Short Story: Forgiveness | Teen Ink

Short Story: Forgiveness

February 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Emilias thoughts: 

I couldn't seem to just say sorry to the person I once had strong feelings for. It feels so wrong. Talking, seeing or even hearing his name makes me cringe. He should be the one apoligizing. Why do I have to be sorry? Is everything I do wrong? Is everything my fault? I f------ hate how i feel like I always have to apoligize. I have to realize sometimes it's not my fault. Sometimes it's not something I did. 


Jacks thoughts: 

I feel like i did something wrong. Not knowing what I did really makes me nervous to be around her. I can see it in her eyes that she doesn't want to be around me. But I didn't hate her... Everytime I see her it's a reminder to me of someone I could've had but I just let her walk away without saying anything. I wish i could've just told her how much I loved her. I just want to tell her how sorry I am and hold her close to me and give her a kiss. 


They both sat around in their rooms and thought "I want to forgive and forget with a simple kiss that will erase all our bad history and replace it." 


Emilia and Jack never crossed paths again. They're still on eachothers mind every single day. From 16 to 80 years old they will always love eachother. 

The author's comments:

BEFORE READING: This is a story about two love birds at the age of 16. In High School we're all confused about love. What does love really mean at the age of 16? Well Emilia and Jack are examples. They carry on not speaking to eachother after this harsh breakup. They both go to different school in Maimi,FL so it's no surprise they don't talk to eachother again. Throughout both of their lives they still love and think about eachother everyday. 

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