i forgive you | Teen Ink

i forgive you

March 20, 2016
By queenmaira BRONZE, Miami Fl, Florida
queenmaira BRONZE, Miami Fl, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   I looked at the clock it read 5:30pm I signed “Finally I’m off”. I grabbed my purse and keys then headed home to my boyfriend Rodney. When I got home I heard loud music from the bedroom. I dropped my bag and took off my heels before calling Rodney. “Rodney turn that music down” I yelled while walking up the stairs and to the bedroom.
    “Rodney didn’t I say turn that music down”. I opened the room door all the way and I paused cause what I saw next was about to send me to jail. I can’t believe this he was in our bed cheating on me with some girl, I ran and knocked down the stereo which causes him to look up.
     “Baby” he said while getting out the bed.
     “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill both of you”
     “Baby I’m sorry please forgive me I love you”.
     “You don’t love me but its ok you don’t have to worry about me because I’m done” I said while packing my stuff. After 2 hours of his sorry’s and my packing I was finally done and in my car. I just sat there think why me I started to cry so I stop thinking about what just happened, I decided just to start over and move out of Miami because if I stay and I see him again I might kill him. I picked up my phone and ordered me a plane ticket to New York, the plane leaves at 9:00pm and its 8:25 now so I just headed to the airport.
        “I guess this is a new start” I said to myself.
        It’s been 2 months now that I’ve been in New York, the first week was kind of hard but it started to get better. I met this guy name Chris a month ago and he is now my boyfriend but we’re taking it slow, Since I left I have talked to my mom and dad and I’m going to visit them tomorrow but my plane leaves tonight at 12:00 it was 11:40 now and Chris was dropping me off at the airport because he wasn’t coming with me to Miami.
         “Bye Chris” I said while getting all my stuff out the car
         “Bye June” he said while kissing my forehead.
         I arrived in Miami and in my hotel room at 6 in the morning, I decide to just take a nap then go see my parents. It was 5 in the afternoon now so I went an freshened up before going to my parent house, 5 minutes later I was on my way to see my parents. I pulled up to my parents’ house and knocked on the door, my mom answered yelling
         “June” then my dad appeared
         “June we miss you” my dad said as he hugged me
         “I miss yawl too” I said while walking in the house and sitting on the couch my parents sat down after me, I signed and started talking.
         “So I am thinking about coming back down here to stay”
         “That sounds like a good idea” my dad said
         “June have you talk to Rodney” my mom asked
         “No mom and I don’t plan on doing it either”
          “Well June we been talking to him and he’s really sorry” she added
          “Mom I really don’t want to hear this”
          “Why not June he loves you”
          “Calm down sweet heart” my dad said to my mom then continued
         “June go home and get cleaned up we having a dinner for you tonight” I just nodded my head and left. When I got back to the hotel I went to my room and pulled a dress and some heels out of my suitcase and started getting ready. After I was done it was 10:00 at night so I just headed back to my parents’ house, when I got there my dad answered in his pjs.
        “Dad why are you dressed in your night clothes and were is mom” I asked confused
        “Your mom is sleep and I’m dress like this because I’m going to bed”
        “But what about dinner”
       “About that we just said that so you would come because someone wants to take you on a date”
        “Who” I asked then there was a knock on the door
         “Be nice I’m going to bed” he said while going into his room, I just sat there confused until I heard another knock on the door. I went to go open the door and I instantly got mad at my parents, it was Rodney
          “June” he said like he couldn’t believe it
          “What do you want Rodney”
          “You, June I love you”
          “Rodney if you loved me you wouldn’t have did what you did”
          “I know and I’m sorry June just let me take you to the park so we can walk and talk and if it goes good we can go to dinner from there” he said. I thought about for a minute then said
          “Ok”, we got in his car and drove off. When we pulled up to the park I got out first, when he got out he started talking.
            “So how you been”
            “Good and you” I said as we started walking. After an hour of walking and talk we decide to sit down, I can say I was really having a good time,
            “June I really love you” he said.
            “So I’m thinking about moving back down here”
            “I think you should so I can see you more”
           “Yeah” I said not wanting to talk about this
           “June can I please have another chance” I thought about it for a moment then said
           “I don’t know but I have to tell you something, in New York I have a boyfriend”
           “Do you still love me?”
          “Yes, but I don’t want to get hurt again” I said while looking away because the tears started to fall, he turned my face back to him and wiped away my tears. I looked at him and felt loved.
        “I forgive you Rodney” he smiled
        “Does this mean I can get a second chance” I looked at him for a moment and said
        “Yes” he hugged me tight and kiss me
       “Ok now let’s go eat” I smiled

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