Love Conquers All | Teen Ink

Love Conquers All

January 22, 2017
By alykat4 BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
alykat4 BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brian woke up with a loud groan, turning his head he groaned even louder when he saw the time. His twin brother Jonas had always woke up way earlier than what Brian was comfortable with. After a few minutes of tossing and turning Brian sighed and gave up on the thought of falling back asleep. Realizing that he had a lot of extra time, he decided to invite his boyfriend Nate over and watch tv. He didn’t have to wait that long, Nate was like Jonas and woke up very early so he was basically ready. There was a knock on the window and Brian looked over to see Nate smiling at home. He hurried over and opened the window letting him in.
“That was quick,” Brian said with a smile as he gave Nate a hug.
“Well, I woke up early,” Nate told him returning the hug.
“Sure ok let's face it you just wanted to see me that bad,” Brian said teasingly to Nate. Nate just blushed and crossed his arms mumbling something about annoying boyfriends. Brian only laughed and laid back down on his bed with Nate in his arms. He turned on the tv and put on last night's episode of The Walking Dead that they missed. Their peaceful moment was interrupted by a loud screech. Jonas had walked into the room and screeched at the scene before him, covering his eyes and backing into a wall and stumbling out of the room. Brian was with his boyfriend Nate and they were...they were...watching The Walking Dead season premiere! Nate jumped at the sudden noise and fell off the bed. Brian just sighed and turned off the tv.
“It’s ok Joanie, I turned it off,” Brian said making sure to say his oh-so-lovely nickname loudly. Jonas walked in groaning at his nickname.
“How did you even get here, I thought Brian was sleeping?” Jonas asked turning towards Nate.
“I guess you woke him up when you were getting ready. He called me and since we had so much time before school I came over.” Nate told him standing and dusting off his pants.
“Our parents are home how’d you-”
“He climbed in my window,” Brian told him moving over to the closet and finally starting to get ready. Jonas smiled sympathetically at Nate. Their parents weren’t exactly ok with that kind of thing, him acting “like a girl” was pushing it, but Brian being gay was out of the question. He has been in the closet for his whole life, Nate, however, was out to his parents and they didn’t really care. Jonas only found out because Brian sucks at lying and let it slip. It’s amazing that he’s kept it a secret for this long. He watched as Nate wrapped his arms around Brian from behind and rest his head on his shoulder. The alarm going off got all their attention and caused their eyes to widen in shock and surprise.
“Oh no! We are going to be late!” Nate yelled as they scrambled around trying to get ready.
“Brian put on some pants!” Jonas yelled at his brother who almost ran out the door in his boxers. They all ran down the stairs and out the door just as the bus came. They skidded to a stop and let out a sigh of relief as they climbed on the bus. They pulled up to school minutes later and prepared themselves for the school day. The day started off pretty normal, Brian giving Nate a quick kiss when no one was looking, and Jonas giving them a wave as they went their separate ways. After hours of suffering alone it was lunchtime and they could finally be together. Nate and Brian were sitting at their table talking about random things waiting for Jonas to join them. Jonas waltzed into the cafeteria and went straight towards his friend and his brother. After a few minutes of silence, Brian dropped a bombshell on them.
“I decided to tell mom and dad about me being gay.” Jonas choked on his sandwich and Nate spat out his water. They both stared wide-eyed at him.
“Are you sure babe, I mean I know they’ll find out eventually but are you so now’s the time,” Nate asked.
“I’m done lying, this is who I am and they’ll have to accept that.” The conversation ended when the bell rang, soon school was over and the boys found themselves in Jonas and Brian’s kitchen.
“Alright, I’m doing it. I’ll be right back, you two can just chill here.” Brian said before walking out of the room leaving behind a very worried Nate and Jonas. It was quiet for a minute before Jonas heard his parents and brother arguing loudly. The argument ended quickly and he could hear footsteps run upstairs, his brother most likely. Their dad stormed into the kitchen looking angrier than Jonas has ever seen him.
“You are never allowed on this property again. If I see you near my son I’ll call the cops so fast you won’t see it coming.” His dad yelled pointing at Nate. Nate clearly didn’t know what to do but Jonas made him leave before things got worse. Jonas quickly ran past his fuming father and up to his room to find Brian. He heard crying from their closet and walked over to it and tried to open it. He realized that the door was locked and tried to get Brian to open it.
“Brian open the door...Brian!” Jonas yelled wriggling the door knob. Brian opened the door and let Jonas walk inside. He looked absolutely helpless, tears were streaming down past his puffy red-rimmed eyes and he couldn’t control his sobs. Jonas just held him as he cried and listened as he told him what happened.
