What I Would Say If I Could Find The Words | Teen Ink

What I Would Say If I Could Find The Words

May 4, 2014
By Victoria Smith BRONZE, Sycamore, Illinois
Victoria Smith BRONZE, Sycamore, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, so this may seem awkward but, sometimes I can write better than I speak. I want to tell you a story. Once there was a girl. It was hard for her to trust anyone. She never knew why, then she met you, you make great first impressions, and something changed. Every time she saw you, she was happy you and her talked and bonded for a while, and then you and her kissed. She thought it was fantastic and you and her started to get closer, but then out of nowhere you pulled away. Right as she started to develop feelings for you. She couldn't understand why. She looked and tried to figure out why, it drove her crazy. Especially because her friends kept telling her that you and her were meant to be. She had even started to believe it herself. Your friends still treated her like nothing had happened, but you had stopped smiling when she was around. Stopped talking to her. Started to give her short 1 word answers. She tried for months to try and evoke any type of emotion out of you, she failed. Eventually she gave up. She thought that if you were going to ice her out she was going to ice you out too. Three weeks passed and she finally confronted you about it, she had planned it out for weeks, what she would say even how she would say it. But before she could finish her first sentence you interrupted her, and dismissed her with an I'm sorry I had no idea. But it had been four months by then and she had enough. At first it worked you both iced each other out, then you started to not every once in awhile say hi. She tried to mutter a hi without crying out in frustration. You see she was still hung up over you, no matter what she tried she couldn't get over you she had fallen hard. I'm sorry I could never tell you this to your face but, I really like you and not as a friend. I'm sorry for how awkward this seems, but I can't do this to your face. I know you don't return the sentiment, but you needed to know, and I needed the closure

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