First Day | Teen Ink

First Day

December 19, 2016
By Anonymous

As my pulse quicken, I took a deep breathe and realized I was in the wrong classroom on my first day at a new school. “I’m so sorry” I said while blushing from the embarrassment and scurried away before continuing to embarrass myself even more.

But all of a sudden, once when I stepped out of the hallway, I bumped into something, more someone. “Can this day get even worse?” I tell myself. “I’m so sorry I should’ve look where I was going” and that moment I was in love. Well, not really. Goodness Mia, you need to get it together.

“No, it’s my fault. I should’ve look where I was going.” I chuckled nervously.

I looked up to see the person’s face. And at that moment I think I was in love, I’m serious this time. The way he looked like he was straight out of an Abercrombie ad. He is like a dream just came true, but I don’t even know why I’m saying these things. I just met him for crying out loud.

“I’m Zach, nice to meet you.“ “I’m Mia, nice to meet you too,” I don’t know I’m blushing.

He chuckled at the fact that I was blushing, like he achieved something. God, please help me.

“Are you new to this school?” “Is it that obvious?” I chuckled. He laughs with me “yeah it is”.  “Then yes I am new to this school. Like who would’ve thought a senior going to a new school and having to leave everything behind.”

Zach looked like he understood what I was saying. “Let me see your schedule so I could walk you to the right class.” He offered, like how I could I not say no to him knowing I’m going to be lost.

“Sure, that would be nice.” And let’s just say, after this, we’ve blossomed into a beautiful friendship.Perhaps into something more.

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