A Summer to remember | Teen Ink

A Summer to remember

October 28, 2016
By swagwarrior87 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
swagwarrior87 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Beautiful sunny Afternoon in California and Louisa was organizing her closet wishing she was out with her best friend Rio. But her mother Elina told her before she could do anything with anyone she had to organize her closet because it was a mess and things were misplaced. She yelled up to her mother and asked if she could come up and help her sort things because she didn’t know what to keep and what to give away “ Yes Louisa i will be right up i will bring a trash bag with me so that you can put the clothes and shoes that don’t fit in it”. 10 minutes later her mother came up with a glass of water and a trash bag “alright kiddo you ready to get this done so you can go have fun with Rio”? “ yes i am so i was setting out some clothes from this side of the closet like the long sleeve stuff and shorts those are laying over there in a pile and all we need to do is get the jeans and the shorts and short sleeved shirts i already got shoes over there to”. “ great i will start putting the stuff that's ready in a trash bag and you start pulling things off the racks and hangers her mother” Elina says. 10 minutes later they finished organizing Louisa’s closet and there were about 4 trash bags laying next to her door “ I will take these clothes over to the Arc store while you're with Rio please be back by 6 its 2 right now that will give you 4 hours to go do something like go to the mall or get a snack somewhere but please be back at 6” her mother said. Louisa texted Rio the text read (i just finished a project my mother made me do wanna meet outside my door and we can decide where we wanna go? I can hang till 6) he replied (sounds great i will be right over) once he rang her doorbell she rushed to the door and opened it she had her purse with her and she was wearing sunglasses “ Hey Louisa how's your summer going?” “ good i've been bored and busy that why i’v wanted to hangout with you we have all summer to do some stuff what do you feel like doing today”? “Well i’m really flexible with anything i have my car so we can drive somewhere to maybe the mall” ? “ That sounds like an awesome idea i'll let my mom know we are going to the mall Hey mom!! Rio and i are going to go to the mall”  “Okay please be on your best behaviour and be back by 6” “ Okay! I love you bye” on the way to the mall Rio turned on some music and they cruised down the highway listening to G eazy. “ Alright where do you wanna go first Rio? said” “ Let's go check out the new lotions and shower products in bath and body works i heard they have some cool summer scents there They walked to bath and body works and on the way they saw a big sign that read 25% off in Forever 21 “ we are so going there next i love sales” Louisa said. “ oh look Rio there are sales everywhere it says buy 2 get 1 free of all soaps and lotions on that table over there” they walked over there and found a giant tower or soap and lotion that had some cool scents “ i don't know what to choose… Rio help me they have Strawberry Kiwi and blackberry banana lotion and orange pineapple and cherry lime soap” “ let's smell them then that will help you decide”. After they smelled each and every lotion and soap on the table Louisa finally chose the cherry lime soap and the Strawberry kiwi lotion “let's go pay louisa said” after that store they rode the escalator up to the 2nd floor and walked into Forever 21 there were red signs everywhere saying 30% off and 20% off. “ OMG this is awesome i am soo happy i love when stores have sales because it’s new things i'll definitely walk out of here with some new stuff” Rio walked over to this big table with some cute pants “ Louisa come over here they have some cool colored shorts you can get there is Pink,red,green so  and much more”! She walked over to the table and took a look “these are so cute look those they have cute gems on the front i want a pair of these and 2 others the white and purple ones”. After that store they went over to the food court and decided on some lunch “What do you wanna get ? louisa said” “ i'm in the mood for hot dogs ,hamburgers, french fries stuff like that” Rio said “ okay we'll go over to the burger joint then and share a milkshake chocolate right ? il pay” Louisa froze for a second “ you don't have to do that Rio” “but i want to i feel like being nice just let me buy you lunch it's okay you don't have to pay me back or anything it’s my treat”. “ well okay… if you say so “ i’l go order you go find us a place to sit” Rio said once they were done eating Louisa took out her phone and looked at the time it was 5 they had been shoping for 2 hours “ Wanna go for a drive ? we can just go drive along the east coast and drive by the ocean “ “ that sounds fun! Louisa said let's go! We can take pictures along the way! They walked out to Rio’s blue chevy and started driving “ i'll roll the windows down it makes it way better if we are driving down the highway with windows down” Rio said as they were driving around the coast Rio glanced over at Louisa she was starting to get sleepy and looked like she was getting cold so Rio pulled over to the side of the road took off his sweatshirt and put it over louisa he then got out of the car and walked over to her side of the car and pushed the button that controlled the seat and tilted it back a little so