Iced Tea | Teen Ink

Iced Tea

February 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Before I met you I thought that If you were breathing, you were living. I walked with my head hanging low and my nails bitten to a bleeding point, a nervous habit of mine. Every heartbeat was a challenge, and every breath taken in was an accomplishment. I used to look before I stepped, watch before I crossed, and think before I spoke. My own words tied my lips shut and I was screaming in their ears but they weren't hearing a word I was saying. Now, you take my hand and we jump from a million miles in the sky with only the air to catch us. Our only worry is that we might land back here in this town that we tried so hard to get away from. We walk in the nearest open door before we even think to take a peek at what is on the other side. We have wasted all of our money on artificially sweetened Ice Tea because you say that its better than having an artificial life. You taught me to do whatever the heck I want to do. You told me that if Im going to do something, I might as well do it drastically. I knew you were my best friend when you said that one day we would run away to Seattle at 3 in the morning just to see Dallas Green. I hoped that you would sell our tickets back home to a tourist in a Harley Davidson shirt. I knew you would. You call me at 11:30 on school nights and tell me to go into my closet so that my parents dont hear us talking. When you say goodnight, I tell you to look for me where all the dreams in the world meet and you say "I look for you wherever I go." You refuse to drink Mountain Dew because they changed the label. You tell me everything, good or bad, because you trust me. When I told you that I was pregnant with spongebob's baby, you said that you would be my replacement "baby-daddy" because Spongebob isnt fit to be a father. You tried to get me to watch your nerdy shows and when I said I was watching them, really I was writing this. A lot of times you say things that make me so mad I could slap you, but then you start singing the funeral song from that one movie that we love, and I laugh so hard I think I might die right then and there. We tried to play solitaire with real cards, but you got mad and cheated throughout the whole game. We got tracked down by your ex bestfriends phsyco mom and you took the blame for what we did even though it was my idea. Your the reason I try not to wear so much black anymore because you say it makes you depressed, even though you are the one that has every Marilyn Manson CD ever made. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You are my other half, my musical soulmate. You will be the death and the life of me. You think I saved you but in reality music boy, you saved me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 10 2010 at 8:47 am
a7xangel SILVER, East Hampton, New York
5 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart still aches in sadness, and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know.

although this has a few grammatical errors and could be formatted differently, i find this amazingly sweet and really good. keep writing! (: