Finding the Right Type of Guy | Teen Ink

Finding the Right Type of Guy

May 27, 2016
By Anonymous

I walked in the school into the crowed hallway finding my way to my locker. I put my things in my locker, and someone bumped into me I turned around to see who it was my best friend Simone. I screamed Simone come here we both were excited and gave each other a hug.
“Girl, what you been up to?” Simone said.
“Where’s your boyfriend Tyrone?” He asked curiously. I was scared to tell him because we always tell each other our secrets. I told him me and Tyrone broke up because he kept abusing me.
Simone was in shock. “Are you serious?” He said sadly. I lifted my shirt a little so no one else would see it, and showed him the bruise that was on my stomach. The bruises were red and black I was sometimes afraid to look at them.
Simone didn’t know what to say he was so mad, because he doesn’t like when no one hurt me because I’m his close friend.
“I want you to succeed; I want you to graduate from High School.” Simone said.
“You need to stop focusing on finding the right guy, and focus on your education.” He added.
“Ok Simone, let’s talk later.”
I could tell he was upset; all those face expression he gave me. I was scared because I think he will talk to Tyrone about it, and I didn’t want Tyrone to come up to me about it because he probably would hit me again.
I went to my Pre-Algebra class which I hate because Tyrone is in there. I came in mad hoping the day would go by fast. I sat in my seat and waited for the teacher to teach; as I did I took my phone out to text Simone.
I laid my phone down and waited ‘til he texted back. As I did Tyrone walked in and I hurried up and turned my head around. He sat next to me and called my name Bria, I’m really sorry for what I did, you know I love you. I gave him a look and quickly walked away to move my seat. As I did I got a text from Simone that read, Hey, girl did you see the new boy? As soon as I read it I looked up and he came in.
He was the cutest person I’ve ever seen. He was tall, light skin, brown curly hair, hazel eyes, and dimples. I overheard the teacher say his name was Aldrese Jones. He looked at me and I started to smile and blush. I forgot that Tyrone was in the class I’m pretty sure he was jealous; I hope he won’t mess up my chances with Aldrese. 
Aldrese sat in front of me I was so happy. I replied back to Simone’s text, and told him the new student Aldrese Jones was in my math class. When I got done telling Simone a note was on my desk. I opened it and it read,” Hey, my name is Aldrese Jones.” I just moved here and I’m happy to be here at Ridge Way High School. You are a beautiful girl with a pretty smile I can tell you would be the best girlfriend. I want to get to know when the bell ring. The bell rang and I was head to my biology class. When I got in the hallway Aldrese grabbed my hand and started to smile. I didn’t know what to do but look at his cute face and dimples.
He said,” He would won’t to go NBA, or become a doctor.”
“I want to own my own business”, and do hair and nails. I added.
We talked and talked and I gave him my number. We walked in biology class together. I text Simone and I told him Aldrese and I might start dating soon.
Omg! “I’m so proud of you.” Just make sure he’s the one. Simone added
“Ok best friend”, I replied back.
I got on the bus to head home. Throughout the whole route I smiled thinking about Aldrese the whole time. Weeks and weeks passed and Aldrese and I were doing well so far. Aldrese, Simone, and I headed to wellness class Simone and Aldrese got to know each other. Aldrese pulled me to the side.
He said, so I been thinking we should go out we both have a lot in common and I’m pretty sure we would last.
I told him I would like to date him. When I told him yes he started to smile, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, and gave me a hug. After wellness Simone and I walked to my locker.
“I’m very glad to see you happy.” Simone said.
Thank you, I’m glad that I found the right guy.
Aldrese came to my locker with a surprise. He gave me a pair of Jorden’s, a shirt that says “he’s mine”, and true religion’s.
“I gave you this so we could match together tomorrow at school.” Aldrese said.
“Thanks, you really didn’t have to.” I said.

Aldrese had been the best boyfriend I ever had. He treated me well, bought me things, and never paid attention to another girl. Here I am 18 getting ready to graduate, and I never thought I will ever find the right guy. I’m hoping Aldrese and I would last together we both could spend our life together and focus on our goal.

The author's comments:

My article is mostly about a girl who wants to find a good boyfriend. It just seems like she couldn't find the right one until a new student came and change here life around.

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