that Louisa was laying back. He thought to himself i'll drive just a little longer so she can sleep it's only 5:40 right now i got time to drive around where she lives. As 6 o'clock rolled around Rio had to wake Louisa up he didn’t like the idea of waking her up but he didn’t want her mom to get mad so he gently tapped louisa and said “ Louisa time to wake up it's 6 and i have to walk you up to your door” she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Rio she looked at the time it was 5:59 pm” I better get out how do you put the seat back up?” Don’t worry about that i can handle that” They got out of Rio’s truck and walked up to Louisa’s Apartment number 3C he told her that he would text  her and let her  know when another great time would be to hangout. “ Great well i had fun with you hope you have a good night “Louisa said“ i had fun with you to and you have a great night also Bye” “Bye” Louisa walked into her apartment and slumped down on the couch and turned on her favorite show Gossip girl her mother was busy paying the bills in her little work room to even notice it was 6 o'clock and her daughter was home. Louisa sat there and watched TV for about 15 minutes when her mother finally walked in and asked her how it was Louisa paused her TV show and glanced up to her mother and said “ It was awesome We went to the mall and visited a few stores they both had sales so i bought some lotion and soap from Bath and body works and bought some shorts from Forever 21”. “ well i'm glad that you had a fun time are you hungry ? your father and i were debating on a restaurant to go to” “we ate cheeseburgers at the mall but i still have a little room for dinner i'm okay with  anything we eat except for cheeseburgers please”. “Okay sounds good your father will be home in a while so we will decide when he gets home you can continue watching your show i'll leave you alone” the house was quiet Elina was working in her office and Louisa was watching tv when finally her father walked in the door “ Alonzo is that you” ? “ Yes honey i'm home” she walked out of her office and told Louisa to turn off the TV “Louisa and i were tryna figure out dinner she went to the mall with Rio today and they got cheeseburgers because they were hungry so she is okay with anything but cheeseburgers and fries”. Elina said “I'm fine with anything to how does the steakhouse sound”?” i like it” louisa said “That's fine dear” Elina said “Steakhouse it is let's get back in the truck and go before the wait is too long” Alonzo said Later that night they arrived back at the house and went to sleep. The next day was louisa’s birthday and Rio was taking her to an Amusement park! “Happy birthday Honey”!! Her parents said together “you are 17 today do you feel older”? Her mother said “not really but i just remembered Rio is picking me up at 11 to go to the new amusement park in Denver”! “Well you better eat i got you Donuts yesterday while you were at the mall they are in the fridge you can warm them up if you choose it's up to you” her mother said “ i will eat then go get ready i set out a birthday outfit last night that i’m going to wear” “Wonderful well i will be getting ready for the day so call me if you need me” Louisa went to the fridge got out the box of donuts and poured herself some orange juice she sat at the table and started eating when all of a sudden Rio texted her. It said (does 11 still sound okay ? i didn’t want to interfere with your family if you guys were gonna do something special this morning) ( No 11 is fine my mom is getting dressed and stuff and my dad is going to work so it's okay) louisa put her phone down and finished eating she put her dishes in the sink and headed to her room to change. She was getting her outfit out from the closet when her mother walked in with a box it was little and was wrapped in pink and blue wrapping paper with small holes poked in it “honey i have an early present to give you the rest will be later tonight when you get home from the amusement park but i thought you would enjoy this one now” her mother said. “ go sit down on your bed and i will place the box beside you be really careful when you open this”. Louisa  ripped the paper off the box and opened the box carefully laying there on a fuzzy pink little blanket was a kitten it was black and white and had a little pink collar it was curled up in a little ball licking its paw “ Oh mother this is the best gift ever!! “What shall i name it” louisa lifted the kitten out of the box and placed her on her bed with the blanket underneath her “Glitter that's a perfect name!” so Glitter it was Louisa was petting the kitten when all of a sudden she sneezed “Bless you” her mother said louisa sneezed again “my allergies must be acting up the window is open in my room can you close it please”? Her mother went over to the window and closed it “ Maybe we should turn on the fan oh i almost forgot i have another box for you to open its slightly bigger but not that heavy i will be right back” Louisa stroked Glitter’s furr she purred and rolled over on her stomach Louisa’s mother came back in the door the a box wrapped in blue paper and a big gold bow. Louisa opened it there were little toys and a bed and a food and water bowl inside “these are some things Glitter will need the litter box is hidden under the sink but i will pull it out once you leave” now get dressed Rio will be here in 15 minutes. Louisa got up and put glitter on the floor Glitter walked around the room and sniffed