Oceans Are Bigger | Teen Ink

Oceans Are Bigger

October 22, 2015
By MMullen BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
MMullen BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had a dollar for everytime someone told me there are other fish in the sea, would I have enough to buy back your heart?

People tell me I look great by myself, and that I am better off alone, but if I am so great then why did you leave me?

I constantly hear comments about how empowering it is to be single, but can I be empowered when the only thing I lived for is gone?

They tell me I was too good for you, and that I deserve better, but if I was too good for you then why am I not with you?

People have come over to bring me ice cream and I don't even try to hide my tear stained face. Why did you leave like this?

I worried about being dumped when I was younger,  but dumped doesn't describe it. You have shattered me and left me alone to destroy myself even more.

It pains me to know you're gone, but it hurts even more that I still love you. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 4 2015 at 11:55 am
Leewill30 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I love your story. I can feel the pain you have as I read it. When you said, “but dumped doesn't describe it. You have shattered me and left me alone to destroy myself even more.” That’s deep right there you don’t feel dump, just lost and not found.