Promise Me | Teen Ink

Promise Me

June 1, 2014
By Maddiloney BRONZE, San Diego, California
Maddiloney BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair.”
― Taylor Swift

Laughter echoes in my ears and I smile and laugh a little at the joke Hunter just told. All eight of us are at my house. We’re sitting in a large circle just talking, laughing occasionally. I’m not really paying attention to the chatter; I’m sort of in my own world, whereas Hunter, who’s sitting next to me, is-as always-the life of the party. I look at the wall to my left. There’s a picture hanging on the wall of all eight of us; my sixteenth birthday party. I’m in the middle, with Hunter on my right, then Penelope, Zack, and Hannah. On my left it’s Preston, Avery, and then Mary. We all look happy; smiling and such. That was a fun day, almost two years ago now; around the same time when people started to get together. Zack and Hannah got together, which they we’re pretty much made for each other. He’s the popular quarterback and she’s the cheer leading captain. They’re pretty much as cliché as it gets. A couple weeks later Preston and Avery got together; which that didn't surprise anybody either since a stranger could see they were crazy about each other.

I think we were all so close because most of us are related. Zack, Hunter, and Preston are brothers. Avery and Mary are sisters. However the three brothers aren’t as close as the two sisters. Some of us are closer than others; like Hunter and I--we’re best friends. As are Zack and Avery, Preston and Penelope, then there’s Hannah and Mary. We’re a weird bunch.

I zone back into the conversation when I hear laughter again. Everybody is laughing at me.

“What I miss?” I ask looking to Hunter.

“I said your name, like five times and you were still staring off into space.” Preston says laughing, his arm around Avery’s shoulder. “What were you even thinking of?”

“She was probably daydreaming about me.” Hunter says cockily. He’s always teasing me like that; even when we first met.

~Flash Back~

It was Wednesday and the wind was blowing outside of the school building. It was winter time, there was a thick blanket of snow on the ground, and the air was crisp. I shuffle my feet in my pink winter boots. How is he not freezing? I look him up and down. He’s wearing a blue and green flannel shirt and jeans; no jacket no boots, just a pair of black vans. He was staring at me and didn’t speak for a few minutes but then his deep voice finally poured out.

“We can be friends if you promise me one thing.” Whoa, hold up. I’m confused. There’s a condition to our friendship? I nodded against my better judgment. Something tells me that it’ll be worth it. “Promise me you won’t fall in love with me.” I snort.

“Not a problem.” Fall in love with him? Please, I’m not planning on falling in love anytime soon and if I was I definitely won’t fall in love with him, that’s for sure.

“If you say so…” He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

~End of Flash Back~

I broke my promise that summer. Yes, I am in love with my best friend. He has no idea, yet he jokes about it all the time. Oh the irony… However, at the time I didn’t know what loving him would entail.

“You’re right, I was daydreaming about you. Didn’t you know I’m madly in love with you?” I reply with a straight face. This is how it usually goes. He teases me, I tease him back and then everyone laughs. Tonight is no different. I get up and walk into my kitchen which is slightly secluded. I can still hear everyone in the living room however.

“Abbie I know you’re kidding but every time you say something like that I can’t help but believe it for half a second!” Penelope shouts to me.

“Abs, you could be hooked up to a polygraph machine, lie, and it would show that you’re showing the truth.” Hunter’s voice says quietly behind me. I hadn’t notice him follow me into the kitchen. I turn around and his eyes are looking straight into mine. He seems to be deep in thought for a moment. “Can I ask you a question and you have to promise to be completely honest with me?” My heart races, I nod my head silently. “Abigail did you break your promise?” In that moment I think my heart stopped. I knew exactly what he was talking about. My mind thinks of a hundred and one excuses but I just go with avoiding the question.

“Wow!” I say loudly. “Look at the time! I gotta get up early tomorrow,” I quickly run into the living room. “Alright everybody time to go.” Everyone groans up they still get up and slowly shuffle out the door, saying their goodbyes. Hunter is the last one to leave; I literally have to shove him out the door, ignoring his questions and speculations. “Bye Hunter.” I shut the door quickly. “Well that took an unexpected turn.” I say out loud. I’m not going to be able to avoid him forever.

The next day I wake up with my eyes open. I’ve gone through the pros and cons of telling Hunter the truth at least ten times. My mom always told me that ‘the truth will set you free.’ I’ve been carrying this around for a long time. I’m not going to say it’s been a burden but it’s definitely been a struggle to keep it a secret. I convince myself that it’s time to tell the truth. I get in my blue car and start the five minute drive to his house. My heart rate picking up each minute I get closer. This is it…

I take a deep breath before knocking on his wooden door. He opens it within seconds, as soon as I see his face I speak.

“I’m in love with you.” I choke out, breathless. He’s silent for a few agonizing seconds, but then he smiles. That smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Took you long enough Abs!”

The author's comments:
I had to write this for school haha :)

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