First Time | Teen Ink

First Time

March 13, 2015
By graceekiesel BRONZE, Modesto, California
graceekiesel BRONZE, Modesto, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had never seen such good looking guys that was from my past. Ryan Jacobs was one of my friends from when we were little. He was short with dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. Today in the diner he is tall and has a muscles creepy out from under his shirt. His hair is now a light coffee brown and his eyes are still that bright ocean blue. I really want to walk over to him and see if he recognizes me but every bone in my body tells me that I should just stay at my table and wait for my friends. However not listening to my instincts I am already standing and walking toward his table. When I was little I was not the most appealing thing to look at. In high school I had braces and glasses. But today I don't know if I am any better. I don't have braces anymore and I ditched the glass for contacts, finally. I hear the laughter of him and his two friends. I am really regretting this choice of mine. I am so out of his league that I am not only embarrassing him, I am risking the social status that I have spent years trying to create myself.

After college I decided to go as far away from home as I possible. I am originally from Eugene, Oregon. I loved living there but I am pretty sure that Eugene did like me. I was an nobody who no one knew and that no one knows today. I was an athlete. I was a soccer and volleyball player. I had set three major records in the state and yet still everyone stood around not even knowing my name. In my senior year I was offered both an academic and an athletic scholarship to two schools, Boston College and Columbia University in New York. I decided to attend Boston College. I went on from there to become a the head publicist of two major magazines. I work for both Sports Illustrated and Cosmopolitan. I know, I know it is not Vogue but both these magazines are my home and I love everything about my job.

I am almost at his table but I realize that I haven’t thought through what exactly I was going to say to him. But then all of the sudden he turned his head and look me directly in the eye. He stood up and began walking towards me. I put no thought behind what I said to him.
“ Well, well if it isn’t Ryan Jacobs.”
“Oh my god, Madeline Turner!” he replied.
He spread open his arms as if he wanted to give me a hug so I went in for it. He hold me in his arms for at least 30 seconds. When he finally let go he looked out at me and said “Wow! You look great! How long has it been since we last saw each other?” I stepped back and look up at him as his face came back into view. I looked up at his beautiful eyes and almost forgot to respond. “Well thank you, same to you too. I don’t know, but it has been at least a couple years. How have you been? What have you been up too?”
“You didn’t here?”
“Hear about what?” I responded.
“I made it to the MLB!”
“Wow that is great! I can’t believe I didn’t hear or see that.”
“What do you mean see that?”
“Well I am the head publicist for Sports Illustrated and we always get a list of the incoming draft picks from the colleges.”
“Oh that’s super cool that you work for them. Well anyway I have to get back to my friends but here let me get you number and maybe we can hang out sometime.”
“Ok sounds good!” I said as smooth and calm as I could.
He handed me is Iphone and I made contact for myself.
“Thanks and I will see you around Maddy. Everybody still calls you Maddy right?”
“Yeah people still call me that. I will see you around.”
As I turned to walk away we stared into each others eye for at least 10 seconds and then I finally turned and walk back to my table where I found my friends sitting and staring back at me.

All throughout the evening I would occasionally stare at him and when he would turn his head as if he was going to look at me, I would look away. Once my friends and I were finished eating we got up and began to walk out of the restaurant. When we made our way out the door, we were being followed by Ryan and his group of friends. My friends and I said goodnight to each other and began to walk to our own cars. I began to unlock the door to my truck when I heard someone call my name.
When I looked over I saw Ryan jogging at a slow pace towards me. I lowered my hand from the truck door.
“Hey what’s up?”
“I forgot something.”
When he stopped jogging and began to walk towards me fast, I could feel my heart rate began to speed up. He got closer and closer and planted one right on my check.
“I am glad I remembered that. I will call you.”
My heart was beating faster than it ever has before and I all I can think was he missed.

The author's comments:

I wrote this over Valentine's Day just as a cute little story. 

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