Estella | Teen Ink


June 20, 2014
By borntobebritish BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
borntobebritish BRONZE, Cedar Park, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Find out who you are, and do it on purpose."

The thundering roar of the crowd was deafening as streaks of fading sunlight painted the sky a brilliant orange; and the white beam of the stadium lights illuminated the football feild.
On the green feild, that had been painted with white stripes, the players tackled each other with tremendous effort; and the Quarterback was making a desperate break for the goal to get a last minute point.
A point that should tie the teams before the horn blew for half time.
Every Thursday, and Friday thousands of people would gather at Trumpton Stadium to see our determined team take down the other school's in a battle of skill, and strength.
Our team spirit had given us a large place on the map, and won us many awards for our talented athelete's. Our team was also well known for putting on a good show, so often the games would attracted massive crowds.
Right now the football audience was going berserk over the Quarterback, who seemed to be edging towards the goal in slow motion, as the invisible drops of a light drizzle began to fall.
Very few people noticed though, except a couple with face paint on, who quickly opened up their umbrella's.
Not only was our team spirit good, but the spirit of the fans was strong too.
Often you'd see them decked out in team colors, and wearing the team jersey's. Perhaps that was what inspired the players so much? The team spirit. The crowd then went into a frenzy that sound like the roar of an ocean.
Our Quarterback had scored the point that tied it all just as the horn blared to signal half time.
I confess I wasn't one for cheering til my throat grew soar, but all the excitement drew a few hollers from my throat as I pounded my feet on the ground of the football feild with anyone else on the ground.
Unlike everyone else, I was seated on the field with a small group of kids that had been dubbed the water crew.
The only reason I had joined the annoying group of wannabe's, was because I had been guaranteed a good seat at every game, and to be in the company of my many friend who played for the team.
Other than that it was a waste of time, and a seriously boring contribution. Mostly girls would take the job, because they wanted to get cozy with their football crushes, so when I took it quite a few folks were generally surprised.
Not that I cared though, It was fun sitting on the sidelines, and getting a great glimpse at the cheerleaders; but right now wasn't the time to obsess over that, because the home team was bowing while jogging off the feild.
That meant I had to get up with my water bottle, and be ready for any of the boys passing by. None stopped by me though, all of them were more eager to get out of the growing rain, and into the locker room for a breather.
By the time the last one had skipped in I was sitting back down on the track part of the feild, and watching the band come on with the dance team. I have to say I wasn't one for music, and such but these guys could put on a decent show.
Placing my bottle aside, I propped my chin up on my hands, and observed the performers as they lined up to preform the song.
While they did this, the crowd split in two on the bleachers for bathroom, and snack breaks.
The concession stand was making a fortune tonight with all these party goers.
"Now presenting, The Collin High School band, and Gliders." One of the band conductors announced, and everyone with an instrument raised the mouth piece to their lips as the rain began to fall a bit heavier.
With in five minutes they were going to be slipping over the field if they didn't keep their footing.
A soft note then began to float across the empty air of the feild, followed by another that was enchanting.
That was when my tired eyes fell upon the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.
Standing in the middle of the dancers was a girl, who stood out like a rose in a bunch of violets.
Her hair shone like the purest gold as it spiraled down to her waist, her lips were the color of the reddest rose to ever bloom, her eyes were the reflection of the bluest skies, and her small body was clothed in a pink dress that seemed only worthy of her; and at her feet two dancer shoes clung, tied on by glimmering ribbons.
I didn't feel worthy to look at someone so inhuman in her beauty. Instantly upon seeing the creature I felt my breaths become steeper as my heart began to thud like an African drum.
My soul had began to do something weird, as if it was trying to drag my human form to her, but I stayed still. The full extent of the music then began, and the dancers started moving in precise time to it, but none compared to her.
The way her feet danced over the moist grass, and how her hair spun around had granted the girl a hypnotizing appearance. She wasn't dancing the same as the other dancers though, but no one seemed to notice her doing her own thing.
Perhaps that was because, she was the lead dancer, and destined to do something different.
Yet even with the excitement surrounding her I could only focus on her alone. It seemed as if every sound around me had ceased to exist in the dusk ridden air, and my whole being wanted to do nothing more but stare at a vision in it's purest form.
