Falling for a stranger | Teen Ink

Falling for a stranger

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

 The day started off as usual. The sun shined so bright. It gave an instant burn as you walk outside, leaving sunburn searing your unprepared skin. The birds chirping sang as the church bells went off, as they do every Sunday. As I took my first few steps out the door, the sun blinded my eyes, and made me temporarily blind. That’s when I bumped into him. Before I could see what had happened, I began instantly apologizing. My biggest fear was that I had just pushed over an elder who was walking. As soon as my vision reappeared giving me the ability to look around to my surroundings, I looked up. The first image I saw were the most beautiful set of eyes I’ve seen. A pair of eyes that were bluer than the ocean’s day with the sun shining at its highest point. They were bluer than the turquoise shoelaces that lay half untied on my feet. He reached out his hand to help me up onto my feet. The light touch of his fingertips picking up my hand, and the soft, deep voice made my body shiver.

“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” he asked me.

“Yes. I’m sorry,” I replied.

I felt my face burning up. I could feel my face turn about as red as a tomato. Just as he started to open his mouth and was about to say something, a horn honked and made me jump. I heard laughing coming from my older brother, which made my face burn hotter with embarrassment.

“Oh. I guess that’s my ride. I guess I’ll see you around,” I told him.

“Wait. Before you go, can I get your name?” he asked.

“Julie,” I yelled back as I began to walk quickly away.

“What a pretty name. It matches you. I’m Alex,” he replied.

I felt my cheeks blush so much that they looked like raspberries were painted on my face. I tried to hide it, but as I took one last look around I saw the most perfect smile. This made me give an embarrassing face, and I thought for sure once he saw it, he would turn around and ignore me. Instead he just kept staring, with his beautiful blue eyes and his perfect smile. His smile gave me goosebumps going up and down my arms.

I thought about his face for days. I counted down the days until it would be Sunday, so maybe I could see his face one more time. I knew that in reality, he would never like me, but a small part of me always hoped he would. He was this beyond perfect boy, and I was just a girl, with too many imperfections to count. In my reality, no boy would ever want to look at me, but even though I knew that was true, I still had some kind of belief that he might want me.

After what seemed to be a never ending week, Sunday finally came. I woke up extra early to curl my hair and brush makeup on. My hungover mother, who shoved two pills down her throat, washing it down with rum, gave me a dirty look.

“What are you getting all dressed up for? You’re just going to church to get brainwashed by all of that ‘Christian’ junk. You never make yourself look decent. Why start now? It won’t change much. Are you trying to get someone interested in you? That’s a funny joke. Nobody would want to be seen with you, let alone want anything to do with you,” she said in a harsh voice.

I tried ignoring her, but as I stared at myself with shame, she slapped my cheek. As soon as she walked away, hot tears started running down my burning face. The tears weren’t coming from the throbbing pain, but rather the fact that she was right. No guy, especially some stranger as perfect as him, would ever go for someone like me. Life is no fairy tale, and I am nowhere close to Cinderella.

I wiped off my face deciding not to try. I put on my church dress that I wear every Sunday, and got into the humid car that made my hair frizz almost immediately. As soon as my brother opened the car door, he noticed the red handprint on the side of my face.

“Jeez Julie, what happened?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I whispered, as I hung my head low, trying to hide the mark.

“No. Did mom do that to you? Are you okay?” he asked.

“Ben, please just leave it alone. It will okay away, and I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. She was just having a hangover,” I said with less confidence.

“That’s still no reason to hit you. You need to stand up for yourself,” he commanded.

“Just leave it alone,” I snapped back angrily.

We sat in silence so defining you could hear a pin drop to the floor for about a minute, until Ben put the radio on. We sat listening to the music for about five minutes until we arrived to the church.

I walked out, I stared to the ground in hope that the redness had gone down enough that nobody would notice. I walked into the church with my head drooping low, and went to the bathroom. I took my last look at myself before anyone would see me. The redness had gone down, so it looks like a small case of sunburn. I walked out, making sure the cost was clear, and found my seat in the back where nobody would notice me. As everyone stood for the first song, I stayed hidden for in the back.

