he sees my anxious expression.
"Please Chiron I will not ask you again." I growl quietly knowing I only had a limited amount of time.

"Very well," he replies getting up and leading me to the elevator, pushing the pleading people out of the way. We ride in silence down to the boat and his suit turns into a black hooded cloak. I get on the boat barely glancing at the river, my mind only on one thing to get in and find him, as he begins to go across it. As soon as we stop I jump off and began desperately shoving past people searching their faces.
Then I see him, blonde hair, dark skin standing in line to find out where he was to be sent. Joy, horror, and hope fills my soul when I see him.

"Luke!" I scream. He turns, his blue eyes widening with surprise. I see his lips form my name. I shove through all the people who can't remember their lives before they came here, trying to reach him. He leaves his place in line and comes for me as we reach one another his arms go for me. I did not fall through his body as you might have expected although, yes he is dead.

"Luke. Oh my love I thought I lost you forever." I cry into his shoulder.

"Aqua? Is it really you? You're here." He asks sounding confused and in awe.

"Yes of course it is. Oh how did this happen? They promised to keep you safe." I whisper clutching myself to him afraid he would disappear.
"You? Why are you here?? You're not dead right?" He asks suddenly making me look at him as if to see for himself.
"No of course not, I came for you." I say touching his cheek softly my eyes filling with tears.

"But why, you left me." He says looking completely lost but not pulling away from me which was a good sign.

"No silly they took me away but I'm here now." I say smiling softly not caring that we are in the Underworld and that the love of my life is dead. We are together, what else could matter at this point? He cups my cheek,
"Oh my darling how I've missed you." He says softly before kissing me passionately, with an edge of desperation. His hand moves from my cheek into my hair as his other arm tightens around me as if he will never let go. I kiss him back letting all the loneliness and despair vanish as I feel his lips move with mine. Suddenly I remember why I am there and pull back. He frowns,

"Hey who says I was done kissing you?" He mumbles and his familiar words bring back a whirlwind of memories. I smile faintly,
"We have to go." I say instead of answering, slipping silently from his arms.
"Come with me." I whisper taking his hand. He nods,

"Of course my angel." I smile sadly at the old forgotten pet name. Together we head towards the gates that go to Hades palace.

I hold tighter to his hand knowing there is a chance this really will be the last time I can ever be with him. He squeezes my hand reassuringly smiling at me as if he doesn't see the risk we are taking coming to this place. I push through the doors and head to the throne room taking a guess that that is where Hades will be. As soon as we enter the room I can see that I guessed correctly. My favorite uncle, although there isn't much competition for that title, is sitting in his throne looking powerful and merciless. Not exactly what one wants to see when they have come to beg for a favor. I release my death grip on Luke's hand and approach him alone dropping to one knee in a sign of respect.

"Uncle, I have come with a request." I say my head bowed.

"Stand and make your request niece, for I am impatient to be without you're presence here." This isn't going well, I think as I get up. Perhaps I should rethink the whole favorite uncle thing.

"I have come to ask that you allow me to take Luke back with me, so that he might live and take care of a sister and her child that desperately need him." I say. He raises his eyebrows.

"And that is the only reason you wish him alive again?" He asks obviously not buying it for a second.

"No, I love him and am willing to do anything to keep him alive," I respond honestly. He looks more satisfied with this answer and nods.
"So I thought, and tell me are you willing to be dead to him yet alive for the world?" He asks leaning forward in his chair looking at me intently. I swallow, confused at the way he phrased the question.

"No," Luke shouts from behind me. "I won't let you die for me." He says grabbing my arm, his eyes full of pain yet in them I can still see the adoration I had become so used to seeing there, when I see how much he still loves me I pull away from him. I don't deserve him. He deserves so much better than me, I realize as understanding dawns on me and I know I have to do this. I love him too much to not to.
"I wouldn't be dead Luke." I whisper softly.

"It would be like I never existed." I say my voice cracking slightly.

"Precisely." Hades says leaning back watching me with his cold eyes.

"Yes, just let me say goodbye and swear to me that no harm shall come to him or his sister and her child. That if they don't have me, they will at least always have each other." I say looking up at him as a tear leaks down my cheek but my voice stays calm and firm. Not saying aloud the rest of the deal knowing Luke would never let me agree if he knew exactly what was happening. And that if any harm should come, so as that you break your promise to me, they will remember and get a wish and this wish can stop them from dying. I finish in his mind knowing I could never live with myself if I didn't have this small reassurance.

"Very well I will give you that." He says acknowledging everything, even that which I thought to him, and swears it to me. I turn to Luke, tears spilling down my cheeks as I kiss him for the last time clutching myself to him wishing there was another way. Not wanting this to be goodbye.

"Go and be happy my love, and remember that I will always love you." I whisper knowing he won't remember these words but needing to say them anyway. And then there is nothing I can do as all his memories of me are wiped clean and he is taken back to his body to be with his sister. And I am alone, never to be his again.

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