You & I | Teen Ink

You & I

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

"We're here Miss Alice." I jolted my head away from the window because of daydreaming.
"Just call me Alice." I smiled at Ben,our driver.
"Sure Mis-I mean Alice."He smiled back.I waved at him a little before going out from our fancy car.Fixing my uniform,I heard some squealing and whispering.
"Miss Alice is here!"
"My!She is beautiful!"
"I wish I was her."
I stood back steadily and flash them a smile.My name is Alice Rebecca Thomas.One of the,well you can say,popular girl.Why? My Dad,he is a big man here.Not big like fat I mean he have this power to control almost everything here. And not suprisingly I turned out to be his daughter.
Girls.Squeal.I know what caused this.I glanced at my right just to see girls with their skirts up and swooning over at just one place.Suddenly,the girls squeals boom louder than ever that made my ears almost about to fell off from it place.
"It's the prince!!!"
"He looks gorgeous today!!"
"Oh My God!"
"He just too perfect!!"
"I'll die"
"Eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!! Prince Peter!!"
Whaa.So annoying.I don't know why the heck they are swooning over him.Oh great.Now he was coming this way.I see how the crowd were giving him way to the school gate.Me,being the way I am,I stood there,crossing my arms while looking at him fiercely.While everyone else giving him the way,I won't ever give a playboy like him that kind of thing.Finally,he stood in front me with his overgrown brown messy hair sticking out everywhere and his green intelligent eyes looking at me coolly. His eyes bored into mine with this stare telling me to get away.
"Get out of the way." He said bluntly.
"You ARE in my way."
"Do I look like a care?"I gritted my teeth angrily.I gave him dagger glare straight into the eyes. Without response my glare he walked pass me with his hands in his pocket like I was nothing with girls clinging with him everywhere. He just so rude. I turned my back to look at him and saw he freaking smirk rudely.

I stomp away angrily into the other gate of our school which is the nearest to my class. Yes. We got two freaking gates. Cool huh?

I went climbed up the mountain; I mean the school's stairs which my class took in on level 4. It is the highest floor we got and guess how much stairs does this school own. And this school really give a damn about the seniorities-juniorities thing. The juniors; I mean all -freshmen,sophomore,juniors and seniors- got their own stairs so do us, seniors. Whoever got caught; the juniors using the seniors'; or whoever from other batch using the other batch stairs will get bash so hard. I don't give a damn about this tradition whatever, I mean we all humans have our own rights to go whereever or using whatever we want, right?

When will I get out from this damn school? Oh wait,a few months until I graduate. Or should I say almost a year left. It just the beginning of the semester and I just want to get the hell outta here.

I was panting so hard from all the effort I used to climb all the way up here when suddenly I was being hugged from behind.


Just from the voice I could tell who is it

"Melanie." I grinned at her 'long' name as what she called it. Melanie O'Cunnel or what I call her Mel had been my best friend since in kindergarden where I first met her she was in her seat cuddling her little teddy bear shyly. She grown up into someone else huh? Mel pout at her 'not so stylish' name I called her before.

"Alice! You know I don't like that name right?"

"It's still your name Mel." I raised my eyebrows at her while she's still pouting in her own world.

A minute later, she started to talk to me again while we walked to our class. Huh. Typical Mel she couldn't stand without her gossip around.

"I heard something happened in the front gate earlier." She wiggled her eyebrows while nudge my side. I rolled my eyes feeling annoyed with that question.

" Usual things. That Peter Dylan Storm can't stop picking out a fight with me." I whine.

" You know what? I'm having this doubt that he might somehow like you."

I snickered at her statement playfully slapped her hand in the moment.

"Nonsense. How could that perfect Peter have some feelings for me?" State the sarcasm there.Slowly I took my sit at the center of the classroom followed by Mel whose place always've been at my right.

"Hey. It quite possible considering that you guys known each other for I don't know how long but hate each other guts."

" Is that a good thing? Plus our families are enemies for only God know how long centuries."

