Lost in Thought | Teen Ink

Lost in Thought

December 24, 2016
By amakowski31999 SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
amakowski31999 SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." ~ William Shakespeare

As I stood on the corner on the street waiting to cross, I was fiddling with my collar and my tie. I watched the traffic go by, people speeding and cutting corners on the busy streets of the city. When the traffic came to a halt, I followed the crowd in front of me and started to walk. It was a miserable day. The rain was coming down in buckets, and the temperature was below the forties. Freezing cold rain dripped down the inside of my overcoat, and my hands were becoming numb. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket and made my way towards the Cathedral. I was on my way to visit my fair lady, Helena who had recently passed away. I was dressed in black shoes, black slacks and a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and buttoned. Around my neck, I wore a sleek red tie. Red was Helena’s favorite color.
Helena and I were so close that people thought that we were related. She understood everything that I could not, and she was generous. She helped those who were ill or poor and she treated everyone with respect. It didn’t matter if the person was rich, poor or was a different nationality. Helena was my love at first sight. Helena was very petite, and had deathly pale skin. Her eyes were pure green, and she had black silky hair. Black as the darkness of night. I treated Helena as if I were married to her. Unfortunately, I could not commit because Helena’s father disapproved of our decision. He thought that I was nothing but a spoiled bachelor, and was going to use Helena to get things I wanted. Fixing and adjusting my tie, I walked up the stairs of the huge cathedral. I did not know anybody that was going to be at Helena’s wake. Walking into the church, I grabbed Helena’s prayer card, and shuffled myself into a pew. The church was gorgeous. The walls were covered in white marble and the floors were solid granite with matching pews in the color chestnut. Stone columns were at the end of the aisle in front of the humongous arc in front of the altar. Rows of candles were all lined up in the same direction. The huge arc had drapes, stained glass windows of Jesus being born were hung on the walls.I looked at the casket that laid in front of the church, staring into space. I fiddled with the cross that was in my pocket. As I did this I felt a rush of cold air pass me. I picked up my head, it was my brother Daniel.
“Why did you come..?” I asked him confused. Helena did not have any type of relationship with my brother so I found it very strange that he just showed up at a random person’s viewing.
“Well, I had to show up. Otherwise I would feel guilty. It’s just the right thing to do.” Daniel replied, taking off his coat. I thanked him for making an appearance, and sat there admiring the beautiful atmosphere.
“Nervous?” Daniel turned to me, noticing my finger tapping.
“No...” I snapped at my brother giving him the evil eye.I didn’t mean to get nasty with Daniel. He was aware of my bipolar disorder, and he would pipe down when I was having an episode.
“Well, don’t focus on the bad times about Helena, think about one good time. Something she enjoyed doing with you.” Daniel continued. My heart instantly bloomed.
“Dance.. ” I whispered to myself. Helena enjoyed dancing with me. That’s why we liked each other so much. Helena and I loved to dance a lovely waltz together alone and feel our tender hearts connect. I was the one that taught her how to dance. A few moments passed and Daniel said to me, “I think it’s time for you to say your goodbyes. The organ man told me that we only have a short time, because not a lot of people showed up.” As Daniel was talking, I kept rubbing my eyes. I was so tired and drowsy. I rose up from my seat and started to make my way to the altar. Daniel stayed behind while I took slow strides down the aisle. I found it strange that whenever I got closer to the altar, something was pushing me away. It felt like some force was telling me that I was not ready to see Helena. I ignored it. I finally got to the altar, knelt down and blessed myself. Glancing down the long aisle of the church corridor, there she was. A row of candles surrounded her black casket. It was laid on top of a wooden table with a burgundy runner that was embroidered with black elegant lace. I broke into sobs. How could this be true? I didn’t understand. The pew in front of her casket was ebony wood with carvings of spirals down the sides of the bench. A red plush cushion was propping up my knees as I was kneeling. There were silver brass handles on the casket for the staff to carry her out of the church the next day. Inside her casket were no memories made. No doll, or anything sentimental from a family member. The casket was empty. If Helena would not have died, I would have been all of her memories. If she was still alive, I would have given everything that I had owned. I would do anything in the world to make Helena happy. Because her happiness is my happiness. More roses were around her almost engulfing her. On the top of the altar stood a podium with a bible opened up to a reading waiting to be read. Behind me I could see a black organ on a balcony, with shiny black pipes. More rows of stained glass windows covered the walls. I took a glimpse into her casket and I saw her. My heart was beginning to shatter into a million pieces.Tears welled up in my eyes, as I stared at her lifeless body laid on a white cushion. Her head was rested on a white satin pillow holding up her delicate head. I was falling in love with Helena all over again.
I laid my hands on the edge of the casket and peered over to look at her. Helena was laid to rest in a somber gown. It was a black gown with a thin red ribbon tied around her waist into a bow above her hip. In her hands, laid a bouquet of black and red roses. On her feet she wore black ballet slippers, and a black tulle gown. To top it all off, she wore a black lacy veil with a black feather on the side. Her skin was white like a ghost and was ice cold to the touch. Her face looked more sunken in at the surface, not a single wrinkle or blemish appeared on her countenance. I took her hand in mine and pulled her up. I held the side of her waist and opened her arms and we started to glide across the marble floor. In an instant she was coming back to life. Together we danced a lovely waltz. A waltz that i wished would never come to an end.. Her black hair was floating in thin air and I could her little smile peeking from underneath her black veil. Helena’s makeup was very dark and subtle making her skin glow. She looked eerie but at the same time she looked stunning. It looked as if she really was alive again. Her face looked very slender, and her cheekbones appeared pointed. Helena’s eyelashes laid perfectly on her face making those magnificent pale green eyes pop that made me swoon. Her eyelids were covered in a variety of opec shades a dark rum color was brushed in the creases of her eyes. Her lovely wavy locks lay upon her shoulders in loose curls, the color of the black of night. My eyes met with her lips. Her lips were cracked, suffering from dehydration.The burgundy was then transitioned into black on the corners of her eyes. I found myself falling in love with her all over again. We danced throughout the entire atmosphere in swift movements. She floated like a fairy in front of me. At the end of our dance, I set her back down and she seemed to have enjoyed herself. I brushed my hand on the nape of her neck and I whispered, “I love you and many days more.”
I got up from kneeling and planted a kiss on her forehead. I glanced at Daniel who was tapping on my shoulder trying to wake me up from my dreams. I looked over and I saw broken glass from the stained glass windows. It was shattered to pieces, and the drapes were in shreds, blowing in the strong wind. She left.
“What did she die of?” Daniel asked horrified at the sudden scene.
“Oh, well she was had a disease called Catalepsy. Her bones would become rigid and would act like she was in a frozen state. Unfortunately, whoever found her “dead” she wasn’t really dead.” I conversed to Daniel.
“Do you have any idea where she might be right now?” Daniel asked curious.
“Of course I do. She’s waiting for me to dance a lovely waltz with her,” I said to my brother as I walked out of the church. Searching for my fair lady Helena

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