6 Lost Souls | Teen Ink

6 Lost Souls

December 4, 2015
By amh623 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
amh623 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   They are the ones who fascinate me. I am the only one who talks to them. Six lost souls with dark clothes and headphones on like the world is irrelevant. Six who act like they don’t care what people think, but do. From their balcony, people hear the music, but everyone ignores it because it is unpledged.

   Their sadness is obvious. They keep a straight face and music blaring. They go home and they get consumed in their thoughts about the one they love, but their parents think there is more to their sadness. This is how they live.

   Let them forget their sadness, they would bind together so their sadness would dissipate, if  only for a little while. Hushed, hushed, hushed they play the music. They’re happy.

   When reality returns, when the balcony doors open, their souls remain lost. When the stars come out, he smiles because she is looking up at the same sky. Six who grew to accept the sadness. Six who grew to acknowledge the happiness. Six whose only reason to smile is love.

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