After the first two songs finish, we are told to be seated. I looked over and saw the doors open. That’s when Alex walked in. My heart started racing. I tried to avoid eye contact, but it seemed almost impossible to keep my eyes off him. His blue eyes sparkled as he led his way closer to me. The closer he got the more times my heart skipped a beat. Each step he took a shiver went down my spine. Just as I started inching away towards the corner, I jumped with surprise as I felt his hand touch my burning shoulder.

“Hey, It’s you again! Would you mind if I sit here? I don’t want to interrupt, but I don’t really know anyone from around here and was hoping I could sit next to you. I know that we don’t really know each other, but I maybe that could change?” he asked with his beautiful smile.

“Sure, you can sit here,” I replied shyly looking down.

As the service started, and the offering baskets went on, he took two dollars out of his leather wallet. I noticed twenties he had piles of twenties stuffed in, with him having no shame of hiding it. I force my eyes away, but as I did so, I felt a dollar bill being slipped into my hands.

“Here, take this. Put this into the offering basket will you?” he whispered.

“Why? You don’t think I have my own money to give away? Are you trying to feel better about yourself by giving the low class money to give away to the lower class?” I snapped back at him with anger in my eyes.

“No. That’s not what I’m trying to do at all. You have me all wrong. All that money in my pocket, that’s not for spending around money. It’s for my sister. She’s in the hospital right now, and I was planning on bringing it over to her after church. I gave you the dollar bill to be kind, not make myself feel better. I’m sorry I upset you,” he explained.

“Oh my goodness. I had no idea. I’m sorry, it’s just that, well my family is running low on…” my voice trailing off as I felt I shared too much. We sat in silence for a few minutes listening to the pastor. We were told to rise to sing for a few more songs. The songs were my favorite part of church, but I didn’t want to sing so loud that Alex could hear. I kept my voice low, and my head looking down at my feet. It was hard to ignore the voice coming out of Alex.

His voice sounded like angles were singing for him. Everything was perfect; his tone, his harmony, his voice, everything spoke to me.

When the songs finish, we sat down for another half an hour listening to the gospel. As the service came to an end, we closed our eyes, and bowed our heads in prayer. I suddenly felt a light touch grab my hand. The last two minutes of church, we sat there, holding hands, praying together. I could feel my heart tremble, and my palms sweat, but everything felt right.

As the prayer ended, and our eyes opened, we stared at each other. We were silent staring into each other’s eyes. Everything seemed perfect until my brother came and ruined it.

“Ready to go Julie? If you need a few minutes, I can wait in the car for you,” Ben said with a smirk look on his face. I looked over at Alex, who was still smiling at me.

“I guess we better. Mom is probably waiting for us,” I replied softly.

“Wait,” Alex interrupted. “Would you like to come to my house Julie. I was hoping we could get to know each other a little better. I’ll have you home at whatever time you need to be home. I just thought maybe if you wanted...”

“Sure! If it’s not a bother!” I said a little too fast, and a tad too happy. “I mean, if you want me to then I guess that could be fun,” I added sounded less clingy.

“Well, you guys have fun. Don’t be out to late Julie, mom might need you home. Have fun, but be safe,” Ben said jokingly. I suddenly felt a chill go down my spine. I knew nothing about this stranger who I was about to go alone with. However, though I barely knew him, I felt I could trust him for anything. It’s funny how I could trust someone who’s middle name I didn’t know.

As we walked towards the car, reality started kicking in. Each step I took closer to the car, the more my body trembled. I had never been in a relationship before with anyone. The only time I had been around boys were with my friends. No one had ever been interested in me before, especially someone as good looking as Alex. I told myself everything would be okay and shook the fear off my shoulders. Then I got into his car.

While drove out of the church parking lot, Alex put the music. After a few songs played, he turned down the radio, and started talking.

“So. How long have you lived in Orlando for,” he asked trying to make conversation.

“Well, I moved here close to a year old so about 15 years,” I replied.

