She Who Shall Not Be Named | Teen Ink

She Who Shall Not Be Named

March 22, 2016
By a_ingrassia19 BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
a_ingrassia19 BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

[It's a breezy fall night in New York City and Craig is arriving home at 2:00 AM to his apartment in the East Village, yet again. His wife Nadia has had enough of her husband's odd behavior and spotty attendance at home so, she decided to surprise him at his office earlier that day for lunch. When she got to his door she peeked into the window and right at that exact moment, Craig kissed the young woman with curly black hair. She was so furious that she ran out of the building and walked all the way home.]
[Taxi driver turns around facing Craig in the cab.]
Taxi Driver: That'll be twenty dollars and eighty-three cents, sir.
Craig: [opens wallet] Here you go, keep the change.
[Craig gets out of the cab and heads up to his apartment on the third floor. He approaches the door quietly and slowly unlocks the front door then steps inside.]
Nadia: Where have you been? It's 2:00 AM and you're just getting home again? What's going on?
Craig: Geez, Nadia! You scared me.
Nadia: Do you plan on answering any of my questions?
Craig: Everything's fine, honey, just doing some paperwork at the office, trying to get caught up.
Nadia: Oh really? You looked pretty caught up at lunch today.
Craig: [eyes widen] Lunch? You-you weren't at my office for lunch today.
Nadia: I was, briefly. Then I saw with another woman.
Craig: Now I can explain, I-
Nadia: [interrupts] I don't want to hear it. All you ever do is feed me excuse, after excuse, after excuse and I'm tired of it, Craig. I'm sick of explaining things to other people and it turns out I stuck by your side for all these years for nothing, just for you to betray me.
Craig: Just hear me out, please I'm so sorry. She was new to the firm and they put me on her first case with her since I have more experience and I could show her the ropes. We were working such long hours by ourselves and we really got to talking. We got to know each other so well and we clicked I was excited, just like I was when I met you but with her and then I realized something.
Nadia: What have you realized?
[Craig looks into Nadia's eyes.]
Craig: I didn't want to tell you this way, not like this.
Nadia: Well, it's too late now. This is clearly long overdue.
Craig: I don't love you anymore, Nadia. Our marriage has grown dull and lifeless. There's no excitement and we have both changed immensely as people and we want different things. I know you'll be happier without me, you can focus on all the things I've kept you from doing for so long.
Nadia: I just don't know what to say right now. I've given you 10 years Craig, 10 years. And this is how you repay me? After all I've done for you? [begins crying] I'm sorry we're going to have to talk about this tomorrow.
[Nadia runs into their bedroom and slams the door behind her leaving Craig alone in the living room.]
Craig: She wasn't supposed to find out this way. I'm so sorry Nadia, I can't stay here.
[Craig grabs his wallet and runs downstairs to catch a cab.]

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