4 Boys, 1 Girl, 1 School | Teen Ink

4 Boys, 1 Girl, 1 School

November 6, 2014
By Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So my friend dated a werewolf, a crazy zombie, and a vampire while she had a crush on a human. Out of every monster in the world she chose the worst one of all, HUMANS. My friend Andy is Medusa's daughter and this is her story.
So this story begins on a hot summer day in September at Sunlight Hills High School, during lunch.
“OMG Andy you did what?”
“I dated Cody, Eric and Jacob while I had a crush on Sean.”
“What? You dated Cody the vampire, Eric the zombie and Jacob the werewolf.”
“And you liked Sean! Girl you’ve got issues because one, you dated all these guys in only  three months and you like a… human. Tell me everything!”
Andy began  explaining everything to me. Andy, a shy small girl with velvet  black hair.  Then there's me, her best friend Emily, I am a fairy. I have long periwinkle hair and I’m a couple inches taller than Andy.
It was the middle of September when Andy asked Cody out. First of all it is not romantic when the girl asks the guy ,and secondly she asked me, to ask him out for her. Cody said yes, he has the most amazing hair. I could tell that she liked him but I never knew how much until one day I caught her kissing him behind the school. We both go to Sunlight Hills High School. Then I thought to myself this is one of those schools where the teachers really don't care what you do. Most of the time I like it like that but today I felt totally different. I wished that the teachers care so they can tell them to stop.
All of a sudden someone came behind me and hugged me. It was my boyfriend Mason. Mason is also a fairy. He has blue eyes and brown hair. Well back to Andy, one month later Cody broke up with her and their relationship was weird because it was confusing to keep track of them. One week they would be together and the next it was like they didn't even know eachother. Well now you know that relationship didn't work out.
It has been now 24 hours since he broke up with her. So when I walk into school the first thing I see is her with what I’m guessing is her new boyfriend, Eric, the zombie. He for one always smells disgusting because, well, he’s dead. Second he is a total of 3 years younger than her. Ewwwww!! Is all I could process in my mind. So I walked up to them and it is so weird on how she got over Cody so fast. Well that relationship only lasted 1 week. The worst part of the whole thing was that she was too afraid to break up with Cody herself, so she asked me to do it. It was horrible to think that she had the guts to ask him out but she didn't have the guts to say,” You know what I’m sorry, but I can't date you anymore because well you're too young for me.” I was so angry with her that I wanted to tell that I wasn't going to be her friend anymore, but then I thought what is she going to get herself into now so I didn't say anything. The only advice I gave her was that Eric would want to hear it from her.
She ended up telling him that it was over and the very next day like usual she was with a new boy. Jacob the werewolf. They were together for about 1 month and 3 weeks. I made sure to keep track because I was trying to see which relationship lasted longer.
Then one day she came up to me and said,” Can you keep a secret?”
Like any friend I said,” Ya.”
Then what she said next almost want to rip off my ears and wings.
She said,” I kissed Cody during passing periods and I have a crush on Sean.”
“You did what. Why would you even do something like that and Sean as in Sean the human?”
“I dont know, I just saw Cody and then he kissed me, and yes, Sean the human.”
“ You better tell Jacob that Cody kissed you or things may turn out really bad when he finds out and he didn't hear it from you first.”
“I don’t want to tell him and plus he may never find out.”
Or so she thought. About 1 week later Jacob found out that Cody had kissed her and right at that moment he dumped her. She was so devastated. The next day I was surprised to see her by herself. When I was about to walk up to her she started walking toward Sean. I wanted to tell her that Sean wouldn’t like her, but it was best for her to hear it for herself. So I walked with her up to Sean.
She said,” Hi Sean I want to tell you something.”
“What?” Sean asked as if seeming annoyed with Andy.
“I wanted to say, that I like you and if you want to go out with me?”
“Sorry I can’t go out with you.”
“What do you mean you can’t go out with me.”
“I can’t date you because I’m already dating someone.”
Then all of a sudden some guy came up to us and said, “Hey babe” to Sean. This someone was a guy, like I said. So that only meant one thing.
Under a whisper of her breath you could hear Andy whisper,” Sean is gay.”
After that she layed off of boys until she meant the Boogie Man’s son Robin.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by books I've read and i wanted to write my own so I did. I also used some my best friends and their personalities.

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