“I told them. I told them I was gay and they freaked out,” Brian told him when he calmed down enough. “I thought they would accept me, but I was wrong, so wrong.”
“Brian, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says I love you and will always stand behind you and Nate loves you, Kyle loves you, Violet loves you, and Leila loves you,” Jonas told him.
“Yea I know but I just wish mom and dad did too,” Brian told Jonas before wiping his eyes and putting on a small sad smile.
“Don’t let them get to you. I know that you have a game tomorrow so save all your emotions for that.” Jonas told him. Brian only nodded and tried to wipe away his tears, he knew that Jonas was right and got up to go practice for tomorrow's game. By the time he was done Jonas was already in bed, after a few minutes he was too.              
Brian knew that he couldn’t wallow in self-pity any longer. He was usually a pretty confident guy and never really got too embarrassed until now. He was finally able to play in an actual game, not just a practice, but of course, like what usually happens, he blew it. The whole team blamed him and even though they didn’t say it the hostility was still there. That’s not even the worst part, they were talking about how the “gay fairy boy”, who happened to be his boyfriend, could do better than that and all these other homophobic slurs and insults. It was one thing to insult him, but it was another to insult those close to him.
“Watch it jerk.” Brian spat glaring at his teammate Alec.
“Why, you know it’s true. Besides, why do you care? Are you a fairy too?” He asked Brian smirking. All Brian saw was red. Before Alec had time to blink Brian was on top of him yelling and cursing. At this point Brian didn’t really have control of his body He had all this pent-up anger about being rejected by his parents because of his sexuality, so hearing Alec say all that was his breaking point. The locker room was in complete chaos, it finally stopped when the coach came in and yanked Brian off of Alec. Alec looked absolutely horrible, his face was all cut up and bruised, there was blood everywhere and he looked ready to pass out.
“Don’t you ever talk about him again you hear me!” Brian yelled at Alec who numbly nodded. “And you know what I’m gay. Yup, I’m one of those ‘gay fairy boys’ and that boy you were talking about earlier his name's Nate, he’s my boyfriend.” Brian screamed at his whole team before turning and walking out of the locker rooms and on his way home. When he got there he was immediately bombarded with questions from Jonas. He ignored every one of them and walked upstairs silently. Sensing that his twin needed someone he called Nate and told him to come over. Nate, figuring out that something was wrong, came over quickly. Without even glancing at Jonas he went upstairs. Once he saw Brian he gasped and ran to get a first aid kit. It was quiet for awhile, Nate patching him up with no questions until he got to his knuckles. They were all cut up and bruised, the kind you get from punching something or someone.
“Brian, what happened and don’t try to lie to me,” Nate said looking at him with concern. Brian sighed and began telling him the full story when he was done Nate just stared at him.
“I just couldn’t let them talk about you like that. The last part just slipped, I’m out to everyone now,” Brian said softly. Nate paused in the middle of cleaning Brian’s knuckles and sighed sadly.
“I’m so sorry Brian.” He said because he truly was, this was all his fault. Brian was sticking up for him and he got caught up in the moment and outed himself. Silently Nate finished patching up Brian’s knuckles and lifted up both of them, brought them up to his mouth and kissed both of them. “I love you,” Nate said softly. Brian’s eyes widened and he felt himself begin to blush. His heart jumped at hearing Nate say it for the first time. Nate looked away embarrassed at having let that slip out. Brian grabbed Nate’s hands and smiled at him.
“I love you too,” Brian told him leaning over to give him a kiss until they were interrupted.
“Oh my god! That’s the cutest thing ever!” Jonas squealed from the doorway. Nate and Brian blushed bright red and jumped apart from each other.
“Jonas! H-how long have you been standing there?” Brian yelled now feeling quite embarrassed.
“Oh you know long enough to take a video,” Jonas said with a sly grin. Brian jumped up and began running after him, while poor Nate resembled a tomato trying to form coherent words. Brian knew it would take getting used too but being out felt a whole lot better. Little did he know that things weren’t going to go so smoothly at school the next day.
Alec growled in annoyance as Brian walked with his brother to the cafeteria. He was going to get revenge on him and his boyfriend no matter what. It’s all because of them that his reputation is ruined. Ever since Brian freaked out because he insulted his little boyfriend he’s been the laughing stock of the school. Everywhere he goes everyone talks about how he got beat up by the gay boy.
