Betrayed | Teen Ink


October 4, 2014
By SophiaYoung101 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
SophiaYoung101 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame. Where there is flame, someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns, doesn't mean you're gonna die. You gotta get up and try try try"-P!nk

It has now been 3 days since I’ve heard from him. This was really starting to antagonize me to no end. I could still remember what he looked like. The chocolate brown hair, the brilliant hazel eyes, the misty blue t-shirt, and the baggy jeans with the converse sneakers always brightened up my day. Just not seeing him really irritates me. Eyeryday when I don’t see him, I would cry my eyes out and bury myself in the darkness of my own room. Let me take you back to when it all started.

I was relaxing myself in the oak wood chair by my dark purple nightstadn where my sparkling blue phone was. I’ve now been waiting for the phone to ting so I can hear my boyfriend’s voice. As I was waiting, the phone rang and I nearly startled myself. I quickly picked up the phone to say “Hello.” It was my boyfriend, James who called me. We talked for almost 2 hours and I hung up the phone when I was done talking to him.

It was now 2:00 am in the windy city of Chicago. I was beginning to fall asleep when the phone rang. I picked up the phone and no one was on the other line. I hung up the phone and went back to sleep. As morning began to approach, I heard an unusual sound coming from my livingroom. I ran down my dark brown stairs to see who it was. When I got down into the livingroom, there was no one there.

Usually, James called me in the morning to make sure I was awake. This time, he didn’t call. I dialed his number to make sure he was okay, but he didn’t answer. I was now more worried than I’ve even been in my entire life. I ran out my door to go over to his place. When I got there, he didn’t answer the door when I knocked. I paced myself home, feeling dispirited not seeing my boyfriend’s most amazing face. When I was about to walk in, I peaked through my glass window and one of my candles was lit. I could have remembered that my candle was not lit when I left. I ran into the house and slammed my door shut. When I gazed upon my candle, it was no longer lit. Was it James who lit it, or was I imagining things?

It has now been two days since I’ve heard from him. I was sitting in the same oak wood chair for the phone to ring. James  didn’t even bother to call me. I ran to his home, which was only one block from my place. As I was waiting for James to answer, I heard some rattling coming fromthe bushes. I peaked through to see who it was, but there was no one there. I was now back at my place, feeling more dissapointed. I decided to bury myself in my blankets and wait for him to call, but he didn’t.

It has now been three days since I’ve heard from him. I once again relaxed myself in the same oak wood chair, waiting for him to call, but he didn’t. I ran as fast as I could to his place to see what was going on. As I approached the door, I heard 3 gunshots coming from the other side. I busted the door down and sprinted inside. Then, I saw the most horrifying image I’ve ever seen in my entire life. James was lying in a puddle of deep red blood with 3 gargantuan holes in his chest.
When I saw that horrifying image. my heart sank like a rock. I began to cry right beside James. As I was crying, I was thinking about the memories we’ve charished together. I promised myself that I would never leave his side, and I did just that. I wish I could revive him so I could hear him talk. This was one thing that I would never forget.

The author's comments:

All of this is fake. This was mostly about my past relationships and how my ex boyfriends never called me after a few weeks of dating.

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