The story about our love | Teen Ink

The story about our love

February 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Kristen is a cheerful and funny girl.Her father is Edward Parker and her mother is Maria Parker.Kristen has a brother.Since she is the last child her parents love her very much.She got everything she want.

      One day Kristen and her family went for a holiday.It was raining at that day and the road was very slippery.On the way to the destination they talked and joked around in the car.Suddenly the car that Edward drove lost controlled and crush into a tree.

       When Kristen woke up, she already at the hospital. Her grandmother, Suzan already beside her.Kristen asked her grand mother about what happened on that day.Suzan,her grandmother told her that her parents and her brother already dead because of critical injury on the head.After hear that bad news,Kristen immediately cry,she felt regret because she the one who want to go holiday.

         After that scary accident, Kristen live with her grandmother at a small village.She also act like a different person.Back then she used to be cheerful and funny girl but now she is quiet girl and she like to be alone.At the new school, she always get bully by the naughty girls at the school.

           One day, Kristen cried alone at the school garden because of her bad fate.Back then she used to live at a big house and now she need to get used to live at a small village and poor.Suddenly, the top student of the school, Adam saw what Kristen did.He felt sorry towards Kristen.He went to buy some drinks and sit next to the Kristen.

              At that time, Kristen was shocked because Adam suddenly gave her a drink and sit next to her.After that, Adam gave Kristen some tissue to wipe her tears.Then, Adam introduce himself to Kristen.Kristen felt a bit happy at that time because after a long time at that school, finally there someone who likes to become friend with her.Without realise, her tears suddenly flowing because he felt grateful.

                 After saw Kristen reaction, Adam just smile and try to comfort Kristen.Adam told Kristen if she has a problem, just share with him.After hearing that, Kristen quickly told her problem to Adam and what happen to her family.Adam felt really sorry, because he never know that Kristen went through that kind of hard time.After that, they became really close and whenever they had hard time they will share it to each other.

                   Seeing how they were really close made all the naughty girls that bully Kristen felt jealous.They know that Adam fell in love with Kristen after secretly reading his diary.They plan to threatened Kristen to leave Adam alone.Kristen felt depressed after hearing that because deep in her heart, she already felt in love with Adam.She doesn't want to leave Adam because Adam is her only friend.

                     Although she know if she tell this thing to Adam it might burden him,but she still want to tell Adam that she love him and about that naughty girls threatened.Adam was shocked when he heard Kristen said that she love him.Without hesitation, Adam confess his feeling towards Kristen too.After that, Adam report to the teacher about the naughty girl.After the girl being punished, they felt regretted about what they already done.They quickly apologises to Kristen.

                        Finally, Kristen felt at ease.She finally became cheerful and funny like she were before.She also got many friend thanks to Adam.Kristen and Adam promised that they will marry each other one day and they also promise to went through hard times togethet no matter what happen.

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