“Yo Alec wait up,” Max called out from behind him. “Where have you been dude? Ever since the locker room incident you’ve been avoiding us.” He told Alec now matching his strides to walk beside me.
“I just can’t believe I let myself get beat up by someone who's gay.” Alec spat out angrily. Max just looked at him with...anger?
“That’s what you’re upset about, the fact that he’s gay.” Max looked at him incredulously. “Unbelievable. I actually can’t believe you’re this mad about him being gay. If anything you should be mad that he beat the complete heck out of you.” He told Alec, his voice barely concealing his disgust.
“Don’t look at me like that you hypocrite. Back in the locker room you weren’t exactly sticking up for him, and I even heard you laughing at my jokes. Don’t tell me that him being gay doesn’t disgust the heck out of you.” Alec growled at him daring him to say anything.
“You know what Alec it doesn’t. He’s a good guy and I could care less what gender he goes for.” Max told him before walking away while shaking his head. Alec growled to himself, more annoyed than he’s ever been. Loud laughter distracted him from his thoughts and he looked over only to narrow his eyes in annoyance and disgust. Brian was walking out of the cafeteria with his boyfriend instead of his brother. Alec looked down at the baseball bat in his hands and let his mind linger dangerously, he had baseball practice in a few minutes but this was more important. Once he noticed that they were going to eat outside he smirked, no one eats outside they were going to be all alone. Alec followed behind them making sure that no one saw him, not realizing that Max saw him. They both looked so happy that it almost made him walk away until he remembered what Brian did. Brian noticed him before Nate did and angled himself so that he was blocking Alec from Nate, that kid looked like he couldn’t protect himself from anything. Brian was saying something but Alec didn’t hear him, he just stared at the bat that was clutched tightly in his hands. All these awful thoughts were filling Alec’s head like poison. He lifted the bat slowly and brought it down hard onto Brian, his eyes widened dramatically and he gasped as he sank to ground holding his chest. The rage just consumed Alec and he just kept swinging, he froze momentarily when he heard Brian’s wrist snap. Nate was crying and yelling for help behind him before grabbing Alec’s arm and trying to pull him off. He was easily shoved away and now Alec’s rage was directed at him. Alec was about to hit him but before he could he heard Brian curse and tackle him from behind. He shouldn’t be able to move, guess the thought of having someone he cared for getting hurt fueled his adrenaline. Alec easily pinned him down and repeatedly punched him in the face, his eyes went out of focus before shutting completely. Alec felt arms pulling him off of Brian and it took him a little bit before I realized that it was Max, and he looked mad. Alec looked over at where Brian was passed out and saw his brother. Nate and some teachers standing over him before pulling out their phones and calling someone. Alec was pulled away from them by Max and lead to the principal's office. He stared down at his bloody knuckles with empty eyes. he got his revenge the whole school won’t be laughing anymore, so why did he feel so guilty? Alec was called into the office and he got up and began walking numbly, feeling nothing and everything all at once. When the door shut behind him and he heard the sirens of an ambulance he knew that he messed up. Sorry won’t ever be able to fix this. Jonas was in the ambulance with his brother wondering why things like this kept happening. When they arrived at the hospital he refused to leave his brothers side and even after they told him he wouldn’t wake up for awhile he still stayed.
A soft groan broke the silence of the hospital room. Brian slowly opened his eyes and winced at the harsh brightness of the lights. He was suddenly made all too aware of the pounding pain in his head. Holding his head in his hands he could do nothing but try not to scream as the pain intensified. The machines around him started beeping wildly and he had his eyes open long enough to see nurses and a doctor run in before it all went black. Awhile later he opened his eyes and was immediately attacked in a hug from his twin brother Jonas.
“Are you feeling a bit better?” Jonas asked as he gave his brother more space.
“I guess, I can’t really remember what happened, though,” Brian said giving Jonas a questioning look.
“Alec attacked you and Nate during lunch. He had a baseball bat’re just really lucky you know that? I was so worried when I found out. You have a concussion from getting hit on the head, your wrist is broken and you hurt your ankle. That’s pretty much it, besides a couple of minor cuts and bruises. The doctor said that you need to stay here for a little while, though.” Jonas explained. The memories hit Brian like a truck, but where was Nate? His heart began beating rapidly and his blood grew cold at the thought of something happening to Nate.
“How’s Nate? Is he hurt? I tried to protect-” Brian’s rapid fire questioning was interrupted by Jonas.
“Nate is fine, thanks to you playing hero Alec didn’t touch him.” Brian let out a huge sigh of relief at the news that his boyfriend was ok. He took a look around the hospital just now noticing the lack of people. 