“Wow. That’s a long time. I moved here from Wisconsin. The weather difference is quite different. I love the heat though; I’m just used to the cold. The reason we moved here is because of my sister. She was diagnosed with cancer, and my dad got a job here to make a little more to help pay for it,” he said with shame.

“I’m really sorry about what I said again. I really didn’t know, and I shouldn’t have been so fast to think that.” I said with sorrow.

“It’s fine. But is it alright if we go to the hospital to give her the money. It won’t take long, I promise. I just need to do it fast,” he asked with patients.

“Oh that’s fine. You’re the one driving, you get to pick where we go,” I said trying to be humorous. He chuckled, which gave me a little more comfort and confidence. He reached to turn the radio up again, but just before he did so, he said the most amazing words which made it almost impossible to hold my squeal in.

“I’m excited to bring you to my sister. She’s going to be so jealous when she sees the beautiful girl I have with me.” That was the first time someone had ever complimented me, and it put the biggest smile on my face.

When we arrived at the hospital, we walked into the room where her sister lay. I instantly noticed Alex staring at her with tears. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, until it was broken by a nurse coming in.

“Oh hello Alex. Nice to see you again, I see you’ve brought a friend. What’s your name sweet cheeks?” she asked in a friendly voice.

“Julie,” I replied back.

“Why, what a pretty name, I’m Betty,” she said trying to bring smiles.

“Betty, is she getting any better at all? Please tell me she is. I can’t keep coming in here seeing her like this!” Alex demanded.

“Look, she doesn’t seem to be showing too many improvement, but she still has time to change that. Don’t give up just yet, she might surprise you.”

“Okay. I’m sorry. The family is just really worried. We can’t lose her,” he said, holding back the tears as hard as he possibly could. “Here, take this. Here is some money. Please, I don’t know how far this can get her, but whatever it can do to help, please use it on her.”

“You’re a good kid. I’ll make sure it goes to good use on her,” she said.

“Thank you. When she wakes up, can you tell her I love you, and that I was here for. But please, don’t tell her about the money. I don’t want her to worry about it.”

“Of course. Thanks for coming. This will really help,” replied the nurse as we made our way out the door. When we got into the car, almost instantly, Alex broke down crying. I didn’t know what to say, so I hugged him trying to bring comfort. Once he calmed down, he turned his car on and drove off. For the rest of the ride, we listened to music. As soon as we pulled in his driveway, he started apologizing.

“I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I try to hide it. It’s just been really hard lately. She’s had cancer for a while now, and nothing seems to be getting better. My parents have been trying to get enough money, but not enough is being made to support the family and support her. That’s why I’ve been raising money on my own. I didn’t want my parents to find out, so that’s why I had us go alone. I’m sorry she was asleep and you didn’t have a chance to meet her. She’s so sweet, I just know you to would like each other. Maybe some other time I can introduce her to you?” he said with pride.

“It’s okay. I’m really sorry you and your family is going through right now. I hope everything is okay. She’ll get better. You’re doing a really good thing for her. I know that it’s hard right now, but it will get better. I promise,” I said as confident as I could sound.

“Well would you like to go inside?” he asked.

“Sure, if that’s okay,” I said nervously.

“It’s fine. Let’s go!” he said excitedly. As he led me into the front door of his house, a nervous shiver ran down my spine. I began to worry about what his parents would think of me. I didn’t want them to not like me. I also didn’t even know what he wanted to do with me. I didn’t know if he wanted to be friends, or if he wanted a relationship. I didn’t know if he always brought girls to his house, so I didn’t fully know what to expect. As we walked in, as the sound of the door creaked open.

We walked up stairs, into the living room. I instantly noticed all of the brilliant art hanging randomly throughout the room. Each art piece had similar colors, but distinct designs. Together, they brought the whole room together so nicely.

I looked on the two leather couches, and saw his parents watching the local news together. As soon as they saw Alex and I standing there, they got a bright look on their faces.

“Oh my, don’t tell me. You must be the famous Julie that Alex would not shut up about! My, aren’t you just the cutest thing. I’m Emily, and this is my husband George. It’s so nice to meet you,” said Alex’s mother with a bright smile on her face.

