The blue diamond ring | Teen Ink

The blue diamond ring

January 21, 2017
By Yonasmek BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
Yonasmek BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The blue diamond ring
What can one blue Diamond ring do to a relationship? Would make it stronger? Weaker? Or even worse destroy it? The relationship I am talking about is between Mary and John, a fervent couple with five years of an impervious relationship. Mary is an adventurous young lady with a divine figure, her hair has a color of a white horse’s tale, her eyes are as blue as the sky, and her teeth have the brightness of the sun. John on the other hand was an impoverished man with figures of a common man, he has brown eyes, brown hair, and a muscular tone.
It a rainy October night, the couple are out for dinner. In hopes of advancing the relationship, John is planning on proposing at dinner. Proposal without a ring is uncommon, so John decided to get one for his loving counterpart. The ring was crafted scrupulously form a blue diamond, with a hefty price John managed to get the ring from an old antique store.
According to the legends tale, the diamond ring has been known for its special effects of spoiling relationships, couples associated with the ring have ended up with nothing but breakups. The ring’s original owners were once a happy couple who were like Mary and John, but one night a disastrous event occurred. The original couples just got engaged and were leaving the restaurant to spend the night at a hotel, during their travel to the hotel the couples got into a deadly accident that lead to the death of both couples. Ever since then, the ring was believed to be cursed and any couples who touched the ring would end up with the consequences as the original couples. Without the knowledge of the curse John pursed to buying the ring.
It was dinner time, the lights were dimmed, and the music on the classic instrumental music, John and Mary are having a great time at dinner. After the meal, John kneels down and confesses his love for her and asks her to marry him. Without a doubt, she accepts his proposal. After dinner the couples leave the restaurant to go home. Unlike the previous couples, John and Mary make it home safely but something else happened.
The next day, everything seemed normal until John start to act strange. He starts to question Mary, sarcastically Mary responded with an unfavorable answer. John did not like the answer and he started to threaten her and become possessive of her. Alarmed by his behavior Mary avoids conversing with him.
Days has passed, and John behavior have deteriorated, he is becoming more obsessive of her action, he would ask her about everything she does and why. His controlling behavior become more rigorous as he starts to threaten her life if she does not tell him the truth.
It's a rainy night, John has been waiting for Mary who running late from work. Once she arrived at home, John demands why she was late in a commanding tone, she replied by talking about how she was given more assignment at work. John does not trust her, In fact he feels betrayed by her, and He resorted to violence. He starts by verbally assaulting her, then he turned to a more physical assault. Eventually, he takes out his gun and takes her life and commit suicide.
The blue diamond ring has struck again, this time claiming the lives of two innocent lives. And this brutal cycle starts again with another couple, more on that next time.

The author's comments:

This short story was actually a school assignment, that I wrote about 3 months ago. My teacher read this and told me to submit it to a writing contest because he thought it was good.

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