“Where’s mom and dad and everyone else?” Brian asked, Jonas didn’t say anything for a moment and just gave Brian a sympathetic look.
“Kyle, Leila and Violet were here earlier but had to go. Mom and dad well um they didn’t      
Come.” Jonas said quietly. Brian didn’t hear the rest of what Jonas was saying it all faded into background music. He knew that his parents and him had a very rocky relationship since he told them he was gay, but to not show up at the hospital was really bad. Brian felt himself shaking and desperately tried to stop the tears from coming, he would not cry because of them. He was brought back to reality by his hospital room door slamming open and a blurry figure running in and hugging him. The person hugging him was sobbing and telling him about how worried he was and to never do it again. Brian realized that it was his boyfriend Nate and he wrapped his good arm around him and told him that everything was alright.
“No everything's not alright you could have died,” Nate said giving Brian a stern look.
“But I didn’t,” Brian told him before giving his forehead a kiss. Nate just continued crying and refused to let him go.
“Um you know I’m still here right? Actually, you know what I’ll just leave.” Jonas said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and leaving. Nate and Brian stayed like that for awhile and only had to move when doctors came in to check on him. Jonas and Nate came to check on him every day, he was starting to go crazy being in the room all day. The doctors told him that in a few days he would be able to go home, but he would still be on bedrest. His parents had yet to visit him but he wasn’t really shocked, they made it perfectly clear how much they wanted him. Brian knew that it would take a long time to heal but it would happen eventually, he just need time. He would find out soon enough that things were going to start looking up.
Brian was finally allowed to go home and he was excited, to say the least. After being stuck in a hospital room for what felt like forever doing nothing, it was exciting to be able to finally leave. Since him and his parents still had a very rocky relationship they weren’t the ones to welcome him home, instead, Jonas and Nate did. Brian would be lying if he said that didn’t hurt. The problem was that being home wasn’t what Brian imagined, it was exactly like the hospital except he was in his own house, not a hospital room. So here he was, laying on his bed watching old Criminal Minds reruns bored out of his mind. After another 30 minutes of Criminal Minds and extreme boredom, he tried to call Nate. Considering he was at school it didn’t surprise Brian that much when he didn’t pick up the phone. Groaning to himself Brian clumsily got up and mumbled about how annoying his boyfriend was and began making his way to the bedroom door. Walking on crutches with your wrist in a cast is not exactly easy so the trip to the stairs took a lot longer than it should’ve. When he reached the stairs he began to rethink his decision of getting up. He was still groggy from all the medicine and just as he was turning around to go back to his room, of course, he slipped and fell. Luckily he didn’t fall down all the stairs, he just barely hit one step before he stopped. He heard footsteps and assumed it was Jonas, but who he saw instead shocked him. His mother stood above him with a worried expression on her face.
“Are you ok?” Her worried voice broke Brian out of his dazed confusion.
“Y-yeah.” He muttered quietly still shocked as he shakily climbed to his feet. His mother reached out to steady him but pulled back quickly as if she’d been burned. Brian fought the urge to roll his eyes the look on her face said it all, she was disgusted by him. He turned around and hobbled quickly to his room but froze when he heard the words that left his mother’s mouth.
“I’m sorry,” She said it so quietly that Brian wasn’t even sure she said until she kept talking. “This is all new for me when you told me it was a surprise. I reacted wrong and I know that but…” She trailed off when she realized Brian had ignored her and kept walking. She knew that if she wasn’t careful she could lose her baby forever. “I don’t care that you’re gay! I care that you’re happy and if he makes you happy then I don’t care. I love you and I can’t lose you, I just can’t lose you.” She yelled her voice softening as tears rolled down her cheeks. Brian just stared at her in shock. He felt like he was a little boy again, scared and wanting his mother. It was silent for a minute before Brian walked over to his mom and stood in front of her. Brian paused for a moment before throwing his arms around his mom and crying. It felt like a giant weight was lifted off his chest and warmth spread throughout his body. This was how it was supposed to feel, he finally felt accepted for who he was. After all this pain and suffering it finally worked out in the end, he was finally happy. They stayed hugging like that for awhile, Brian couldn’t remember the last time his mother held him like this even before he came out to them. “Don’t worry about your father, I won’t let him stop you from loving someone.” His mom told him after they stopped hugging. Brian couldn’t form any words, he was so happy and content. He knew that the future was still uncertain and there would be many obstacles, but for right now he was happy and nothing could change that.

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