I couldn't ever remember seeing this girl at school before, if I had I would've known her by now. I actually found it surprising that my eyes might've passed unknowingly over her before, but that didn't seem possible.
There was something so heavenly about her that I couldn't imagine brushing past her in the halls.
Perhaps I was dead, and she was an angel?
No, not possible.
I think I would've remembered dying.
Sitting up a little straighter at the thought, I flicked some dry brown hair off my forehead to keep my vision clear as I continued to follow her every move.
While the other dancers were doing some kind of hip hop routine, she was doing a ballet performance that only a professional with many years on their resume could preform.
She glided, she leaped, she slipped over the wet grass, and the whole time her red lips were stretched out in a full smile. The rain not seeming to affect her in the slightest.
With every passing second my desire to hear her voice, to approach her, grew, and it was the most unbearable feeling I had ever felt in the deepest parts of me. Just then, as the music came to it's climax, she began to move towards me on the tip of her toes as if she knew my impulse.
Feeling my breaths deepen at the thought of it, I watched her cautiously while she radiated. It seemed as if she only grew closer when the climax of the song became more dramatic.
Suddenly a thick lump of emotion began to clot in my throat as her eyes met with mine, and I felt myself be impaled with a strange sadness that made no sense. I felt like she was sad, even though she was smiling, and it was tearing into my most sincere sympathy.
Combined with my overwhelming attraction to her, the depressive feeling was making my chest tighten the way it did for other's when someone they loved died.
Where was all this coming from? Why did I feel this way?
The only thing I knew about my overwhelming emotions was that this girl was making me feel strong waves of them as she danced closer, and closer to me.
Taking deep breaths to tame my raging physique, I sat up on my knee's, then slowly rose to my feet as she began to close the last couple of feet between us. As she did so I rested a hand on my throbbing chest, and a couple of kids gave me a strange look; but I didn't care.
Though I would probably give myself a weird look to.
The dancer then spun a beautiful spin, and stop on both of her feet in front of me; her head only coming up to my chin. Once she stopped, she exhaled a long breath that smelled like the most delicious things you could imagine.
For a long moment that was all she did, she breathed softly while staring at me with two curious eyes as I stared back with trembling knee's. Never before had I felt so nervous, so overcome by human emotions.
Finally though it me who broke the silence.
"J-Johnathan. My names Johnathan." I breathed, and she giggled like a chiming Christmas bell. Feeling the tremble in my knee's take over my body, I began to feel the overwhelming urgency to touch her.
Just to make sure she was real.
"What is your name?" I asked, lifting up a hand to brush my fingers over her cool cheek, and she smiled at my touch.
The world beneath me then began to spin as I felt any consciousness of mine be swept away, and replaced with a black blanket of inaudible voices.
"On June 4, 2014 a tragedy accrued when a Junior by the name, Johnathan Meyers fell unconscious during a High School football game he had been attending. Before Meyers passed out, peers say he was executing strange behavior; such as talking to himself, and running his fingers through the air while clutching his chest. For the twelve hours he was unconcious, Meyers continuously mumbled the name 'Estella' in a voice of alarm, but family members confirmed he knew no one of that name. When Meyers finally came through he ramble non-stop about a "beautiful dancer who approached me during half time, and prior to me passing out she told me her name." Afraid the boy was going insane, doctors decided to admit him to a mental health facility to examine him under the charge he was developing schizophrenia. Twenty-four hours later an infuriated Meyers was released to go home, and to return to school a week lat-
That was all I had heard of the news report during my week of recovery at home, and I didn't care to hear anymore.
It was humiliating, disrespectful, and just appalling they'd put me in the public eye like that when I was having enough trouble alone dealing with my parents pestering me about my health.
I know what I saw, and I was in no business of denying it.
If my family, the doctors, and my friends needed proof I was going to deliver it. So, in order to deliver it, I needed to go to the only one who knew Estella for sure.
Mrs. Carla the dance teacher.
Mrs. Carla knew everyone on the dance team, and anyone who had attended the school's dance classes. Meaning she would know Estella. Of course though I was dreadfully nervous to approach her, let alone ask about someone everyone swears I imagined.
I didn't want her to think I was crazy to.
For nearly half an hour I had paced up, and down the hall outside the dance room as my mind scrambled for the right words to say.
