A Starry Night | Teen Ink

A Starry Night

April 30, 2014
By BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

The twinkling stars flooded the night. The waves of beauty in the sky barely compared to that which was in his mistress’s eyes. The two emeralds of green beauty rested within her and stared into his heart and his mind. They took him to the memories of joy and pure bliss; they took him to children sleeping and his mother’s tender lullabies. Those sweet eyes came closer until her soft, pink lips touched his. The passion in this kiss was more intense than anything imaginable.

For one simple moment, he was no longer the boy without a mom, and she was no longer the girl with all the problems. They were one, plain and simple. She was his screw up, and he was her one-and-only, as it should be.

As he lay down on the red-and-white blanket beneath them, he sighed. The moon glistened off her skin in a heavenly way, and he now realized he was not alone. It was his turn to make a stand for this relationship. A beautiful woman with teeth of pearls should never sleep alone, and she won’t anymore.

“Madge, baby, I-“He trailed off.

She looked at him and grabbed his hand. It was as though all her life and had been dependent on this one moment. She knew.

“Yes.” She smiled. “Absolutely Scott.” She got on her knees and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. As the newly engaged couple hugged under the stars on the crystal clear night, it was said that the world stood still in awe of that very moment. From that day on, they lived the average life of an above average couple.

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