“Mom!” Alex replied with an embarrassed look on his face.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I replied shaking her hand.

“Were going to my room,” Alex said with the embarrassed look stained to his face. Before his parents could say anything else, he led me down the hall opening the door to his room. The first thing I noticed was a crack on his door. It seemed to split the door almost in half. As the door opened, the strong scent of cologne burned my nostrils, making me feel dizzy for a few seconds. After I got my eyes to stay still, I sat down looking around. The room color was a bright blue, which gave off more of a happy vibe. His bed was half unfolded with a few pairs of pants laying on top. For the most part, the room was neat. In the corner was a desk where he seemed to keep all the clean close. The other corner had a dirty laundry basket slightly overfilling the top. The floor had a soft white fluffy carpet, that looked almost brand new.

“Sorry for the mess. I haven’t had a chance to clean up lately. I hope it’s not too bad,” he said with the embarrassment look slowing drifting back to his face.

“It’s fine. My room must be twice as bad. If a room was this clean at my house, it would be destroyed in seconds,” I explained, feeling like I said to much too fast.

“Well, that’s a relief. I thought you would think I am a total slob. Hey, maybe before I drop you off, you can show me your house? If you don’t mind that is,” he said with excitement coming back to him. This gave me a bad feeling. I didn’t want him to meet my mom, who by this time would be in her fifth beer. I don’t want him to think my family is just a huge joke.

“Maybe. It depends how late it is, and what my mother says,” I said while my eyes voided Alex.

“I mean, if you don’t want me to, its fine, I understand either way,” he added. We sat in silence for a few more minutes, waiting for some kind of conversation to appear. Finally, Alex broke the silence with opening his stash of candy that he kept hidden from his mom under his bed.

“Do you want some? I have a lot. I keep it under my bed so my mom doesn’t eat it all. She sure does have a sweet tooth,” he said, as he stuffed the Snickers into his mouth.

” Sure, they do look pretty good,” I said, with my mouth watering so much, it was almost drooling. As I plopped the piece of chocolate into my mouth, my taste buds tingled with joy.

“Has anybody ever told you how beautiful you are?” he blurted out. For a second I didn’t think I heard him right, or that maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

“I’m sorry, what?” I said with the chocolate almost falling out of my mouth.

“Your beautiful. Sorry it came out like that, I just needed to get that out of my system. I hope I didn’t scare you,” he said with a face full of fear of what I would say next.

“Oh, well thanks. No one has ever told me that before,” I replied back with a little sadness appear.

“Listen, I know we just met, but from the moment I met you, I couldn’t keep my eyes away. You have no idea how lucky I was to bump into someone as magnificent as you. The moment I grabbed your hand to pick you up, I felt an instant spark. I don’t know if you felt the same way, but I just wanted to be honest with you. I really like you Julie, and I was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?” he asked with curiosity in his eyes. For a moment I felt like I was dreaming. It felt too good to be true. I stood there, with my eyes wide open,

speechless. I could feel a smile approach my face, and my mouth widen so big it was a surprise that no bugs flew in.

“Oh, Alex. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Oh course I’ll go on a date with you!” I said with too much excitement. I calmed myself down, and slipped another piece of chocolate into my mouth. We sat there staring at each other for a few minutes until Alex’s little brother came in and interrupted.

“Hey Alex, what are you doing?” he asked. It was obviously his parents sent him in to spy to make sure nothing was going on.

“I am about to take Julie on a date,” he said with pride. He looked at me, and introduced us to each other. “Julie, this is my little brother Josh. Josh, this is Julie.”

“Nice to meet you Julie”

“You too, Josh.”

“Wow Alex, it looks like you have a keeper here. Better treat her right,” he said trying to make Alex as embarrassed as possible.

“That’s enough Josh. We’re leaving now so we’ll see you later.” Alex said as he pushed Josh out of the room and led me out into the hall. “I hope it’s okay if we leave. I was hoping right now would be a good time for that date?” he said charmingly.

“Sure, right now sounds perfect,” I added.

“Alright cool, anywhere particular you have in mind?”