I feared though that no matter how much I practiced, my throat would still dry up, and I would end up talking about the weather instead of Estella.
Finally though I managed to gather some manly courage, and I began to walk down the hall in the direction of the dance room. I suppose it wasn't meant to be though, because a small brunette stopped me in my tracks before I made it half way to the door.
"Boys aren't aloud in here." She informed, rather rudely might I say, and I rolled my eyes.
"They are if they have business with Mrs. Carla." I informed curtly, and immediately the girls face paled as she studied my features for a moment.
"Are you- are you Johnathan Meyers?" She asked, the present confidence draining from her tone.
"Yes." I responded, praying she wasn't about to call me crazy, but instead her eyes began to shine in the reflection of the light above us.
"The one who fainted at the game?" She asked, caution in her tone, and immediately I knew this was leading up to something.
"I am." I confirmed, keeping my tone neutral just in case. A soft gasp of breath then left her lips, and the duffel bag on her shoulder fell to the floor.
"Did you really see her?" She inquired, desperation in her tone, and I shook my head in confusion.
I swear my heart instantly stopped, and the blood in my fingertips ran cold as ice. "I did." I breathed, my voice nearly a whisper. She must know Estella, she had to! Why else would she be inquiring about her?
"Describe her." She pleaded, resting a hand over her mouth, and I felt my tense features soften at the memory of my beautiful apparition.
"Her features were chiseled by the steadiest hand, her hair looked like a piece of the sun, her eyes were as blue as the sky, and the way she danced was mezmerizing." I breathed, the poetic words slipping from my lips unintentionally as a clear cut image of Estella appeared in my mind.
"She was beautiful." I concluded, then looking back down at the brunette who let a tear slip.
"She was beautiful, but never saw it. She was talented, but no one appreciated it. She was kind hearted, but was slandered. Never did I have a friend like her though. Only I appreciated the gift of her presence's, until it was gone. Then everyone valued h-her." The girl whispered, and within a moment a stream of tears were draining from her eyes as I felt the same sadness from the football game slip back in.
Estella didn't think she was beautiful? No one thought Estella was talented, or kind hearted? How could that be? At one glance I had not only reconized all these qualities, but fell in love with them.
Then her words hit me.
"What do you mean, until it was gone?" I asked, and she looked at me with pitiful eyes.
"Estella died Johnathan Meyers. She died a year ago." She sighed. Immediately upon hearing her words, I felt every part of me get ripped to shreds, and stomped on.
The one, and only girl I had ever fallen passionately in love with at first sight had passed on before I laid eyes on her. What I had seen was indeed a heavenly vision, for Estella lived in the realm of heaven now.
"D-Did she love to dance?" I choked out, finding those words the easiest to say. The brunette said nothing, she just simply nodded as she wiped fretfully at her eyes.
Feeling my heart fall into my stomach as tears pricked my eyes I turned away, and began to walk down the hall quickly. The only thing I would ever be granted to see was the ghost of a girl who loved to dance, and nothing could replace that ghost of a girl.
No female could ever compare to Estella, or take my heart the way she had. No girl could make me feel the full extent of human emotions the way Estella did. No one could ever dance like Estella. No one could ever be Estella, for she was one of a kind.
Quickly I was slipping into a state of miserable grief with those thoughts. Never would I see her in the flesh, never would any fantasy I had about holding her come true, this was far worst then finding out your crush didn't like you.
This was like dating your crush, then having them die in the moment you loved them most.
I was beginning to wish I was indeed crazy so I wouldn't have to spend my life mourning the loss of something that was never mine to begin with.
"Johnathan." An angelic voice then whispered, and I stopped in my tracks as goosebumps appeared on my skin.
Was my body in so much shock right now I was imagining her voice? Or was I really starting to go crazy?
"Johnathan." The voice beckoned again, and swallowing the lump in my throat I turned around.
There she was. My beautiful vision, golden apparition, the alluring presence's of a girl named Estella who made me find purpose in this life. The one female with a face no plastic surgeon could recreate.
"Estella?" I whimpered, feeling an overwhelming sentiment crash over me like a wave, and she smiled softly as she stretched out a milk colored hand for me to take.
"That is me."

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my love for ghost stories, romance, and dancing. All three concepts I thought would be very interesting to blend together.

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