Open Road | Teen Ink

Open Road

June 5, 2016
By allycat77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
allycat77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stars bright. Open road. Nothing stopping me now. The ties that we’re holding me down are gone and i'm free. No more screaming and fighting. No more lies or broken promises. It's just me. No more fighting parents or a stupid boyfriend making me feel like i'm not worth anything. But I know I am worth something, because of him. I look over to the driver, his hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were focused on the road. I haven't known him for more than 24 hours, but I already trusted him more that my last boyfriend. After all he’s probably the only person who hasn't lied to me in the last six months.

“ What's on your mind Dayton?” He asked taking a quick look over at me. I sighed and shrugged not giving a real answer. As I looked to the side of the road i seen the sign i've been dreaming of. You are now leaving Dayton, Ohio.

“Congrats” he said, “You're free.” The smile on my face could not not be hidden. This is all i've wanted for the past year. All i could do was throw my hands in the air and scream. He started laughing and screaming with me.

“If this is what it's like to be free, never stop driving” I said taking my arms down. He laughed and took my hand in his. This feeling is just intoxicating. My last boyfriend never gave me this feeling. The only feeling he gave me was fear. Fear of being rejected, even though it happened everyday.

He sped up the car and turned the music up louder. “Trust me Dayton. I don't ever have to stop driving, this is an open road.” He said loud enough so I could hear him over the music. I nodded agreeing that stopping was out of the question at this point.

So, now it's 3:30 in the morning, and no one else on the road but us. The opportunities this one guy gave me was endless. I'm no longer a property to be owned, I was my own person. I was independent, but with him at the same time. Him taking me down this open road to wherever, to do whatever.

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