“No, anything sounds good to me.”

“Okay then, I guess I’ll make it a surprise for you.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan,” I said, excited to see where he was going to take me. As he led me out the door, waving bye to his parents, my body shivered with different emotions. After all, this was my first date with a boy. I was excited, but also scared I would mess things up. I decided to relax and see how things would play out.

We sat in the car listening to the music. As each song played, the mort comfortable I got. I didn’t feel as nervous anymore. Instead I felt like I everything was how it was supposed to be.

As we drove through the city, I noticed the time was already 3 o’clock. The day was going so well, but fast. Knowing that I only had a few more hours to spend with Alex, I decided to make every moment count. I rolled down the window, smelling the fresh salty air as we passed the ocean.

“It’s such a beautiful day today, don’t you think?” I asked trying to make conversation.

“Oh, is it? I was more focused on the beauty coming from you that I didn’t even noticed,” he said as he flashed his perfect smile.

“Wow, you really know how to charm a girl,” I said blushing. “Is that the line you say to all the girls you take out?”

“Actually, this is the first date I’ve ever been on,” he said with embarrassment. “I never really had a chance to get to know too many people, because I seem to move around a lot. Everything that has been going on with my sister made it hard to stay at one spot for a long time. My parents told me this time will be different though. She’s in the best hands here, and that’s what’s mainly important to me. I wasn’t looking to find anyone, but that changed when I bumped into you. The moment I saw your face; I knew that you were special. I’m sorry if that weirds you out, I just wanted you to know what think of you,” he said.

“That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” I said blushing. “I just don’t understand how you can think that. Have you seen me? My face is nowhere near pretty. How

could you want someone who looks like me? Aren’t you embarrassed to be seen with me?” I asked, with tears starting to form in my eyes.

“Julie, how could you ever think that? You’re perfect. I don’t see anything wrong with you. How can’t you see how beautiful you are?,” he questioned.

“Well you see… my mom, well never mind,” I said knowing I said to much.

“Julie, what is it? Please, you can tell me anything,” he exclaimed with his truth worthy eyes.

“Well, this morning, as I was getting ready, I was told that no guy would ever want to be see with me. My mom said that I wasn’t pretty enough for anyone—and that she was embarrassed to even be around me,” I whispered with the tears starting to run down my face now.

“No, that’s not right. Please tell that’s not true. That can’t be true. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be seen with you? Everything about you is delightful. Your voice, smile, hair, eyes, everything is perfect. What kind of mother would say that to their own child?” he asked.

“Trust me, you have no idea what kind of mother she is. I have to deal with though. I have to be there to take care of her. Without my brother or me, she would be living on the streets, probably dead. She’s only like that though when she drinks. When she’s sober, she’s a great person. It’s just since last year, after my father passed away, it’s been hard for her. I can’t blame her though. It’s been hard for all of us,” I said lowering my voice.

“Your father passed away? I had no idea, I’m so sorry,” he said with sympathy in his eyes.

“It’s fine. I haven’t really talked to anyone about this kind of stuff. Thanks for letting me get it out. Can you promise you won’t tell anyone? I don’t want anyone to know about this. Can I trust you?” I asked.

“Of course,” he said. He then lifted one hand from the steering wheel and took my hand. I smiled at him and held on tight. “Are you ready for the surprise?” he asked

“Yeah, what is it?” I replied.

“Just a few more minutes. I hope you like it,” he said.

“I probably will, if I’m with you,” I said as he looked at me with his charming smile. As we drove for a few more minutes, he turned the radio back on and starting singing. I couldn’t help but laugh as he jammed out to what seemed to be his favorite song. As the song ended, Alex turned down the radio, and started slowing down.

“I hope you don’t mind. My parents told me about this place, and I thought it would be a perfect place to go on a date with you,” he said. The place he had taken me to was what seemed to be a private beach. The scenery was gorgeous, with the water running up the hot sand, and the waves flowing peacefully.