" Pardon? I haven't finished my talking yet okay? It's a classic boy maneuver. This guy likes you and he shows it the best way he can which is by picking on you. Simple."

It took sometimes for my brain to process and put things into things. He likes me? That arrogant Peter Dylan Storm likes me? What on Earth? Did the angels accidentally swap my book fate with another?

But if he do I might be squealing up in-

" I agree." A voice came butted in. Oh how I hate the voice.

"Peter." I hissed forcing my head to look at him. Then just I realized how close his face were with mine. A few inchies his nose will be on mine. If he did a false move his lips might brush on mine.

" What do you want?" I inched away while he inched closer. What the heck?

"Just come checking my sweetheart." I could feel his minty breath on my face as my face redden.

"Who's your sweetheart?" I whisper-hiss but it come out more like squeaking as I'm feeling embarrassed by his closerness. After a few moments of staring at each other eye; his emarald green into my sapphire blue one he finally backed away.

If I blinked I won't see it.

He glanced at my rosy lips for a second before backed away. Is my eyes right? Or is it just my imagination.

Thanks God our homeroom teacher come right away when the bell rings. He went to sit at his place which is the closest to the window 2 table away behind me; right in the corner of the class.

The president choice is near. I wonder who might be the last two candidates. Who I'm kidding who else if not Alice Rebecca Thomas and Peter Dylan Storm?

We are both the most popular one in the school and let's not forget most rich in the town. Families of course.

My face posters were everywhere around the school, imagined how shame I am walking around with seeing my face hanging here and there. And of course his banner looked more expensive than mine with a little bit of effect on his already perfect looking face. Nailed this, girls squeals everytime they saw his posters and they even took picture with his god damn I don't know how much feet; almost a classroom sized banner.

Yup. True fangirls.

But let me tell you this one mindblown fact.

I kinda have feelings for him. Let's be clear.

I like him too.

Hold on. Don't snickers yet. I'm not like that one brat who clearly delusional and obsessed with Peter in a way that’s nowhere near being something akin to love and hates the fact that she can’t have what she wants.

I just that girl who like him from the start of our meet which was when we were 5 or something. We've always been to the same school since kindergaren, what do you expect?

You can't make our parents meet or else World War 3 will happen. Well that quite normal these few weeks since our Dad was fighting for the Mayor place which I don't think really important. But it is in their own little world. Wait. No. In their real living world. And the fact that I like Dylan and it just one side love is in my own little world.

Okay back to the real world, I was laying my head on the desk of my little office panting out my hard breath from all of my hardworks running around the school plastering my own banner about vote me for the president.

Then, come my lovely best friend jumping up and down in front me in nervous way yelling for me to get my ass up. Oh how I love my life. Not the sarcasm.

" What now? I'm tired Mel. I just wanna take a nap. Wake me in 10 minutes. " I sighed without looking at her.

" No you can't! Come on and see what happen outside!! " She dragged me out by arms   and there was a crowd laughing and snickering about something. What were they looking at. Mel pulled me into the crowd between students body. Okay. This is unbelievable.

What the hell?!

There was a poster of me but with extra mustache, horns and my eyes were like panda's. There's a few words written around it saying

' The beast '

' Stupid '

' Orge '

and a few more. Who's work is this? It was doddles with a black marker. I searced for faces that look suspicious with my furious eyes on. Finally I landed on one. In his pocket there was a black marker and he was laughing uncontolbally. Angrily, I walked towards him and poked his chest a few times.

" What are you doing?! " I yelled.

" What? I didn't do it. " He was calm but his lips was plastered a playful smirk. I know he did it!

" Yes you did! "

" Do you have any proves? No don't you? " This guy. He laughed again and walked away before gave me a wink and patted my shoulder. I can felt my face red with angry.

" Peter!!! " I yelled. Soon, the crowd walks away still laughing quietly. I'll get my revenge! Just get ready Peter.

