Love sucks, literally. | Teen Ink

Love sucks, literally.

June 13, 2014
By Madison Cullen BRONZE, Placentia, California
Madison Cullen BRONZE, Placentia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Drip, Drip, Drip
That was the combination of sounds as a result of last nights extravagant dinner party and festivities lasting until the dark night bled and faded in to the brilliant luminous morning.
The hush sounds of the london flat above a little old pawn shop that was filled with strange objects and oddities of any kind was brought to a screeching halt by the dazzling light pouring through the old blown glass window. Loud muffled noises came from below as the old washed out hippie Johnny opened his shop full of little curiosity for the day, bumping around as he set up his poker game for him and his grizzled friends to play in the back and hide from their ever insistent wives, who wanted to talk about what this cousin was up to and why Sue Ann at the beauty salon had got that dreadful perm to go with her long, bedazzled, hot pink, cheetah print, nails at the ripe age of 76. But that did not concern the two young women sleeping like concrete at the bottom of a still pond. They lay sprawled on their twin mattresses and twisted sheets wound around their legs like ivy on the side of a long forgotten building.
Drip, Drip, Drip
The sound of liquid hitting a ever growing puddle and making the little plashes louder with each dribble.There was a sudden flash of movement and a girl rose in sitting position and stared exasperated at the nuisance and then at the other girl sleep still just beside her. She was quite elegant looking, you could tell just by her sitting position, she was tall and willowy. Long, fine, silk-like hair spilled straight down her back pooling at her waist, like a dark mahogany waterfall. She opened her wide deep set eyes to reveal startling amber ringed cat iris. They sparkled with anger as she looked back and forth from where the sound was and her roommate. Scrunching up her high arched eyebrows and high forehead. Her pouty lips tightened and she looked side ways to reveal high cheek bones. Her olive toned skin flushed with discontent. Still to lazy to get up and face issue she produced a pillow from the side of mattress and threw it at her slumbering friend. It hit her with a dull thump and a moment later you heard a low moan. “Get up Breena, and clean your mess, we are not going to be found and chased again! Hurry it seeping through the floor!” Breena, the now barely awoken girl rolled on her back and sat up. She looked polar opposite to her elegant friend next to her. But equally as beautiful. About 5’5 and had a curvy waist and wide bust. Her hair was mussed into a little golden halo around her round face. Her monalided eyes wide and the color of striking aquamarine twinkling with mischief and laughter. Her button nose scrunching up at she opened her round light pink lips to giggle. Her rosy cheeks and powdery white skin glowed with delight. “Oh, come ooonnn Avalon, don't be such a fun sucker!” She replied cheekily before getting up and skipping into the open kitchen to get the bleach and a large black trash bag. But Avalon apparently not convinced still pouted and said “Don't forget to open the window and use air freshener” then getting up glided up to friend and stared down with annoyance. “Breena you said you were done doing this! You said after the lawyer man and his son, you would stop!” But Breena looking quite innocent with wide eyes stared as if she had no idea of such a conversation. “I was only saying that to make feel better silly Avalon, I care about what you think but, this was much too tempting, plus i now figured out where he can go find lunch” Breena said with delight. “No, no, no! I told you im done with you idea of “Dinner parties” and “Lunch dates”. Now help me get him in this bag and then clean the floor before it stains!” The little angelic looking girl smiled and grabbed the dead guy that had been slowly draining of the rest of his blood on their floor after Breena had had made him her late night snack. Avalon sighed and tied and double knotted the bag before dragging it to rest at the front door and coming back to help clean the plashet of blood from the ground. As you looked around the room you could notice that there were little stains here and there from past take out sessions, staining the floor with what look liked a mere washed out wine stain. “Avalon, come onnnnn, let go and have fun like we used to! Remember the summer of 75’ on the coast of cali? I think we were in Malibu… I can't remember… not the point, member’ when you showed me how to entrance someone and and make them to the silliest most bubbly stuff?” Avalon sighed wistfully “I remember very well later that same day about four people staying in the same bungalow as us conveniently somehow fell off the cliffs and drown in the water, even though they lived and climbed on them all their lives.” Breena morphed her face in to her little puppy dog face “Im sorry! I lost control, i only wanted them to dance by it to make you laugh, but then wouldn't stop!” She looked sad for real this time and added “you wouldn't talk to me for like 3 whole hours” Avalon looked at her and just stared. She had once apon a time lived as a simple little orphan living in a shelter in the early 1900’s. She had been born this way, not chosen it, and had never once in 120 years liked what she had to do. And she hated everyday that she had chosen to save her best friend from a life full endless days of pain as she lie dying in her hospital bed from a cancerous brain tumor that had been slowly killing her for months. Avalon knew she could cure her with one simple little bit, so she did, trying to makeup all the lives she had sucked away leaving a trail of tears in her wake, with Breena’s little simple sweet life force. Breena had been kind to her when Avalon would come into vist as she had often done often at the time, thinking it might save her immortal soul. Not