Young Love | Teen Ink

Young Love

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

I have a cousin named Mia, who’s on my mom’s side, who attends Defiance. We share the same friends, and we’re all close. We’re both Mexican and Catholic, which means she could have a Quinceanera. It’s a coming of age party for a girl, who turns fifteen. I didn’t have one because they’re so expensive. But Mia wanted to have one, and she needed fourteen boys and girls to stand up in the ceremony. It’s not required, but it’s tradition.  She asked all of my Defiance friends and me to be in her party. At first, I didn’t want to because I hated dresses and dancing, but I decided to do it for her. Little did I know, that being in her party would turn my world upside down.
I drove to Latty’s Grove Park in Defiance for the party practices. It was the start of fall, so it was a little cool outside. The leaves on the ground were crisp and crumbly every time anyone stepped on them. I greeted all my pals from Defi, one from Tinora, and one from Patrick Henry. I knew everyone there, but then I saw a short guy in the group. I didn’t recognize him. He smiled at me and kept talking to the other kids. He had on a blue American Eagle sweatshirt, dark blue American Eagle jeans, grey, white, and blue Jordan’s, and he had brown hair that looked like Justin Bieber’s old hair cut. I do admit that he was cute, but by looking at him, I didn’t think he’d date a girl like me. The practices were usually two to three hours long. An hour passed, and this kid kept staring at me. By this point, I was freaked out. I don’t feel comfortable when others stare at me, especially when I don’t know them. While everyone was eating a snack, I sat on a park bench by myself. I took out my blue iPhone 5c with my rough Otter Box. I looked through Instagram when someone tapped my left shoulder. I shifted to my left and that kid stood beside me.
He asked, “Are you okay?’ sounding concerned.
I said, “Yes, I’m fine.” I replied.
He asked, “What’s your name?”
“Olivia. But people call me Liv for short. What’s your name?” I asked.
“I’m Jon. It’s nice to meet you.” He said.
“Where are you from? I’ve never seen your face around here.” I asked.
“I’m from St. Mary’s it’s an hour away.” He acknowledged.
“Oh, I know where that is.” I said.
“That’s cool. You’re so pretty,” he said. “
Oh, well, thank you. No one has told me that in a long time,” I said.
“Well, it’s true, and you should be told that,” he said smiling.
Practice ended, and I had the best time. I hugged and said bye to everyone, and he bolted up to me and hugged me and said, “I’ll see you in three weeks,” which was when our next practice was.
I said, “I’ll see you then,” while smiling. He kept hugging me for at least ten seconds. I could detect his sweet cologne, and his sweatshirt felt very soft. I let go, hopped in my car and drove off. I couldn’t stop pondering about him.  He seemed different but in a good way.  I couldn’t wait to see him again. Every time I thought about him, my face turned red. I’ve had other crushes before, but this one was different. He seemed special.
On October 12, 2014, I received a text at 6:17 p.m. on a Sunday. It appeared an unknown number. The text said, “Hey its jon what’s up?” I couldn’t believe it; at first I thought my eyes were messed up. I was also confounded because I never gave Jon my number. I preceded to text him, and it felt like we chatted for hours. I liked how funny, kind, sweet, awkward, and adorable he seemed. Even though we didn’t know each other for that long, I felt like I’ve known him my whole life.  We became best friends instantly. I felt like I could talk to him about anything.
He asked me out on the same day. I felt so happy. I would find myself smiling just thinking about him, and my heart would race like a racecar at the Daytona 500.  I kept challenging myself why he would date someone like me. I thought I was totally out of his league, and I wasn’t the kind of girl he would be with. We hung out every time he came to Defiance. We always have so much fun, and we composed funny memories together. From the first day we started dating, he always supported me. He wanted me to succeed in life and to have the best future I could have. I also did the same for him. But in every relationship, people don’t always see eye to eye. People argue and don’t always agree, but we hardly fought about anything.
We’ve been close for two years, and if I hadn’t participated in my cousin’s Quinceanera, I would have never met him. I cannot see my life without Jon. He’s the type of person who’s always there for people. I know I’m seventeen, and I’m not officially an adult yet, but I do love this boy. I know adults will say, “You’re just a kid. You don’t know what love is,” but I do know what love is. The love I have for my family, friends, and dogs, is the same love I have for Jon. I read a quote once that said, “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” Dr. Seuss said this. Currently, we’re still close. We’re not together at the moment, but we want to get back together when the time is right.
Jon is my first love, and he will be until I die. I’m so blessed and lucky to have a guy like him in my life. He’s my best friend, partner in crime, other half, and everything. I know that’s cliché, but it’s true. Every time I see him, a smile is always on my face, my heart beats a little faster, and he makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world. He treats me with respect, and he cares about my wellbeing. We block out what anyone has to say about our relationship because at the end of the day it’s just us against the world.

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