My Paranormal Romance | Teen Ink

My Paranormal Romance

December 9, 2016
By noeltjenbruns BRONZE, Nicollet, Minnesota
noeltjenbruns BRONZE, Nicollet, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had just moved to this house. My family and I just moved here from Miami, Florida. As we were unpacking the moving truck and bringing my stuff into my new room I felt as if someone was there with me watching my every move. I just ignored the feeling and went on with unpacking all my boxes. As I was getting down to the last box I felt as if someone was staring at me again. After I finished unpacking my boxes, I went downstairs to see mom, dad, baby sister and older brother looking behind me as I came down the stairs.

They had this weird shocked face so my first instinct was to turn around so I did. When I turned around nothing was there and they all went back to unpacking the last of the boxes sitting on the floor. After everything was unpacked I was in charge of watching Ava (my baby sister) while mom made supper. When I was playing with Ava in the living room I felt the stare again but this time it came with a chill down my spine and a light touch on my shoulder. Which of course made me turn around thinking it was my older brother playing a joke on me. But as I turned around I saw a white transparent female like figure behind me with the blink of an eye it was gone. So I just decided to blame it on my imagination.

*Later that night*

I was in my room playing my favorite game with my friends over Xbox live so we could play together and we were on cam to so we could see each other since it was my best friend, James, from when I lived in Miami. Two of our favorite games to play are Destiny and Call of Duty. We used to go to each others houses after school and on weekends and played all day long. We were playing and all of a sudden he got quiet and seemed nervous as he attempted to point behind me. So as a reflex I turned around to notice the same white figure. We both decided that it was a female that looked like she was in her mid teens. To me she seemed to be sneaky but then again must have been trying to tell me something.

So later when James and I were done playing our game for the night I decided it was time to try and communicate with this female that seemed to be following me around. I sat down on the end of my bed and called out to her "I want to communicate with you". As I finished talking she appeared next to me sitting on my bed beside me.  I sat there watching her as she watched back at me as if we were waiting for one of us to attempt talking. She eventually spoke out say " hello I'm Destiny". "I'm Michael" I told her. "This is my room why are you here" she questioned me curiously. "I live here now with my family and this is my room now" I responded not sure what to think. "Well my family lived here in this house and this was my room" she spoke softly. "Well you're welcome to stay in here but try not to show yourself much around others" I warned her. "I will try and is there a way you can find more on my family and where they are now" she asked me politely and sweetly. "I can attempt to after school but it's time for me to go to bed so I can get up tomorrow" I said yawning. "I sure miss being able to sleep" she said as she moved off my bed letting me stand up pulling my clothes off and getting in bed. "Well if you want you can try and lay with me but I take up a lot of room" I said trying to be polite. "If I get bored later maybe I will just to keep you company but I will go for now" she said moving up by my face and attempting to kiss my cheek (or at least I think that's what she was trying to do).
An hour or so after I fell asleep I felt something crawl in bed with me. After several minutes of realizing it was Destiny I felt a cold feeling on my chest. I woke up just enough to ask her "Destiny I know we only met but how much do u like me" and then I dozed back off.

*Next day*

As I woke up the next day there was no longer a chill on my chest but to realize that Destiny was right next to my bed watching me. She followed me around my room as I hustled around the room finding my clothes (since it was my first day at River High or should I say the 2nd school I have been to in my life). As I finished getting ready I told Destiny that it was time for me to go and that I would hopefully find out more about her family. "Remember my name is Destiny Ava Marie" she reminded me as I left my room. As soon as I got downstairs I grabbed a pen and write it on my hand so I knew what to look for after school In the library. My mom had told me that I had no choice but to walk to school that day because the school was only a couple blocks away from our house or at least she thought. As we walked I decided since mom wasn't with us it was my time to fight with my brother. "You are such a large dork" I yelled. "I am not a whale d*ck" he yelled back. "What do you mean" I asked back. "Haven't you looked it up on Urban Dictionary" he asked me as he brought it up on his phone. "Oh duh" I said feeling obviously quite stupid.

*At school*

We walked in the school doors and started heading for our lockers. As I stepped in front of my locker the bell rang so I sprinted to my first class and hoped that the teacher wouldn't mark me late or at least let me off with it since it was my first day. Luckily it was my first day other wise I would have been late to my first class of the day and the first class after lunch.

So as I said goodbye to my little squad of friends I headed of to the library to research about Destiny. As I entered the library I saw the librarian and asked where the computers were and she pointed at the right far window. I thanked her and headed to the computers and got to work on researching. I pulled up google and typed in Destiny Ava Marie. There wasn't much about her other than there was on newspaper article about her death.

The article read: July 11, 2011
Teen found dead in bedroom of her house. The morning of July 10 Destiny age 16 was found dead in her bedroom by her mother Ava. When interviewed Ava brought out a note that her daughter had left on the end of her bed. The note read: Sorry for whoever ended up finding this note but I couldn't take the pain of life anymore. It's no ones fault that I can blame other than the people who made fun of me for being myself. Once again I'm so sorry for taking my life from you guys. Love, Destiny Ava Marie.

After Destiny's death the family decided that it was best to move away and try to find somewhere where they could feel safe, secure and even possibly happy. Destiny's funeral will be held on July 14 at the St. Hope church in Ravenswood.

As I let that sink into my head I got quite confused that of all things it never said how she died. I sat there for roughly another hour or so staring at the article and tried figuring it out. I finally gave up shut the computer off and started heading home.

I walked home from the library in silence trying to think about how she died.

*At home*

As I got to the end of the driveway I saw a small puppy in our yard. So I walked in the house thinking that the neighbor just let their dog out and forgot to put it on the leash again. "Mom the neighbor left the dog out again" I yelled coming in the door. "Actually Michael that's our dog her name is Ally" mom told me. "Where did she come from mom you know Sean won’t like this" I said. (Sean is my step dad). "Actually it was my idea to get Ally" Sean yelled from the living room. "That's a surprise but where did you get her from" I asked waiting for a real answer. "We got her from the shelter she has been there since she was born" mom told me. "OK well I'm going up to my room to do homework" I said. As soon as I closed my bedroom door Destiny appeared sitting on my bed.

"Destiny I didn't find anything but the newspaper article on your death" I said hoping not to upset her. "What about my family" Destiny asked. "Nothing but the newspaper article said they moved away to find a safer, more secure place to find happiness" I told her. "That's just great that my family abandons me here" Destiny said being mad but yet upset. "Well we can try to locate them if you want" I said pulling out my laptop. "I suppose we could and then go find them" she said becoming much more happy. "Yeah maybe" I said. Just as I pulled up google mom yelled for me telling me that dinner was ready. "Guess we will after dinner" I laughed and left the room as Destiny sat and looked at the laptop in the most confused way possible.

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