“This looks perfect,” I said excitedly. We stepped out of the car and touched the burning sand. Alex grabbed my hand and led me close to the water. We took out our shoes, revealing our feet to the hot ground, and dipped them into the water. It felt refreshing to cool off while the sun’s heat poured down on us. We started splashing each other, even though we were still wearing our church clothes.

Once we got tired, Alex went back to his car, and brought out a picnic basket and a blanket to sit on. We relaxed together, enjoying the food that he had secretly prepared for us. By the time he had finished eating, it was 5:30. The sun had started going down enough making the sand cool to walk on. We decided to take a stroll down the shoreline. We grabbed each other’s hands and started walking.

“I’ve had a lot of fun today. This might have been one of the best days of my life,” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Yeah, me too. I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. You know, you really bring out the best in me,” he said with his perfect eyes. As we took our walk down, we noticed a long stick on the side of the shore. Alex picked it up, and began to write something into the sand. “Quick, close your eyes,” he said. I covered my hands over my eyes until he gave the okay to look. As I opened my eyes, I saw the words “Will you go on another date with me” spelled across the sand. This made my heart bounce and my stomach go wild.

“Of course I will!” I said with the happiest smile. He smiled back and took my hand again. As we began our way back, I noticed the time was almost seven. I explained to Alex that I had to get going to make sure my mom was okay. With a little disappointment on both of our face, we started packing up. Before we left, we took one look down by the water. By this time, the sunset had starting coming in, giving away the most beautiful image. We turned to each other and looked into each other’s eyes. Alex grabbed my hands, brought his face close to mine, and we lightly pressed lips together. As this happened, my body shook with excitement. We then both smiled at each other.

“What a perfect way to end a perfect night with you,” he said. I stood their speechless, still holding onto his hands. We stood there for a few more minutes looking at the ocean together. We took our final look, and made our way up to his car. I began wishing the night wouldn’t end, and were some way I could stay with him. However, I knew I had to get home to my mother and take care of her.

“I really wish this night didn’t have to end. But thanks for doing this. This night was amazing. I can’t wait to go out with you again,” I said.

“Me too. I promise our next date will be just as memorable,” he said. He started the car, and began to drive off. The ride seemed to go by so quick. My last few minutes with him went by like a blink of an eye. Before I knew it, we were pulling into my driveway.

“Well, I guess this is it,” I said with disappointment.

“Yeah, but don’t worry, we’ll see each other again,” he said with hopefulness. Before I opened the door, he lightly touched the side of my face, and slowly kissed my lips. When we finally pulled away, I opened my door, said my last goodbye, and walked inside my house.

As I opened the door, I noticed my mother, already passed out on the couch. I grabbed her a blanket, kissed her forehead, and went to my room.

As I took off my church dress, I noticed the scent of his cologne had stained it. I took one long whiff, and put it back in my dresser. I put my robe on, but just before I started getting ready for bed, I heard a knock on my bed room door. I looked over to see Ben standing there.

“Hey, Julie, can I have a quick talk with you?” he asked

“Yeah, sure,” I said.

“I just wanted you to know that I had a little talk with mom. I forced her to put down her beer and listen. I told her that if she ever touches you again, I will not hesitate to call child services. I know how you want to take care of her, and right now, that is the only thing holding me back. But if she ever does touch you again like that, I will get her arrested. I think she really heard me this time. She told me that she wants to change, but she needs a lot of help to get there. Can you do that with me? Can you help make her better again, and help her become like she used to be?” he asked with a despite look in his eyes.

“Yes, you know that’s all I want. You know that I will do whatever it takes to get this family have how it used to be. Thank you Ben, this means a lot,” I said with happiness in my eyes.

That’s when it all came to me. All of the bad things in my life would start coming together. I knew once my mother would start getting help, our family would be happy again. I knew that Alex’s sister would start getting better too. I realized that it wasn’t an accident meeting Alex. I know I was going to sound crazy, but I felt like it was destiny meeting him. He was sent here to help give me confidence and the support I needed, and I would do the same for him. Even though he was just a stranger, I knew he would be a big part of my life. It was going to be a long journey with him. There would be ups and downs on the way, but this would only be the beginning of us. 

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