Jessica | Teen Ink


March 9, 2015
By Elizabeth McGaffey BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Elizabeth McGaffey BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


There’s a pit in my stomach. A horrible turning and twisting feeling that i just can’t seem to shake. I’m not sure why this plagues me but i am certain that it cannot be good. Why on earth did i decide to do something so incredibly stupid. What could have possible compelled me to do such a terrible thing to myself. My mouth is dry and i’m afraid it’ll stay that way. The twisting is getting worse and my destination is just up ahead. Maybe i should turn back, but that wouldn’t solve anything i would just have to deal with it in the future. Sooner or later so might as well live in the now and just get it over with.
The storm was getting worse and now i could barely see a thing. This isn’t good. This isn’t good what if something happens to me. Who would tell my family.  My head starts to pound and no matter how many times i rub it the obnoxious pounding persists. Just calm down you’ll be fine. Who am i kidding no you won’t be, you should just turn back now. The conflicting emotion swirl around my brain and the wind continues to howl in the background.Yet this feeling emerges from all of these emotions.  I feel like i’m being chased.
Yes something or someone must be following me i just know it, i can’t see them but i can feel their presence. I must hurry before it is too late.
Just as i felt as if this eternal nightmare would never end i look to my left and there it is beside me. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down as best as i could then slowly exit my vehicle. The storm is picking up and i can’t see where it is that i am going but i walk forward blindly hoping that the stone path won’t lead me astray.
I reach the door and can feel the stomach acid in the back of my throat. I’m about to turn away when the flick of lights startle me and suddenly my legs turn to stone and i’m unable to move. This is it, this is how it ends paralyzed by my own pure idiocy. A whimper escapes my throat as i hear the creaks of stairs and the rustling of someone on the inside of the house. The door ancient looking yet utterly beautiful carved out of rich dark oak wood creaks open and out pops a delicate little face. A face belonging to none other than the lovely Jessica.
A look of bewilderment swipes its way onto her face and her eyes dart out to look at the horrible storm raging in the background.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked with almost a tone of annoyance.
“I uh I” As always i can’t seem to bring myself to words and make myself appear to be a blundering idiot. So i take a deep breath, stand up straight and look her straight in the eyes which catches her off guard and causes her eyes to dart towards her feet. I clear my throat and finally complete the task that i so long ago set out to do. With my thoughts swirling around my mind like a hurricane of uncertainty i utter the eight words i had been thinking about since freshmen year.
“Jess will you go to prom with me?”

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