heartbroken by a trashy guy | Teen Ink

heartbroken by a trashy guy

October 16, 2015
By Anonymous

Today my sister's heart got broken by a very trashy guy. His name is damion carby had told her lie after lie. Then he had said he loved her then he say he wanted to marry her started a family. he lied so much he coulsnt keep them stright. we found out he had a gf in his own neighborhood. His little "girlfriend" Adrianna had messaged my desr sweet baby about  damion. she clamined that damion pays her phone bill sleeps with her and wanted to start a life together. werid huh? well this scumbag tried to play my dear sister. well i took matters into my own hands (with my sister's permission of course) and called him to let him know to delete her number and i never text or call or skype kik her agian becuase i will be here to cause bodily harm to him and his girlfriend for the pain thy put my little charizzy in but ms trashy adrianna didnt have to send obscene message after obsecene message making little charizzy more and more upset. she crossed a line when she gave her own personal detils of her life to little charizzy. i was furiuos and then clamed down because i knew this chick wasnt gonna get anywhere in life by the way she was talking she conducted herself. i believe now that charizzy has broken free of this d*****bag she can do better things with her life and find someone better and treat her better they better or i might rip spianal cord out their throat dont judge me

The author's comments:

he caught hell he was freaky pissed about the whole thing

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