Late Night Feelings | Teen Ink

Late Night Feelings

November 29, 2014
By Anonymous

I crossed the conference room making a beeline directly for him. I had sat in my seat during his entire presentation getting wetter by the moment watching him walk around and discuss the latest financial forecast for the company. I sat in the second row gazing at him during the entire presentation, watching him walk slowly back and forth in his dark blue pin striped suit with his white shirt and perfectly paired tie. He looked like a typical upper management type, with his short trimmed hair and the glasses that sat across the bridge of his nose making him look not only intelligent but gave him a hint of being a nerd and that I loved. He was tall well over six feet probably closer to six foot five inches. He was at least 10 inches taller than my own five foot seven inches. I saw him talking with one of my co-workers and hung back a little waiting for them to finish up. As he glanced up from his conversation with her, he saw me standing there and gave me a quick wink. Looking back at her, he smiled a row of beautiful white teeth and a dimple in his right cheek. My eyes swept over his tanned face with his pronounced brow, up to his dark blond trimmed hair, back down to his deep blue eyes hidden behind his square framed glasses. He was attractive in a different way, he did not have the rugged good looks or the pretty-boy look either, he was just an intelligent, handsome man. My gaze traveled down his body taking in his slightly muscular chest, he was fit but not overly muscular as some men get that spend hours in the gym, he had more of a strong toned look to his tall slim build. He had very long legs that came up well past my waist, given his tall stature this was not a surprise.


I waited patiently for him to finish, glancing around the room, most of my co-workers had left for the night and it looked as though it was just the three of us left in the conference room, Jake, my co-worker Shelly, and myself. I waited for Shelly to finish talking with Jake standing patiently listening occasionally, but thinking about our last encounter after a quick dinner after work, we had flirted and caressed each other lightly all throughout dinner until we left and I had sucked his manhood in the taxicab ride back to our respective neighborhoods. I had felt so naughty licking and suckling on his hardness within the backseat while the cab driver drove to my house first. He had shot his hot seed into my throat right before pulling up beside my house, Jake had said that he would pay for the cab and said thanks giving me a big kiss on the lips tasting the remnants of his own flavor upon my lips. I felt my panties getting slick with desire waiting now impatiently for Shelly to finish, finally they wrapped up their conversation and Shelly waved goodbye as she walked out of the conference room.


Glancing around Jake said, “finally we are alone,” advancing towards me and pulling me into a passionate kiss. I moaned against his lips, his hands slipping up to cup both sides of my face. Pulling me into a deeper kiss, his tongue swirling around mine, exploring my mouth. I felt his hardening manhood pressed against my lower stomach as he bent over me slightly kissing me harder. He walked me slowly backwards until my butt was touching the conference table. I opened my eyes and laughed pulling away from him. Looking around the conference room, I could see the windows of the surrounding buildings through the floor to ceiling windows that made up two of the walls of the conference room. He gripped my hips and lifted me up onto the table, lifting my skirt up as he did so; I lay back on the conference table spread out for his enjoyment.


He smiled at me and slid his hand up my inner thigh teasingly, moving the fabric aside of my silky panties. He caressed my outer folds until he found my hidden love button. Pushing lightly upon my clitoris I moaned into his ear as he kissed down my neck. He explored my sex and dipped a finger into me, examining my innermost places with his wandering finger. He pulled out of me, leaving me with a hunger left within my abdomen. He slipped off my panties as I wriggled my hips to assist him in removing my panties. He tossed my panties to the floor and quickly removed his own pants, unzipping them and unbuttoning them freeing his hard manhood. It sprang forth in all its glorious state, hard with a deep purple toned head, just waiting to be licked or sucked. His penis was large and thick, my hand barely fit around the girth, and the size filled my mouth.

He pushed the head up to the opening of my sex, sliding gently into my slick desire. I moaned loudly as he buried himself deep to his full length in one fluid motion. His magnificent hardness moved swiftly in and out of my wet fold. I felt my own climax deep within my womb, building and ascending to a greater arousal. My own juices coating his manhood as he stroked in and out of my womanhood, faster and faster, he moved until I lay back moaning and screaming during the first wave of orgasm. The orgasm rocketed repeatedly over my body until I lay there trembling gripping his hips, before I felt him tighten and tremble within me. I felt a gush of warmness as he grunted and exploded deep within me. I lay back on the table panting, trying to catch my breath, my heart pounding loudly within my ears was the other sound I could hear other than his own hard labored breathing.


He slowly lifted himself up off my chest and pulled his manhood from my soaking wetness. I laid back for a moment savoring the after effects of the recent orgasm, catching my breath finally. “Wow, that was hot,” he exclaimed breathing out with each word, as he zipped up his pants again and fetched my panties handing them to me. I put my panties back on while sitting on the edge of the conference table. I could feel them saturated immediately by the mixture of our combined juices. “We better head out before someone walks in here,” I said with a giggle. We walked out hand in hand realizing that we were the only individuals within the office that were there for the night.

The author's comments:

I dont know how I expressed the feelings here. I have replaced real life characters with the girl being my close friend. The story has been changed a little.

Please comment to help me improve.


P.S. please forgive if any grammar mistakes.

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