Stand Up to Love | Teen Ink

Stand Up to Love

April 29, 2016
By Sha_kyyra BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
Sha_kyyra BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

New York City is home to many different kinds of people, from rich investment bankers and supermodels to homeless people on the street. NYC is so big and it would seem like all these social classes would mix but they don’t… Jack Stanley and Mira Coulet were New York City’s power couple. Stanley was from a family of wealthy people and he only got richer when he secured his spot at T. Row Price as an investment banker right after college. His family only expected the best for Jack, a pretty girlfriend and a perfect life; and this is exactly what Jack did. He was dating one of NYC’s top models, Mira Coulet, she was beautiful and polite; Mira was the perfect match for Jack… together they were running the big city. Five star dinners every night, covers of magazines, and court side tickets to Knicks games is what Mira and Jack experienced every night.
Jack’s family made a huge impact on his decisions growing up; his mom even picked out his outfits everyday for school and of course Jack had to follow the footsteps of his father and go to U Penn. He was kind of just used to this controlling behavior. He and his parents decided to go to dinner on Wednesday night on the Upper East Side; they were acting really nice to him the entire time leading up to dinner so he knew they were probably going to ask him something. He wondered what they were going to ask him this time, maybe to host another party or help out in another charity to keep up with his good persona to the public; but when they all sat down to the table his parents laid out a ring… Jack was so overwhelmed he knew what they were about to ask, and a hundred things started running through his head. Then he looked over and saw the waitress walking towards his table, and everything cleared from his head.
He heard nothing his parents were saying and was just gazing at this magnificent girl; he saw that she was starting to walk over to their table and he felt like he was fourteen years old again getting butterflies when a pretty girl talked to him. Jack did not only see her beauty but he almost saw inside her like he knew her already. When she walked to the table to get their order she spoke in a sweet, soft voice and was very polite; Jack forgot everything he was there for and immediately said to the waitress “What’s your name, I need to see you later when do you get off work??”. The waitress answered and said “Haha my name is Willow, and are you sure about that *while Willow looked at Jacks astonished parents*.” Jack reassured that he wanted to see her still but she walked off to go grab their drinks.
Jack’s parents looked at Jack like he had 2 heads; his mom said “What do you think you’re doing Jack! You’re almost married to a perfect girl for you…” Jack was so angry and burst out “Just because she is ‘perfect’ doesn’t mean I love her, I do not love her mom and dad and I do not want to marry her. Let me be my own person for once I am sure of this decision so let me make it!” He got up and stormed off to the back to find Willow; once he saw her he asked if they could skip work right now and leave to talk. Willow decided to take a risk and just go for it.
Jack and Willow never came back. They decided to move down to a small town in Georgia and live together away from the business and chaos of NYC. Jack didn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances anymore and Willow didn’t have to worry about taking orders. They lived happily ever after with 5 children.


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