Lost at Sea | Teen Ink

Lost at Sea

December 15, 2015
By arkrasner BRONZE, North Arlington, New Jersey
arkrasner BRONZE, North Arlington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is bulletproof, but friendship is a escape.  

Chapter 1: The Sea

Gus was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, he was on a search to find land. Twenty year old Gus wanted to explore the ocean blue. The six foot four young man’s clear, greenish-blue eyes lit up his small facial features. Gus left home at age of 18 because he craved  adventure. So he brought a boat and he has been at sea ever since.  He sometimes regrets going to sea because he still wants to go to college and study medicine.

Chapter 2: An island

In all the years Gus has been at sea he had never been attacked.  But that changed the day Pirate Joe tried to sink Gus’s boat .  As a result Gus ended up on an island in the region of Northern Ireland .  Gus landed his boat and ran to the sand and the trees bursting into happy tears.
Gus then realized he was on a deserted island. So he decided to explore the island  until he got hit on his head with a coconut and fell.  

Chapter 3: The Girl

Catherine was also on the same adventure as Gus but she got lost and tried to contact people but no one could be reached.  Catherine was a very shy person since she was on the island for years with no social interaction. Being alone for so long made her feel depressed . She survived on coconuts and the sea water.  Not seeing a person for two years made her very curious to find who the man was, she is also hyper because she is a little kid at heart and need to calm down because she is very desocialized.

Chapter 4: Friendship?

Catherine and Gus tried to be friends since they were trapped on the island and both wanted to leave because the island was hot and there was a volcano that would erupt at any time.  Catherine and Gus tried to build a boat out of sticks and other materials. When the boat got into the water it floated. So Gus and Catherine escaped the island. They both danced and rejoiced.  Catherine was so happy to be free at last.  Gus thought Catherine was adorable because of her attitude towards leaving the island. Sadly, they didn't sail far enough because pirate Joe tried to sink their boat.  The boat that Gus and Catherine made stayed afloat and spent three months at sea together. In the matter of 3 months they learned a lot about each other and even learned things about themselves.

Chapter 5: Love!

Catherine is from Finland while Gus is from America.  Gus fell in love with Catherine and Catherine was too shy to express her feelings ‘After months at sea through the tears and happiness they awoken to land but this wasn't an island it was the great country of Italy . They ended up living together in a small house. 
A few months later Gus proposed to Catherine and nine months later they got married . Gus went back to school as well he became a doctor and Catherine became a lawyer.  They lived a happy rich life and had two children Jack and Diana.  Gus wrote Catherine a beautiful poem about there adventure together.

“When I was lost at sea you
You were the one
Who found me on
That deserted island
Where I hid from
Pirate Joe that evil man
Know I am happy to
see my beloved Catherine
Your mine and forever and

Gus told Catherine that our love is bulletproof and our kids will grow up and to crave adventures just like their parents.  They grew an old age of 88 for Gus and a year later Catherine died. They lived a happy life.  They were fortunate to meet and spend time together,

The author's comments:

A tragic piece of love 

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