Fake nerds | Teen Ink

Fake nerds

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous



There's nothing much in this life. Sometimes we just wish we could change something in life but face the reality, people won't accept you as who you are. That's why sometimes in life, you just have to fake it.

Elsa Arendelle, Merida DunBroach and Rapunzel Carona. The three of them are just the typical nerd you always read in novels or movies like in Princess Diaries where suddenly they turn into somewhat beautiful girls after a makeover. And suprisingly they are, except for the part they turn into beautiful girls after a makeover, it's the opposite. They are beautiful but they actually turn into some nerds in school just to pushed the popularity away. But in real world, you can't run from the fame world, if you're beautiful automatically you'll become popular and people will fighting just to get you. That is how phatetic humans are.

Far from the teenage world, can the three of them even in love? Studies is what they ever think when suddenly come the bad boys who positively will mix up their life like batter in a mixing machine. Their life plan suddenly got stuck in the middle like suddenly a tall mountain come in front you, blocking your way to go to the other side. Except for their story, three bad boys, Jack Frost, Hiccup Haddock and Flynn Rider are attracting them to change their mind, way and life. It is like they are going to show them a whole new world, a world they never think of.

Maybe this is their chance to fall in love perhaps?

The author's comments:

Just a short synopses. The real book in the Wattpad. Search Fake Nerd

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