The Tragic Heart | Teen Ink

The Tragic Heart

May 17, 2016
By writerlover9715 BRONZE, Waterford, Maine
writerlover9715 BRONZE, Waterford, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The feeling of the cool,crisp air hit my face as I journey on a walk through the meadow to read my book in the beautiful summer’s morn. As I neared what sounded like moving water, my senses went into overdrive. The sound of crickets and ribbiting frogs filled my senses, putting a grand smile on my face. I feel at peace when I walk through such beautiful nature. The grass was a bright emerald green, lusher than I’ve ever seen before. The grass was thriving with so much life that I just couldn’t stop looking down at it, whimsically wondering, “What would it be like to be such a tiny insect in a vast space?” Then all of the sudden a huge gust of wind burst around me and for some odd reason I started to giggle. Twirling around with my book in hand, “I’m really enjoying this,” I thought cheerfully.  I closed my eyes and raised my face to the sun,  letting the warmth envelop my mind, body, and soul. The feeling was absolutely enthralling. Moving along, I took a deep breath in, enjoying the sweet smell of fresh cut grass. The smell gave me a giddy feeling inside. Reaching my destination, the sound of ducks, birds, and jumping fish filled the air around me now. The sound was so peaceful, that one could just simply lay here in the grass and fall asleep. As I sat down I felt a sudden wetness, as I remembered that it was morning and not the afternoon. Poor me had forgotten all about the dewiness that is left behind from the chilly mornings. “Oh well.” I thought, leaning up against the rough, grooved surface. For some reason instead of remaining seated I stood up and turned to what I was leaning up against. Such a beautiful sight to be seen indeed. Running my hand over the surface, I noticed an old carving from me and my lover that we had put here long ago. I almost forgot that this was the spot that he proposed to me before he passed away. A tear escaped my eye and fell down my cheek as I kept running my hand over the beautifully engraved calligraphy. Tears were now pooling down my face and the saltiness from them were all I could taste.  “You never know how much you miss or love someone till they’re gone,” I thought to myself as huge, hiccuping sobs broke the sound of the cheerful animals. The wind started to pick up a little and it was as if my lover was hugging me, trying to tell me that everything was going to be okay. It was odd because the air that blew around me wasn’t cold like I thought it would be. No, the air appeared to be strangely balmy. Wiping my tears away with a big sigh, and heavy heart, I set my book down onto the partially dewy grass. I began to inspect the long flowing branches of the tree. Grabbing one, I noticed that the surface of the branches seemed to be silky smooth and there appeared to be little buds beginning to burgeon still. Letting go, the wind began to blow the branches to and fro. A smile began to spread across my face and erupted into laughter; before I knew it I was taking off my garments. Tossing them next to the tree, like I was a little school girl again. The air began to grow thick and muggy as noon time rolled around the corner. The thought of fresh, cool water played over my mind, giving me goosebumps all over. Walking up to the water’s edge I stuck just my toes in. At first I was amazed at how warm and silky the water felt, then without another thought I decided to just jump right into it creating a huge splash. Memories of the times I used to come here with my lover filled my mind. Thoughts of Jack laughing and splashing me felt so real that I instinctively splashed back at the thin air, stuck in a daze. My chest began to tighten with a sudden overwhelming feeling from heartache and loss, causing my body to heat up and turn scarlet red. The feeling it gave me was absolutely startling. It seemed as if I was going to drown at that exact moment. Then a calmness seemed to invade me rapidly, more rapid than the ripples in the water . My emotions seemed so scattered that they didn’t know whether or not they wanted me to be sad or overly happy. So at that moment I guess you could say that I was shedding tears of sappy happiness. It was at that very second that I realized just how at peace I really was with life.

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