things once Louisa was dressed she picked glitter up and went into the bathroom placed her in her bed and started to curl her hair and put on her make up when the doorbell rang she rushed the the door opened it and standing there with an envelope was Rio. “Happy birthday!! I got this for you open it real quick Louisa opened the card a smaller card fell out it was a 100 dollar gift card to Itunes and the front of the card read for such a special best friend on her special day Happy birthday! She opened the card up and found a little message inside. “ awww Rio thank you soo much we have to go the Amusement park opens any second and i wanna get there before the rides are to full” Louisa rushed over to her mother's office and told her mother she was leaving “bye honey have a great day see you at 2” louisa and rio rushed out the door and got into Rio’s truck and drove to the amusement park on the way rio told her “ you look very pretty today” “ Thank you!!” they arrived at the amusement park and got out “i already have the tickets i bought them online yesterday night all we have to do is go on rides now then we can go eat lunch” the first ride they went on was the big tipper “ i love this ride louisa said let's go on it”. Once they got off they went to more and more rides until it was 12 PM “lets go get lunch there is a great pizza place over there” rio said once they got there food and sat down Rio handed over a little box it had a beautiful red ribbon tied around it Louisa opened it laying in a little pillow was a silver ring “i...i.. I don’t know what to say it’s Beautiful Rio” Rio leaned over to Louisa and put the ring on her and gave her a hug. “ do you like it ?” “ i love it” she said once they finished lunch they had time for e more rides “ wanna go on a roller coaster” ? Sure” Louisa said once they got off they went on one of Rio’s favorites and then headed over to the car He drove her home. When they arrived home he got out of the truck and walked her up to her door he pulled out his hands and grabbed hers” I had really fun today with you… I hope you have a good birthday but i have 1 more present” it was silent for a couple seconds and then he said it “ Will you go out with me…?” Louisa’s hands got sweaty and she started to shake she didn’t know what to say she never thought that he would have said that to her “i...i'm speechless” “it's okay” “i will try it i've never been in a relationship but it sounds fun” Good because i have the biggest crush on you” Rio said “ so do i” He left her and she walked into her house “ Mom i’m home” her mother walked in and asked her how her day was “ it was awesome mom Rio gave me a 100$ gift card to Itunes and a ring then when he dropped me off he asked me out”. “ honey that's awesome i made your favorite for dinner but i have some bad news… i don't want to tell you now because it's your birthday but when we are done with presents your father and i will tell u he got home early and is in his office working but you can chill for a little bit before we eat dinner”. “ okay mom” she sat down on the couch and turned on gossip girl when 6 o'clock rolled around they all are dinner once they finished they all gathered in the living room Louisa sat down on the couch and her mother brought her a big cake and placed it in front of her. “ Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Louisa happy birthday to you ! her family sang Louisa blew out all her candles and her mother cut the cake she sat there on the couch thinking to herself it’s been a good day she looked over to the side of her and found Glitter laying next to her sleeping.  “okay honey wanna open your presents”? Louisa started to open her presents one by one she got lots of makeup and Clothes “ Thank you mom Thank you dad”! “ your welcome honey your father and i have something to tell you.. Your father couldn’t keep working at his work anymore so he was searching the only available space left for the same job but in an even better building and work system was Las Vegas… And i’m afraid we are going to move your father and i have been packing all week but we have put everything in my closet so you wouldn’t start wondering... “ louisa had a strait sad look on her face she wondered how she would tell Rio “ i’m going to go tell Rio and tell him…” “ okay honey are you okay?” her mother said “ yeah i guess” “ well if you need anything we will be watching a movie”. Louisa walked into her room with Glitter in her arms and texted Rio. ( I have some bad news… this is gonna be hard to tell you but my dad can’t work at his work place anymore because of working conditions… and im afraid im going to have to move to Las vegas it's the only other place where he can work with the same job…) AWW really? That sucks i’m sorry but you know what beautiful your the best girlfriend ever and we can visit each other and facetime you will always be important to me… I love you Louisa always will…) there was silence across the other end of the phone louisa heard Rio start crying (awww don't start crying it's okay look want me to facetime you ? ) ( yes…) ( okay i will hold on) louisa opened up her computer and pulled up skype Rio answered his face was red and wet from crying “ I love you Rio” “ I love you to Louisa” 

The author's comments:

I wanted to write a romance Artical about 2 teens I want people to get the message that even tho you have someone you love that ends up far away you can still love them.

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