He turned to a corner and I quietly followed him. Suddenly he turned around and I hid behind the walls. Fuhh. Luckily, I didn't got caught.

There he goes again, walking round and round around the school. Suddenly, he stopped again making me hid behind the nearest walls. I didn't heard his footsteps anymore so I dicide to look. He was grinning at something on the wall. It took me a moment to realized that it was my poster. Ooohh... you are so gonna caught this time Peter, I thought. He placed one of his hands on the grinning more widely.

Suddenly, my heart stopped. Did he just? I blinked again and still see it. What? My face turned red and I hid myself when he got away from the poster and looked around him.  He stared at my poster one last time and walked away.

Want to know what I saw? Here let me tell you. I expected him to doodles my face again but it was far away from that. Even far away from what I ever think. Yes, you didn't hear or read wrong, he carrassed his hand over my poster before took a step nearer. Suddenly, I felt my heart dropped. His face came nearer to the poster and suddenly, he placed his lips over my lips- I mean me in the poster-but it still me-oh whatever. What I'm trying to say is that, he kissed my picture in the poster right on the lips, Yes. That's the right sentence.

Do he likes me? Is it true what Mel said? I just remembered that he also agreed on that, maybe yes? I placed my hand on my lips still can't believe what I saw. When I finally get things into things and get a hold on myself, I started to walk back to classroom. As usual the classroom was noisy and hyper. Oh what a great life. I walked into the classroom, embraced myself and kept my eyes around. Things happenned so fast, I need to receive some facts and maybe take a rest.

Suddenly, I heard a melodic voice coming from the back of the classroom, it was so beautiful. Oh, let's get away with my daydream. All I heard was a few masculine voices chuckling over something but there was one of the voices that outstanding and caught my ears. I looked at the source of it and saw him and a few of his friend sitting on the tables and laughing their heart out. Suddenly, he turned around making me quickly look away. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look at him Alice. I sat on my seat, hands on my face, my gaze was on my skirt, blocking everything out of my sense.

Please don't call my name. Don't greet me. Don't pick up a fight with me. I prayed. But I just realized that my life is not a fairy tale and this is not a storybook. Duh- he just yelled my name.

" Alice! "

" What?! " I yelled back hands on my face which redden more each second.

" Congrats for tomorrow choose. "

" Congrats? Why? "

" Congrats for loosing with me!! " He laughed with all his friends and I heard some of them cheered.

He liked me? Seemed like a NO.

It was the day without me knowing it. I walked to my desk the next day with everyone in the class chatting about who's gonna be the president, seeing a sticky note on the corner my desk.

' Go under the main stairs before it starts '

it says. I know very well the handwriting but on the second thought, I just go and meet the person down the stairs.

As I step on the last stairs, I saw a figure backing me, hands folded and looked well hidden- i have eagle eyes. I faked cough to attract him but as fast as I blink, he pulled my wrist making both of us hidden there.

" What? " I asked.

" Wanted to congratulate me again? Geez, no way. " I said ready to walk away. Besides, standing, just us alone make me feel awkward yet nervous.

But then just like that, his lips planted on mine. After a few seconds he pulled away leaving me in an utter shock.

" Say again if you dare. "

" Wha- " Again. This time he kissed softly making the butterflies in my stomach fly away.

" I like you. A lot. Since we were child. When I first see you, I know you're the one. The way your eyes shines  that bright my dimmed life, the way your lips curved into a smile that eventually make my heart beat a thousand faster. I can't explain it. It just too much. I thinked about this so many times before. Now I couldn't resist it anymore. I don't care if you don't feel the same because I will always be here waiting for you. My heart won't change Alice. And I want you to know that. I love you. "

He confessed leaving me mouth gaping like a fish. Seeing my blur face, he was ready to get rejected just like the way he closed his eyes hoping, praying that this won't hurt.

" I'm sorry. " I whispered.

He opened his eyes with a broken look in them.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I love you a lot since forever. "

I softly pressed my lips on him that earning a lot of gasps, claps and cheers.

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