realizing the notion would never happen for the fact was that she never had a soul and never would. And when she finally kicked the bucket, she knew she had a one way first class ticket straight for hell, burning in the searing flames of its barren wasteland. Where she excepted as her destiny. The universe had a funny way of balancing itself out, on earth she was invincible and a fearsome predator, but in the end she was nothing but helpless trapped animal. She should have left Breena where she was, surrounded with her loving family until her last breath gets caught in her throat and dies in her slow beating heart. And now Breena was spiralling, taking lives by the dozen, not being able to control her insatiable craving for something to curve the never ending hunger. Avalon knew what she was trying to fulfill, what she had tried to do the same for many years. It was the fragile essence of the little haman. Lives so fragile and had so little time, the little human loved and lived so purley. And all her kind wanted was to feel that whole ness, breath in their very soul and try and patch up the big hole in their own, and never realizing that no essence would never be enough to patch the gaping puncture in their gray faded soul. But that was not to be. For every great strength she had was countered by a even bigger down fall. And that was that, no way out, no exception. And to be honest she was losing her will to survive quickly, all she wanted was to be told that there was something to come that was really worth the pain and sadness that came with taking others life to fuel your own.
Thunk, thunk, thunk
Avalon snapped out of her own thoughts. Breena walked over to where Avalon stood and stared at the door. As if in a trance they stood, eyes fixed on the old chipping door. The cool wind drifting through the thin the sun bleached curtains, and the buzzing sound of the busy traffic on the crowded london streets, seem to fall away as they became aware that someone was coming. With Breena’s heightened senses she was aware of the cold sweat dripping down Avalon’s back and her heart pounding quickly. Suddenly the door flew open and old kind hippie Johnny came crashing in. “They just barged in and asked where you are, i tried to tell thems that yous never done nothin but they just kept on comin, ya better start a runnin’, them men are comin up now.” He said breathy as he clutched his side, blood seeping on to his shirt, staining it a deep scarlet red. “O my god Johnny what the?l” Breena started as she ran over to catch him as he fell, taking long ragged painful breaths. “Tell my dear Margaret I love her and ill see her in her own time. Tell her she made my life worth living even when it was hard to do.” He said in a low raspy voice, looking past Breena and strait into Avalons Cat eyes. “Dont forget there is always somthin’ worth fightin’ for girls, I had a feelin in ma gut you were worth dyin’ for, ‘sides Margaret and me’ll see each other real soon.” He looked at them knowingly and while staring what felt like straight in to Avalon’s soul, his eyes lost focus and his body when limp. “No!!! Johnny wake up! Wake up! I didnt tell you could die!” Breena wailed miserably, for some reason Johnny was one little human Breena had always cared for and now he was gone, with only one wound to the chest. Another fragile human taken for granted, Avalon knew she wouldn't let him die in vain. Avalon heard the intruders walk in but didn't look up. She could hear Breena screaming as men in black rushed in and retained her, ripping her away from old Johnny. She looked at Avalon, tears streaming down her face, kicking and and screeching Avalon’s name, asking for guidance, reassurance, comfort. But Avalon just looked back down and stayed still, she knew she could not fight them all. She felt a warm finger hook under her chin, forcing her to look at the monsters face who was responsible for this terrible situation. And as she stared at a pair of forest green eyes, she knew who it was. Her mind spiraled as flashes of memory assaulted her ancient mind. Sawyer. It was him. How did he find he this time? Avalon thought painiced. The last time she had seen her old childhood accomplice and ex what ever love thing they had, not that either of them were capable of such a foreign thing, they both had to much between them. Him, a dark past and and an even darker scared broken heart and soul, her the inability to love and trust anyone since the time she was dumped at a cold orphanage where she had been beat down and broken until Sawyer had been sent there himself as a boy of 10 to her 8 and had changed her life forever. She looked at him, and of course he looked the same as he did the last time they had met back in 98 when she was living in Canada when he had try to kill her again. Tall and lanky built, but still very muscular. Black wavy hair falling in to his deep green forest eyes. A strong jaw tightly shut, tan skin covered his high cheekbones and a greek looking nose. Swyer looked at her with a grave face but there was a little twinkle in his eyes like had just saw a puppy or baby do somthing cute. “Hullo Aideen” he said in his deep welsh accent. Breena stopped struggling and stared. “Aideen? What the? Who is this Avalon? What is going on” Avalon looked a Breena, unsure how to proceed. “Breena look I have-” She began already speaking in her irish accent she always tried to conceal. “well this is intrestin’ ” Sawyer said sounding bored “Ah Aideen didn't tell you that she did somthin’ terrible along time ago did she?” Breena started at her at Avalon and whispered “it seems it never came up…” Sawyer looked coldly at Avalon and said in a frosty voice that sent a chill down her spine. “She killed my brother” He said looking directly at her with a voice so sharp it cut to her soul and a look of sadness that pierced her heart.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by stories that my friend and I make up about ourselves.

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