The Element of Love | Teen Ink

The Element of Love

January 27, 2017
By TheVivster BRONZE, Hart, Michigan
TheVivster BRONZE, Hart, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Asher was unstable, incapable of doing anything logical at this very moment. His hands remained flaming hot due to his anger as fire slowly released through his fingertips. He’d been given the elemental power of harnessing all the fire on Earth and it had gotten the best of him. He was just a 17 year old teen trying to live his life as normally as possible but this power was too overwhelming and made him develop a very bad and short temper. Brown strands of hair lay in a messy form on top of his head, all in different directions giving him a bad appearance. His black shirt is now filled with rips and tears nearly falling off of his body.
Blood is nearly everywhere, rocks in the cave now are now glowing with the shimmers of fire throughout the darkness. Wet moisture creates sounds all around him, this was the only thing he could hear at this very moment. Just a few minutes earlier there was a whole group of men attacking him but they were no match for Asher’s power. Their lifeless bodies lay on the ground all of them were dead except for one.
It was a girl, not just some random girl but it was Nicole, he always called her Nikki because they’d been in each others lives for years now. She was the love of his life, the one that made him a caring person and helped him keep his powers controlled. They’d been dating for 2 years until it all ended with betrayal and lies, she had cheated on him. This left Asher in a stage of heartbreak, his way of coping with the pain always ended with dead bodies everywhere and the only person capable of stopping his rampage was the one who started it.
The brutaly worn out boots on his legs slowly walked towards Nicole while she lay slouched on the ground barely waking up from her brief moment of being unconscious. With tears in her eyes she stated “You saved me.”
Asher knew where this was going and quickly explained “I saved myself! You didn’t get in my way, so therefore I didn’t kill you.” Without remorse he turned around and walked towards the exit of the cave. Not once trying to look back at the girl he once loved.
He took small steps, trying to use up these very last moments of satisfaction before leaving behind everything that was considered dead to him. Nicole quivered her mouth but no words were able to come out, she was too weak to get up and chase Asher. All she could do was watch him walk away and suddenly become a whole new twisted person.
As his shadow disappeared and there was no trace of him left, the cave went back to a brutal death scene. Blood drops remained the only sound and Nicole was all alone. Her tears washed away the blood on her cheeks and after a few minutes of struggle, she got the energy to stand up and leave it all behind. Everything about this day was terrible and she just wanted it all to end. Even if it meant she needed to forget what Asher had done to these men.

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